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Detroit is a bunch of un trained retard monkeys.


Not saying they necessarily would of won, but they sure had a shot besides all the dumb antics.

Typical, yet what a shame. There were alot of bullshit flags though on big plays, and the Ravens got robbed a fumble today.. but with 24 and 10 whogivesafuck.jpg


Bengals laid down today, and GB just did make it out alive.

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Lions coach needs to get a backbone and yell at those guys after the stupid penalties


Wtf is the arm around the shoulder bullshit he did when the guy 'threw a punch'(palm to facemask) and then later another threw a ball at one of the saints.


The fact that he has players doing that shit while the Suh stuff just happened says a lot about his coaching.


Atleast the center got in the face of that one guy that threw the punch pretty good.

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I hope Cam Newton keeps playing like he is. Its similar to the 06 vick. Way iller then Vick is now. Broke old single season rushing TDs by a qb by 2 today and season ain't over...

People talking like Tebow is the best rushing qb ever. So sick of his hype. Much rather watch Cam play...

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prob gonna catch a game for that one though, i mean straight to his face and KOed his ass.


that game was rough, its like Harrison wanted to get back at their QB cuz big ben went down, he (ben) came out later and said it hurt so much he thought he broke his leg. mri negative. pussy. haha


looking forward to see what Vick does on his game back, chicago v denver game should be good, hoping for a Loss for bible thumper already....

hoping the raiders can pull one off against GB too. not likely.

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McCoy's daddy was bitching to the Cleveland media about him being put back in. The NFL is gonna be two hand touch pretty soon.


Ive been saying this, football is too pussy now. And my team's one of the toughness if not THE so im not whinning off the end of a losing records. But you cant even tackle someone anymore or its a yellow flag. Shits ganna be flag football.


3 good games this weekend..

Hope my boys smash the GAYMEN..

Texans/bengals should be good..cinci needs its for a wild card..

Town/GB game should be good hopefully palmer can keep up with Rodgers..

That is all..


Carson against Rodgers is like if Ali fought an infant.(props for reference)

Were talking the #1 Qb vs the Qb who was a waste of a #1 pick, theres a difference.

Green Bay should go for perfection, and I kinda think they will.


what ever happened to them putting only GOOD teams on MNF, it seems like the whole year it's been 1 sided games or 2 shit teams


Im a football head for sure, but even i might skip MNF.... to study.


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Its worth a gander id say.


Back in the leatherhead day I understand the game was different but all those nurgas

had on was a fucking piece of leather and that was about it.


On another note played football with the boys for the first time in a year yesterday,

felt so good hitting the routes, and there's no feeling quite like a touchdown.

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