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Battle to the Death at Home Depot


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the power which comes in on two "legs" is strapped to the wall. the "legs" are large, hard to miss even in pitch blackness. if i miss, my spinning saw blade will hit either concrete or metai conduit, either way it will spark and that will be enough to see where i went wrong.


the power facilities in buildings like home depot is usually located in an employee only area due to fire codes.. so at the least all this tomfoolery wont be in a wide open space for all to see.

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this is all assuming there is no drainage at all throughout the entire home depot of course. and that the ground level of the store is completely flat. and assuming nobody managed to be more elevated than you by the time you managed to do all this shit with your eyes closed.

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Put Portland cement in cart...




Use the leaf blower to blind everyone with the cement. When I hear vomiting I'll go stealth and snap necks.


while this is obviously a great idea it wouldn't last too long. after the first couple people

catch cement in the face everyone would catch on, plan ruined. plus i bet that shit

would be loud as fuck.

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this is all assuming there is no drainage at all throughout the entire home depot of course. and that the ground level of the store is completely flat. and assuming nobody managed to be more elevated than you by the time you managed to do all this shit with your eyes closed.


Starts plopping dead bodies over the drains to clog it up or use your socks.


Side though> the stank of having several bodies continuously being electrocuted would get gross after a while.

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see, dudes in not being realistic, why dont you build a robot out of a BBQ grill while your at it, with matching nail guns for hands and a backpack flame thrower on his back.























































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see, dudes in not being realistic, why dont you build a robot out of a BBQ grill while your at it, with matching nail guns for hands and a backpack flame thrower on his back.















because you'd be using more than 3 items to build a robot.



You keep thinking your hammer and garbage lid is the best choice. lol

Honestly in the pitch black darkness you'll be swinging that hammer like your some retarded kid hitting a pinata.


Keep trolling, you're obviously better at trolling than you are at surviving.

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Tank of propane and a large torch..


Third item would be the most flammable liquid i could find in a 5 gallon container or as a large as i can get.


I'd turn that shit into a fire fight, leaving behind charred remains

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Tank of propane and a large torch..


Third item would be the most flammable liquid i could find in a 5 gallon container or as a large as i can get.


I'd turn that shit into a fire fight, leaving behind charred remains


in your 30 foot radius of imobility.

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pretty much any homemade flame thrower is going to melt parts of itself, backfire, and kill you over time,



also I dont think you guys understand the principle of gas/O2 mixtures for flamability with all these propane tank bomb ideas

go back to Earth Science class in hell because you are dead

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1. Cordless Circular Saw

2. Heavy Duty Rubber Gloves

3. Rubberized Boots


step one, find point of entry for power to building

step two, throw primary breaker disabling emergency lighting and all other sources of power

step three, saw open conduit which carries high voltage from breaker box, after the point of disconnect

step four, place "hot" and "nuetral" leads which were just sawed onto floor.

step five, get to the restroom and use the saw to cut open flexible cold water pipe under the sink.

step six, repeat for all restrooms

step seven, prop bathroom doors open using trashcans or cleaning supplies found in bathrooom

step eight, return to point of entry for electrical power and throw primary breaker back on.

step nine, find someplace to hide out whilst not touching anything conductive and wait for the place to flood and everyone to get electrocuted.


this is the only idea that is on par with mine, but its so complex i bet you get stabbed from behind with a shard of glass while your fucking with the power, i already simply electrocuted the bathroom with shop towels and an extension cord in 2 minutes. You have rubber boots and gloves DO get by my trap, I applaud you, you made it to the boss stage... but you have a circular saw and you open the stall, I land my titanium axe in your skull. Axe vs circular saw, no question.

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i think its been established that home depot is far too big to kill anyone but yourselves with the ammount of ammonia / bleach you can purchase in 2 items... and im not conviced ANY gas mask type resperator they sell would work in close proximity to mixing like 20 gallons of mustard gas, you need something pretty hardcore if you are the one who is making it, you would be the most likely to die



i BREATHED in a mix opf bleach / ammonia in a hot sink when i was working at a bagel shop in high school, it sucked, and it floored me for awhile, but it didsnt kill me and I breathed a hot steaming mix right to the face. spread out over an entire home depot it would disperse pretty quick, but probably eat through your cheap home depot paint resperator pretty quick

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1. Cordless Circular Saw

2. Heavy Duty Rubber Gloves

3. Rubberized Boots


step one, find point of entry for power to building

step two, throw primary breaker disabling emergency lighting and all other sources of power

step three, saw open conduit which carries high voltage from breaker box, after the point of disconnect

step four, place "hot" and "nuetral" leads which were just sawed onto floor.

step five, get to the restroom and use the saw to cut open flexible cold water pipe under the sink.

step six, repeat for all restrooms

step seven, prop bathroom doors open using trashcans or cleaning supplies found in bathrooom

step eight, return to point of entry for electrical power and throw primary breaker back on.

step nine, find someplace to hide out whilst not touching anything conductive and wait for the place to flood and everyone to get electrocuted.



Sorry, but emergency back up lights are for when the power goes out, so.....there is no magic breaker for them, you'd have to open each one individually and remove the battery.


Plus, you'd need time to charge the battery for your circular saw, and by that time someone with a machete has already taken your arms off..


Time for paln B.

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Gotta keep it simple, you niggas talking about setting trip wires and shit are gonna get gibbed in the back while you're bending down tieing a fucking wire for the 15th time. Plus how the hell you gonna remember where you set your wires down at? It's pitch black in there, even after your eyes adjust, and you are more likely to trip over your own shit than anything else.


And carrying a 6 foot ladder around everywhere you go? Yeah ok. Dead.


You need two weapons, machete and something ranged. If they sell crossbows, that's pretty lethal. They make very little noise, and require no-skill or setup to use. The third choice is probably critical to your survival, as everyone else has likely make the same decision you did for the first two choices (2 weapons, not the two mentioned in particular). Do they sell night vision goggles anywhere? Just checked, nope. But I did find this, which I would probably choose as my 3rd.




You can use this to set traps, via audio (people are dumb and will inspect noises), and get visuals as well from the night vision camera. It comes with batteries, lasting 10 hours.

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danger level




do not do this


K. Drill

L. Hand saw

M. File


A. Flint igniter (lantern lighter)

B. 4" PVC cleanout plug

C. 4" PVC fitting cleanout adapter

D. 4" PVC coupling

E. 4" x 24" PVC pipe

F. 2" x 4" PVC increaser reducer

G. 2" x 48" PVC pipe

H. PVC cleaner, primer, & cement

I. Sack of potatoes

J. Hair spray (aerosol)




Cut the PVC components to length and clean and prime the joints. Cement components C thru G together.

Drill a hole for the lantern lighter in the middle of pipe E and then install the lighter with its included hardware. These lighters are very compact and use flint to produce a strong spark. You can find them in the camping section of large department stores.

With the file, sharpen the circumference of pipe G. This makes shoving the potato in easier because the pipe will cut off the excess potato.

You’re ready to launch!

i. Find a very large, open area to launch the gun.

ii. Load a potato. Use a stick or rod to plunge it most of the way down the barrel.

iii. Spray the hair spray (make sure it’s flamable) into the fat end of the gun. If you use too little the potato won’t go far; too much and it won’t launch at all because there isn’t enough oxygen in the chamber.

iv. Quickly screw on the plug (part B).

v. Hold the gun at your side, aiming in a safe direction. Give the lighter a quick flick, as if you’re snapping your fingers.









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