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hey asshole


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Your pitbull is really scared running the cold streets right now, the rare chance it did come close enough to read its collar i saw there was no contact info... i saw it four hours ago runnin around as well and im pretty sure the car that ra n it over just killed it, i could have got it home but now your dog is probably dead cause you couldnt spend 3 dollars to put a phone number on its collar.... fuck you!

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Hey asshole:

Next time you see a pitbull running around scared and it's friendly enough to let you get close to it,

take it the fuck in before some other asshole snatches it up and introduces it to the world of dog fighting

or some other other asshole runs it the fuck over.


It probably got out of it's owners yard. Pitbulls have an amazing talent for doing that

no matter how much you try to make it impossible for them to do so.

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homeowners covers my property.

as my truck is parked on my property it is covered, but after speaking with my agent its not really worth it due to points toward a cost hike.

i'm just going to end up buying a new one, oh well... once i'm working again it'll be paid for in a day.


Well then either they have different laws in Washington than in Texas or you were paying for some premium ass shit.


Because my homeowners apparently doesn't cover shit that they previously said that they would have covered had that been the problem.

And I'm talking about problems that actually have to do with the house, not some crackhead breaking into a truck.

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i've had a decent experience with allstate.

last winter a tree fell on our house and fucked it up royally, completely new roof and about 30% of my home has been remodeled due to damage from the tree fall and getting everything close to the damage up to code (house was originally built in '26).


knowing our policy helped us out, because initially they said the 'up to code' element wouldn't be covered, but when we pushed the point and showed them our plan they finally agreed that we were right. my guess is whatever you were dealing with they lied to you to save money.

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