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Max Gelman story. NYPD watches as man fights off Gelman then takes credit for arrest

Crocodile Tears

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I don't know if you guys remember this story but this dude killed his gf and her mom and some dude in the street plus someone else. And then ran a muck fucking up people for the rest of the night till he got caught. He was on 12oz posting in brickslayers days before he snapped.




Anyway I saw this shit about how he attacked this dude and the police did nothing while it was happening. Its worth a look to see how nypd is not responsible to protect you like everyone thinks.




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It's not about this loser you jackass, it's how fucked up the pussy cops handle situations and then the media follows suit and you or any of us know about it.


I can see how you'd be surprised that me of all people would say something flippant on here. Sorry man, your threads are off limits from now on. :rolleyes:


It's completely fucked up though; it will be interesting to see if anything comes of it.

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its like, take it easy there croc - shit as serious as this & worse gets posted on the somewhat regular in the f d po thread. the main thing that was remotely even interesting was the fact that he was an oontzer & that he mightve had some posts still floating about (well, yeah thats like your opinion man). also yes - this is a big surprise, except it isnt

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But for the record, it makes me physically sick when I hear stories such as this. Its like when you were a kid, the entire time you did not want to believe there is a Monster under your bed. And for the most part, you get away with never having to confirm it because you didn't see any Monster. The same way I don't want to believe cops are this shitty or this pussy. Well this shit is real and Its so rampant you cant pretend anymore.



Fucking guy is getting slashed to pieces while the cops are letting it happen. How the fuck am I suppose to process that, because I always see cops arresting the old Peruvian women for selling cinnamon sticks on the platform, and Ive seen them escort singing panhandlers off the train. They're enforcing the law right? Am I to believe one of these bozos with a badge say to himself "I do my job I am keeping the piece, and restoring justice." Or is he just making easy arrests after easy arrests. I posed some other tirade about the poelice somewhere which was more articulate and coherent, but this is just really churlish to me.

Dude was getting lacerated on the face and head for christ sakes. As a citizen I would have done something never mind if its my JOB to do something.



Its so upsetting I almost wanna be like some weirdo vietnam vet guy with long hair and a megaphone yelling shit in union square.

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To those saying they're not surprised, I think this is a bit of a different ballgame. A cop being an asshole and jamming people up for no reason is one thing. It's a whole other deal when someone is essentially being murdered directly in front of them. I think it's safe to say that even the biggest douchebags on the force would step in. The fact that apparently isn't always the case is scary.


Then again, all the NYPD has done for me since I've been here is make my drunk train rides uncomfortable. FUCK EM.

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Fuck you Real, you don't know what ive seen.


Ive see time after time the cops not doing their job. From simple shit like people getting robbed to people getting beat almost to death... its not some ''oh man I got a speeding ticket fuck the pigs shit''. Time after time im amazed at the lack of actual police work in every segment of crime.


You're not the fucking authority on everything.

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aint mad at you croc no worries. the fact that theyre tied up in court & their argument is that they had no duty to protect him is completely ridiculous, obviously. its definitely not a common occurrence, this level of bullshittery, but i guess i was just saying that its just no record breaker.. or something like that

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Devil's Advocate:


I'm not convinced that the cops were standing there watching him get all slashed up. It sounds like things would have been over pretty quick given his story of events - what he described probably would have been over in less than a minute. If the cops are in the drivers compartment ignoring the other guy tapping on the window they probably wouldn't have noted the fight until the attacker was tackled to the ground. Going by the story tellers take that's around about when the cops tapped him on the shoulder.


How the cops conducted themselves after that is probably worse in my opinion, so don't take this as me trying to defend the cops, that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm suggesting that the cops may not have necessarily just stood and watched this guy fight the knifer, that's all.




...., awaits the obligatory "fuck you cop lover" carry on because my immediate and only reaction is not "fuck the police" regardless of anything and everything else.

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You're not the fucking authority on everything.


Right, apparently that's shai "always bringing the knowledge" because your views line up with his in this case.


My stance has never/will never be popular or liked when it comes to this subject, that's nothing new on these boards.


But I'm sticking with my original opinion that someone literally being murdered in front of a police officer with no reaction on their part is a whole new level of incompetence and cowardice that doesn't fall under just being a lazy asshole who cuts corners and writes people off. I think we can both agree it's 100 percent pussy/despicable/fuck that cop.


Aaaaand just because I missed my coffee and feel like being a smartass this morning:


Fuck you Real, you don't know what ive seen.



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Regardless of what the police did or did not do in this situation, the video you posted is a bit disingenuous. Joe is suing the NYPD for negligence, in order to prove negligence there must be a duty, a special relationship, between the parties; one that creates an obligation of sorts. The police do not have an obligation or duty to protect every citizen, I'm sorry but this is the law. Think for a second, if the police did have such an obligation, literally any failure on their part could result in them being held tortiously liable. I know it sounds shitty, but legally you can't just sue the police because they failed to prevent a crime or failed to interrupt a crime being committed. Unfortunately, the fact that they may or may not have been in a position to do so is relatively immaterial.

Further, I took the time to look up the attorney handling the case, Edmond Chakmakian, and while I do not know him, his website gives a pretty clear indication of the type of litigator he is. Mr. Chakmakian is taking advantage of a high profile case in order to garner a sizeable settlement for his client. He is not interested in challenging long standing liability laws in regards to police, he is interested in using the publicity and general disposition of the public to win a settlement which he will then post on his website as a badge of honor.

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Ive see time after time the cops not doing their job. From simple shit like people getting robbed to people getting beat almost to death... its not some ''oh man I got a speeding ticket fuck the pigs shit''. Time after time im amazed at the lack of actual police work in every segment of crime.


Sorry for the double post, but these are the complaints of a child. "I've seen the police abuse their power/not do their job; fuck the police". Grow up man, do you have idea what NYC would be like without police? There will be people who abuse their power or don't do their job in literally every walk of life, police are supposed to be held to a higher standard but the job doesn't exactly draw the ripest apples on the tree, nah mean?

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Right, apparently that's shai "always bringing the knowledge" because your views line up with his in this case.


We don't always agree. I make a distinction between cops as individuals and the police as an institution, he doesn't see it that way.


whoever looks to the police for help will probably be sorely disappointed


It's like calling a plumber to mow your lawn...when I need help I call a friend.

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