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What are your chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse?


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@cunt i'd reword the running at a fence - throw your pack off and climb vs cowboy it up question. didnt have much faith in "try and find a hole" but knew i'd be dead without a pack.


Well alot of the questions are meant to put you in really shitty positions.


That's kind of the point of the ''Toss my pack but keep my gun'' answer, it will slow your climb. You should consider your weight and how well you can climb a fence. If you are already not the best at hopping fences, you need to hop as lightly as possible.

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every 2 or 3 days I'll have eggs and put around 100 grams of deli meat in them and scrambled with what most think is too much cracked pepper. the other days just fruit or cereal. but cereal takes a box to make me not hungry by break time. I've got a stomach that is too large I think, or I'm just a glutton.


I'd definitely be tossing a pack over a fence. fuck losing all your shit. and if you're carrying a pack that's over 40 kilos you're carrying too much stuff anyways. don't most of you guys do things which require fence hopping anyways? with packs full of shit if you paint.

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@ Pen. Your fridge game is mighty, you fucking love eggs though homie.


As for the pack question, for hypothetical purposes the fence is however high that would be too high for you to throw a bag full of canned food and bullets over.


The situations are suppose to suck, I love to see people's logic in certain circumstances.

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And some people could, I tried to leave answers like that out because I wanted people to answer as close to reality as possible.


If ''Climb the fence with your heavy bag'' was an option, even fat asses would say it.


It's like for the first question, you can't say ''bring my gun'' if you don't have one, but from looking at the data people obviously don't get that concept.

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30kg pack, 9ft chain link fence and solid shoes, I doubt anyone is climbing over with speed.


I ditched the pack and kept the rifle. You can last a long time without food and in an urban area food is everywhere. You may need the firearm within 30 seconds and it's not weighing more than 5kg so it's not going to slow you down in any meaningful way when climbing a fence, especially if you have it slung.

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@ Christo


Yeah, nurgas think they're Hercules and can sling a backpack full of cans and bullets

over a 9-11 ft fence....dream on.


That's why the gun option is the best. Your gun wouldn't slow you down too much, again the only difference between it and completely ditching your pack depends entirely on what type of firearm you would carry, your personal fitness and if you even have a gun to carry.

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Imagine if this happened literally as you're reading this - what are your options for weapons???

you have no option to leave your immediate environment... no "I'mma run to the gun shop on the block and get a shotty" it's what you have around you.


be honest


looking around me if it kicked off right this second my choices for weapons would be extremely limited.


I'm at work

if it kicked off this second I'd have


No gun

and as far as blunt instruments went I have a miniature cricket bat

and in the corner of the office is an ornamental didgeridoo made from some hardwood which would be good for a couple of hits ( heavy as hell but likely to split).

golf umbrella.


I'm dead

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I have several blunt weapons, some id rather not name.

I also have a 9mm. ( The shoty is in the trunk


Id be alright, I could barricade my place pretty easily.


Honestly I don't know ht my next plan of action would be. Probably hold out or a little and see how bad it gets.

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I have guns, knives, bats, sledges, a couple axes, hatchets, a pry bar...

A couple cases of MREs in the garage, and a water-bottle-filter.


I could be out of my house in under ten minutes for sure.


I'd head into the mountains. Probably to a place my dad used to work. There is a full shop there w/ generators, welders, heavy machinery, a 500 gallon fuel tank.

Miles from anything, plenty of water and game, and I know the terrain really well so I'd know exactly where to set up.


At that point, wait it out.

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Sounds like you'd be set Fist.


On a sidenote, the two answers that make me laugh(and face palm) the most are:


The car question when people say they will jump out of a car going almost 50mph

But the best is when they say they will try to outrun a dog....yeah, good luck with that.

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Yeah, the water part is important. Id fill the tub/sinks/whatever I could.


Being a young recent college grad my fridge usually isn't too stocked, but im

good on the weapons for a while.


Being on the second floor makes it easier to barricade also, id sit out on my balcony and watch the mayhem after securing my doorways.

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You could just put a whole bunch of shit in front of it. Like put a mattress and box springs up and then put a few couches and chairs, or boxes full of shit behind it.


All depends on how long you have obviously. My shit doesn't have windows that are accessible to the ground and my doors have mad locks on them.


Good old southern architecture.

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Imagine if this happened literally as you're reading this - what are your options for weapons???

you have no option to leave your immediate environment... no "I'mma run to the gun shop on the block and get a shotty" it's what you have around you.


be honest


looking around me if it kicked off right this second my choices for weapons would be extremely limited.


I'm at work

if it kicked off this second I'd have


No gun

and as far as blunt instruments went I have a miniature cricket bat

and in the corner of the office is an ornamental didgeridoo made from some hardwood which would be good for a couple of hits ( heavy as hell but likely to split).

golf umbrella.


I'm dead


I'm sitting on the laundry toilet - splash bleach, sling poo.


I'm a survivor.

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I have a gift from my brother in law that has literally no use but to take out zombies. Super light throwing axe with a spike on one side and sharp as fuck blade that'd easily drive through a perfectly healthy skull let alone some undead fuck. It's totally smooth and hardly hooked so I feel like it'd be easy to pull out of said skulls. Don't own any guns as I'm in Canada but I do have the fact that it's -16 Celsius so if dudes hearts stopped beating it'd be quick clean up time after a week day-z style. Crushing frozen heads



But on top of awesome non tiring throwing hatchet wielding I've got a fair few spring additives folding knives which seem to be pretty handy for the surprise zombies in walking dead. I have lots of tools and blunt objects including hammers of varying sizes, shovels, axe etc. I also have plenty of shit to keep you from getting undead shit in your eyes and mouth like face masks goggles helmets (from welding/grinding/doing regular shop type stuff). I feel like in these instances if be a bit worried about that shit going into your stomach or eyes. At least until I was used to a fucked up world

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