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sandy hook (conspiracy)


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Some people will invent the weirdest scenarios to rationalize the irrational...my visceral response has to do with how I feel about the type of person who will take that rationalization and inflate it into something that is impervious to facts, logic or reason then beat you over the head with it.


To some people, EVERYTHING is a conspiracy...and if you don't buy into their delusions, you're just one of the sheeple in the herd. What if I just want to believe that the world isn't that rotten of a place? I don't think that's unreasonable, I've been through a lot and seen a lot but I'm not ready to believe that we're shooting kids in schoolyards to further their political agendas yet.

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According to some conspiracy heads no one every does anything bad and illness doesn't exist.


Every substantial attack or serious illness in the world is a govt/illuminati/homogrove/NWO creation. It's like if you took away these secret organisations and the US Govt all bad things in the world would disappear, there would be no terrorism, no massacres no diseases or epidemics and aircraft would stop collecting condensation on their wings.


Nothing ever happens naturally, everything is constructed.



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I guess I'm "mad at being called stupid" just for calling a spade a spade when I say only retards even remotely buy into this.


Sure, I'm slinging insults in Crossfire where cooler heads prevail. With this drivel being the topic of discussion I'm just treating the situation appropriately.

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There is nothing wrong with questioning "official" accounts from the media. This case has some of the most convoluted cluster-fucked varying reports I've ever seen...


A lot of the conspiracy videos touch on things that I don't think could be caught slipping so hard, ie girl being shot then posing with Obama a few days later... The "Crises actors" theory doesn't sit with me because I might chuckle or act weird if cameras were all in my face while I talked about my dead kid... I haven't had that happen so I can't elaborate.


What is weird is the ME swears it was all rifle shots, now they say there was no rifle, we get weird angles of the school and no pics of blown out windows or anything. Columbine showed it all.


No record of this Lanza kid since 2009, yet he was some internet and gaming whiz with no online footprint?


Also, this seems to be another almost too good to be true for a conspiracy here...




Look at the Dec 14th link and the time. Kinda scary, but again if FEMA was behind it would they really publish this "drill"?


I looked at the 9/11 thread and I think symbols hit it with this:


unfortunately, the masses do not care about this stuff.

it'll take years before the public's psyche is equipped to fathom this sort of conjecture


i didn't read the paper but i've seen a couple PBS specials on the topic

basically refuting official versions of events.


but people are complacent.


they have their hummer, and their gas. so fuck it.


We get over shit so quick the few remaining who question accounts are labeled as conspiracy nuts. I mean now we're all just rooting for LL Cool J Rambo cop. The fuck is a Sandy Hook?


I also realize I quoted symbols from 6 years ago, dunno if symbols still stands by that...

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Just to point it out though, when you say "here" are you talking about the entire forum? The crossfire section? Or this thread?


I honestly don't want to get into a debate about this at all.


To me it's just funny.


This thread. I know I've been abusive to McLovin and RIPS recently out of frustration and it's not a great look, I agree. But I also don't think I get all hurt and serious if/when people return the favour.


Secondly, I can understand why you wouldn't really want to debate the issue as it's a pointless argument. However, on the other hand it's pretty weak to come in to a forum, make a strong call and then refuse to back it up. I'd say if you're going to do that, then simply don't say anything in the first place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One thing about this incident that struck me as odd in comparison to others of its nature was the literal frenzy the media worked themselves into trying to be the first to break a key piece of news. Not that it was an odd thing for the media to do I suppose, but I guess I had never seen it unfold quite like that. As a result, anyone stuck looking at a TV or computer that day (as I was) received dozens of different accounts including various statements that now appear to have been outright falsehoods. Anyone remember how there was a second shooter? How about when he was captured in the woods behind the school? Everyone was so busy trying to put out every half-assed piece of info they could find it's no wonder that people are picking up on it and saying "hey wait, what about this "fact" that I heard reported?". However, those people are the vast minority since most of the country has already moved on with only residual talks of gun control and mental health left dwindling by the day. My real problem with this incident, outside of the obvious, is that I haven't really seen anyone truly publicly chastize the media for the way in which it was reported.

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This thread. I know I've been abusive to McLovin and RIPS recently out of frustration and it's not a great look, I agree. But I also don't think I get all hurt and serious if/when people return the favour.


Secondly, I can understand why you wouldn't really want to debate the issue as it's a pointless argument. However, on the other hand it's pretty weak to come in to a forum, make a strong call and then refuse to back it up. I'd say if you're going to do that, then simply don't say anything in the first place.


What do I have to back up? You just admitted it.


I will also continue to say whatever I want, thanks.


Just a reminder, no AR-15 used in this massacre.

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When I first saw the "3D printer" video, on here I think, I immediately thought damn could you stick a gun in that bitch and copy it?


I agree with the media being responsible for so much conflicting reports. I also watched the entire thing go down live. They were saying his brother (Ryan, who they first reported as the shooter) had killed his dad in Hoboken, and that a "friend and girlfriend in Jersey were killed" as well.


Then that weird Medical Examiner swears all shots were done close range with a rifle, now they're saying only handguns.


Yesterday they drummed up more shit on this Adam kid and said even more contradictory shit like the kid couldn't feel pain, had to be in the dark because light and loud noises hurt him... But the same article talks about his Mom bringing him to gun ranges... Sensitive to loud sound then shoots guns?


Also there's that Florida University professor who teaches a "conspiracy theory" course and wrote on his blog the possibility of a cover-up... Immediately Fox news is trying to have him fired and discredited even when he doesn't straight out say it was a cover-up, just theorizing how it could have been.


Everything was shown in Columbine in '99 including shitty cctv of them blasting kids, damage to the building etc... This Sandy Hook high-tech school with a camera ID push button door system must have gotten the entry on video. We also are never shown the supposed blown out window or any damage.


I'm not jumping ship this was a massive Government psy-op, but it is the most cluster-fucked reporting of a major event I've ever seen, and that results in legitimate probing and/or conspiracy theories... What a mess

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Your screen name fits you well.


How so?


The AR-15 never left the trunk of the car, this has been confirmed.


You're on thin ice br0, pretty much anyone who calls a spade a spade when it comes to crap like this is considered a "troll" in Crossfire...


A spade a spade. Right. No the problem isn't calling things out, it is the crying when it is done back to you in the same manner.


Also 90% of the posts in this section are now trolls. No contribution to the thread or insight involved. Just "calling spades a spade". Exit stage right.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know shit about gun laws. But why would banning assault rifles lesson the liklyhood of crazy people doing crazy shit. The guy could have walked in there with a box full of molotove cocktails. Does that mean we should ban gas? Legislation won't deter you from commiting crimes if your a psychopath

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  • 5 weeks later...






^^ Also note that the grass is green behind him

But at the end of the 100% proof video you can see snow on the ground

and he was believed to lived walking distance from the school.








SANDY HOOK : An Inquisitive Couple's Visit to Newtown, Connecticut



100% Proof Sandy Hook Shooting Was a Hoax - Hollywood Green Screen


9-11 as an inside job.

Sandy Hook is a hoax..

Don't trust the government....

The media lies.

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