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For all you naive, cop defending, retards...


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Do we really need pacifist lesbian police officers? Seriously if the cops can't beat the shit out of crazy people what is this world coming to? You ever been sitting at a bus stop and some crazy person starts going off on you? Don't you wish the cops would just show up and beat the shit out of them and take them to jail so you don't have to deal with the crazies? Those police were doing a public service by beating the crazy out of that guy as far as I see it. That lesbian cop should get fired, she obviously wants crazy people wandering around the streets harassing people like me and you.

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The police problem in the US is a direct result of the gun culture in that country.






*looks around condescendingly and leaves the room before anyone can reply*


Well other countries with a much different gun culture have similar if not the same issues.

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Nuh uh, it's the result of a population who think they have rights instead of bowing down to their superior overlords as they should.


Vote #1 Obama


obama is the latest and greatest in a decade-and-a-half long campaign by the US government to strip americans of constitutional rights, republican or democrat, it doesn't matter who happens to be in office the results are the same:


domestic wiretaps

unlimited detention

military tribunals


the list goes on ...

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obama is the latest and greatest in a decade-and-a-half long campaign by the US government to strip americans of constitutional rights, republican or democrat, it doesn't matter who happens to be in office the results are the same:


domestic wiretaps

unlimited detention

military tribunals


the list goes on ...


That's just what they want you to think.




I'd completely hit while she was blowing a goat on the internet wearing a 12oz shit and give you a shout out, one hand catching an etch tag on her back the other high fiving the goat.


I'll get my goat costume.

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The police problem in the US is a direct result of the gun culture in that country.






*looks around condescendingly and leaves the room before anyone can reply*



If anything, it's a result of a lack of gun culture.


When my parents and grandparents came up, everybody had guns and the cops had a completely different attitude toward the general public.

Unless you were black, I guess.

Nowadays we're all treated like "niggers".

I guess that's the cops interpretation of equal rights.

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obama is the latest and greatest in a decade-and-a-half long campaign by the US government to strip americans of constitutional rights, republican or democrat, it doesn't matter who happens to be in office the results are the same:


domestic wiretaps

unlimited detention

military tribunals


the list goes on ...




If you're gonna go there, you're going to have to go back a lot further than a decade or two or even three.


Just tune out, drop out, and let the ignorance cascade over you.

"Hey everybody... fuck Obama!!! Let Romney take his place... it'll be OK.

It really won't be that bad...


Who gives a shit about what happens to this country???

It's all gonna end in December anyways, right?"

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If anything, it's a result of a lack of gun culture.


When my parents and grandparents came up, everybody had guns and the cops had a completely different attitude toward the general public.

Unless you were black, I guess.

Nowadays we're all treated like "niggers".

I guess that's the cops interpretation of equal rights.



more people have guns/handgun permits now than ever before, and gun support is higher now than ever before. i think that dude mentioning tougher policing as a result of more people having guns is kindof interesting, because usually more people with guns should = less actual police intervention, you would think. crazies will get guns either way, and the general law abiding public will do what they can to keep up with psychos if they care about defense.


i really don't like or care much about videos like what you posted in this thread. i can't see anything but the guy getting tackled, and i barely see punches being thrown. most "emotionally disturbed" people would know they are gonna get fucked up if they act hostile in a situation like that. sounds to me like you're sympathizing a bit too much with a random crazy dude and a couple overly emotional/nurturing bitches on a news station.



if the dude did just get a random beating and this cop who tried to stop it is getting fired/suspended, then yeah...that's fucked up. now what? there's plenty of cops who get awards for not using lethal force when they SHOULD have, and i know dudes who have gotten awards like that. in other words, i don't think this chick cop absolutely did the right thing, and you can't see shit from the video.


proceed with the negs.

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I'll get my goat costume.



Let me get this correct... you have a goat costume? you like to wear this goat costume? you like to wear this goat costume during sex? Ok that makes you a furry and thats weird and creepy, seriously just weird and creepy. But no I transgress... So you want to dress up in your goat costume and get a blowjob from this lesbo cop chick? And you want to do this so that you can give me a high five as I am fucking her in the ass rocking a 12oz shirt catching an etch tag on her back on the interwebs... Ok seriously weird and creepy... just saying..

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Actually, it's the politically correct term for saying somebody's crazy.


Not that that's a greenlight for an asswhooipin, just sayin though.


The entire story was clearly geared towards defending the Lesbian officer.


Crazy/emotionall disturbed - neither are actual things. You call it the 'crazy house' but people have schizophrenia, bi-polar, dementia, REAL things. Crazy is not a real thing, it's more of an opinion. I'm sure people have referred to you and I as crazy at a few points in our lives.


Either way, there's not enough back story details or enough footage for me to comment further.

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