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ghost believers


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ok this will sound very odd but i have Clairvoyance...which for ppl whoont know it is french for "clear vision." i have seen things through other ppl's eyes. i can also see and feel spirits. once i felt my dead adopted brother hug me...NO JOKE! i also see shadow figures out of hte corner of my eyes...staring at me.


post if you believe in this kind of stuff and tell me what u have seen....



ok what just happened was my TV flickered and it came back on...on mute and i heard the voice of my daughter (who died) say "momma"




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Sorry I didn't get back to your email, I have been busy. I would like to retract my earlier advice. The other people would be helpful, but considering what it sounds like you have been through from just you two posts, I say go to a THERAPIST.


As for paranormal and extrasensory abilities. I am a believer.

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when i was little i use to see shadow figures out the corner of my eyes and when i'd turned to look they'd disappear. i use to think that they were ghosts or whatever. but now when i look back at it it was probably just all in my head. it was probably the result of watching one too many horror movies. anyways although i dont believe in ghosts and all that other stuff i do believe that people can have telepathic abilities.


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yeah, i believe in telepathic shit..i think it has barely even been touched upon...even all the psychics and shit havent done anything with it..when it is discovered it will probley be somesort of hidden feature of ours..and yeah i have fucked up dreams before shit happens..the weekend before the wtc..as i said in another post..i had a dream of a tower blowing up at the top..i thought that was interesting..does anyone else have as many dejavu's as i do..?

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when I was 11 my family moved out of one apt. into one where an old lady was murdered by her son. It took about 6 months, but "things" started to happen.

Watching some tv.. hear nothing. Go into the kitchen for a glass of juice or whatever and all the cupboards would be open. We would close them, walk out of the room and wait about a minute, go back in and they would all be open again.


One new years eve my dads buddy from down the hall came over to spend a quiet night. My dad was telling him about all the weird shit that goes down in the apt and buddy just wasn't havin any of it. From the living room was a door out onto the balcony that you could only close by locking it with one of those U shaped deadbolts. Well... all of a sudden, just when the skepticism was at its highest... WHAM. The door flies open and buries the doorknob into the wall. My dads buddy took off out of the apt so fuckin fast.. didn't close the door behind him and never came back. refused to come back. And yes, it was January so the the door was locked shut.


we as well had the usual... water turning on and off when nobody was in the room, strange "liquids" driping down the walls in certain places, lights turning on and off..


I guess you could say "I believe".

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