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Official 2010-2011 NFL FOOTBALL THREAD..............

Poesia [ ] T

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Urlacher isn't retiring or anything, br0


Never sad he was but its not exactly easy getting to the superbowl and certtainly not a given for any team let alone the bears. They were one shoulda woulda coulda away and there potential matchup would have been doable, though I think the steelers would still win. But you never know, its one game, with two weeks of prep with a lineup of guys that may play the best game of there lives.


And for christs sake all that shit aside he's not exactly young, and he don't exactly play like he's wearing pink. He baely got resigned this year cause of his injury last season. Now obviously he came back a monster but if he gets hurt again next year, who knows if hell be back. And who knows where the bears will be anyway, what if cutler gets mangled. Season over.


Football has so many variables with a one and done in the playoffs it really is a season long war.


I don't see the bears having as good of a shot as they did prior to today with the saints, patriots, colts, when there on point, obviously solid as a rock steelers of the league.


Case closed.

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Sanchez is overrated as fuck, the Jets only got into the playoffs by luck (and virtue of a weak ass schedule), and only made it to the championship round because the Patriots decided to save their worst game of the season for that weekend. On top of that


Fuck the Jets.


Also, the news coming out that Brady played the whole season on a broken foot just makes it all the more impressive, and makes me even more hopeful for next year

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Your crazy Jets had not cakewalk to anything they earned that divisional game beating pats and colts on the road and almost coming back to take this one if someone didnt fuck up and call a pass on 3rd and goal. Also i hate the jets but i give credit where its due. Sanchez aint the best QB in the league but he knows his role and stepped up when he could have packed it in like cutler after the sack he took that shot.


Im rooting Greenbay but its going to be a good game also GB Def aint no joke and can hang with the best of them.

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the fuck is up with these nonsense stories outta boston about its athletes playing so blown outta proportion hurt.


this, curt shilling.


please. i dont care if your superman you aint playin quarterback bobbin and weavin in and out the pocket on a broken foot for SIXTEEN WEEKS.


dont get me wrong tho, tom brady is the best. aswell as being one of the most likeable figures in the nfl and i guarantee its not him jawing about this exaduration. its the patriots organization putting themselves back in the headlines and giving an excuse to its fans. and you damn well belichek is on board with this shit, though hell never come out n say it.


all in all i really have no problem with it because it is what it is, and its a smart buisness move. but i will call a spade a spade.


hairline fracture, maybe. broken? i call bullshit.

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T;7924504']Your crazy Jets had not cakewalk to anything


They had no cakewalk? They backed into the playoffs by virtue of others losing, and they only beat TWO teams with winning records all season. I'll give it to them, once they got there they beat the Colts, and they beat the Pats fair and square, but don't act like they were battling hard all year.


please. i dont care if your superman you aint playin quarterback bobbin and weavin in and out the pocket on a broken foot for SIXTEEN WEEKS.


hairline fracture, maybe. broken? i call bullshit.


It actually is a fracture, not a break, but that's not much of a distinction in my eyes. I've been walking around on a fractured ankle since October, and some days I can barely manage that, nevermind actually running around and playing football on it. That's fucking crazy, straight up beast status. QBs like Brady and Roethlisberger are what's right with the league, not pussies like Cutler; s'all I'm sayin, br0

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WELL seeing my Bears lose was not fun but at least we made it a decent game in the second half. I have no clue why we even put Collins in. That dude is a waste of space on the bench.


There is no way in hell i am going for the Packers so let's go STEELERS!!!!!!





and i'm not mad at cutler, the coaches and doctors pulled him. end of story. he sucked in the first half anyway.

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Well the Doc has given us information regarding Cutler.. Wait for it now.....................................


































































He has a Sprained MCL!!!!!!!!!!

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They had no cakewalk? They backed into the playoffs by virtue of others losing, and they only beat TWO teams with winning records all season. I'll give it to them, once they got there they beat the Colts, and they beat the Pats fair and square, but don't act like they were battling hard all year.


Your starting to sound like a Patriot apologist now. Really How did they back in the playoffs with a 11-5 record next best record was san diego with 9-7 record and Jets easily would have one tiebreaker. Thats not backing out that clearly winning a wild card spot. Also its not there fault the NFL made that schedule and they beat who was put in front of them. Like i said im no jets fan but i hate when someone wants to act like the patriots had an off day. Face it they lost Jets stepped up with a better game plan and beat them they also beat them in the regular season. So just like the undefeated season and being knocked out in playoffs they choked. Dont take it out on the Jets cause your team choked, to make yourself feel better. They lost 5 games and lost those 5 games to playoff teams 1 which is the superbowl. 2 of the game lost by less than 2 points. Also the only clear huge loss was to the patriots. the rest were all close. So stop acting like the jets didnt deserve to be there, cause they did. Also they made the best of it once they were there. Same cant be said for the patriots.

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I already said they made the best of it once they were there. "Backing in" is a phrase used when you enter the playoffs because another team lost a game, not because you won. If you tell me you watched any Pats games all season, and then try and argue with me that they didn't clearly have an off day last week, then you didn't really watch any Pats games all season.


Patriots choked again, while the Jets got coddled all through the season and then got exposed against a good team. They're both home, so fuck it.


But even more so, fuck the Jets

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I already said they made the best of it once they were there. "Backing in" is a phrase used when you enter the playoffs because another team lost a game, not because you won. If you tell me you watched any Pats games all season, and then try and argue with me that they didn't clearly have an off day last week, then you didn't really watch any Pats games all season.


Patriots choked again, while the Jets got coddled all through the season and then got exposed against a good team. They're both home, so fuck it.


But even more so, fuck the Jets


Backed in means a team lost? with a 3 game difference with the tiebreaker? That is not backing in. Who lost and they got in? By your logic every team backed in with a 3 game advantage. Makes no sense. Of course other teams had to lose for anyone to get in, teams also had to win there games to get in. If it came down to week 17 and another team lost and they got in thats one thing. That clearly didnt happen. So your argument of backing in is ridiculous. 11-5 compared to 9-7 does not equal backing in.


Off day you lose its an off day? Regular season means nothing you can hang your hat on a good season but you still went home early and didnt have a shot at the superbowl. Jets beat the steelers in regular season and had a chance to beat them but lost. They didnt have an off day cause they beat them earlier in the season and should have done so in playoffs. They lost they clearly got beat. Patriots lost they clearly got beat, it had nothing to do with an off day. When the games count and its win or go home the Jets did what they needed to win. The patriots didnt, make all the excuses you want none of them hold water to nothing bottom line.

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"Jets lose to Chicago Bears but back into playoff spot thanks to Jacksonville loss to Washington


CHICAGO- LaDainian Tomlinson burst through a narrow corridor and cut hard to his right to daylight before delivering the message to a room filled with oversized, angry men: "We're in!"


On a bizarre day when the Jets defense sprang leaks everywhere in a wild 38-34 loss to the Bears, the future Hall of Fame running back was the bearer of good news: The Jets (10-5) clinched a playoff berth Sunday by virtue of the Jaguars' 20-17 overtime loss to the Redskins about 10 minutes after Gang Green lost for the third time in four weeks."

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I can't remember the exact scenarios, but during the last two games of the season, the Jets could have won both and still not made the playoffs unless other teams lost games.


That's what's commonly called "backing in" or "not controlling your own destiny", and it's what happens when you fail to play well all year, even with a cupcake schedule. That's also how they got in the playoffs last year, when Indy shut down for the final two games.


Is that how the playoffs work, and did they get there fairly? Of course, but for some reason you're going on and on like they played great all year, and didn't have an easy path to get where they were. If you only beat two teams with winning records all year, and only beat several really bad times in the last minute of the 4th quarter/OT, then yes, you're lucky to be in the playoffs and overrated.


Good for them that they stepped it up once they got to the playoffs, but fuck them nonetheless

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Oh really?

Because a concussion earlier this season along with getting sacked 57 TIMES is something a PUSSY does?

Get real Cutler is tough, he took 9 sacks from NY and 2 weeks later took 6 from Seattle.


Cutler is a tough son of a bitch, he said Type-1 diabetes, yet still plays.


Get real guy, the only one to blame is the Chicago Offensive line who couldnt protect a ice cream cone from 2 third graders

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Haha you clearly are grasping at straws and are guessing i stated facts about the clinching for a loss and you come back with "but during the last two games of the season, the Jets could have won both and still not made the playoffs unless other teams lost games" which if you just reread what you wrote yourself they lost game 16 and still clinched. If like you state here that they needed to win 2 games and others to lose to get in your contradicting yourself.


So i would give it up on the backing in angle cause there is no way you can tweak the numbers to make that statement work. You can have your opinion though im not saying you cant say that just back it up with facts when you make statements.


*Also Greenbay only beat 4 teams with a winning record and on the the last game of the season Chicago had already clinched everything and had nothing to play for. So with your logic Eagles had an off day also cause Green Bay backed there way into the playoffs right. Greenbay got lucky also right and yet there in the SB. Teams get hot in playoffs period its not luck when you win on the road consistently especially being a 6th seed.

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T;7925837']Haha you clearly are grasping at straws and are guessing i stated facts about the clinching for a loss and you come back with "but during the last two games of the season, the Jets could have won both and still not made the playoffs unless other teams lost games" which if you just reread what you wrote yourself they lost game 16 and still clinched. If like you state here that they needed to win 2 games and others to lose to get in your contradicting yourself.


So i would give it up on the backing in angle cause there is no way you can tweak the numbers to make that statement work. You can have your opinion though im not saying you cant say that just back it up with facts when you make statements.


*Also Greenbay only beat 4 teams with a winning record and on the the last game of the season Chicago had already clinched everything and had nothing to play for. So with your logic Eagles had an off day also cause Green Bay backed there way into the playoffs right. Greenbay got lucky also right and yet there in the SB. Teams get hot in playoffs period its not luck when you win on the road consistently especially being a 6th seed.


I have no clue what supposed contradiction you're referring to? There were a bunch of different possible scenarios in those last two weeks, and one (or more) of them involved the Jets possibly winning both games, and yet still not making the playoffs with other teams victories. Instead, what played out was the Jets losing a game, other teams losing their games, and they got in that way, which plenty of news sites described as "backing in". You're acting like it's a phrase I made up. Just Google "Jets back into playoffs."


As far as Green Bay goes, beating 4 winning teams isn't alot, but it's still double what the Jets did. And to say Chicago was playing for nothing is stupid, because they still had a chance at the #1 seed at that point, so if they had to play Atlanta it would of been in Chicago, which would of been a huge deal. And no, Green Bay didn't back their way in, because, unlike the Jets, they had to win both of their last two games to get in, which they did. And I wouldn't say so much that the Eagles had a bad day, as it was Aaron Rodgers got insanely hot for 4 games.


I think the only things we're arguing over are whether or not the Jets suck (which is absurd, because we clearly have differing opinions), and whether or not they "backed in", in which case you can argue all you want, but I'm confident in using the phrase that plenty of sportscaster and writers used to describe their situation. If it's good enough for NBC Sports and USA Today, it's good enough for The Oontz

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First off UMAD cause patriots choked




Second you still just throwing shit against the wall hoping it will stick. Atlanta game was at 1pm eastern time if they win they clinch homefield. They won so the 4:30 eastern time game between the bears and greenbay didnt mean shit to the bears before it even started.


3rd here are the facts on what was needed to Clinch and guess what the Ravens needed alot more help than the Jets on week 16 to Clinch, but i dont here you saying that they backed in.


Week 16


New York Jets (10-4)


Can clinch a playoff spot with:


• Win or tie

• Jaguars loss or tie

• Colts loss or tie



Baltimore Ravens (10-4)


Can clinch a playoff spot with:


• Win or tie

• Chiefs loss AND Jaguars loss or tie

• Chiefs loss AND Colts loss or tie

• Chargers loss or tie AND Jaguars loss or tie

• Chargers loss or tie AND Colts loss or tie


Kansas City Chiefs (9-5)

Can AFC West with:


• Win AND Chargers loss or tie

• Tie AND Chargers loss





Philadelphia Eagles (10-4)Can clinch a playoff spot with:


• Win• Bucs loss or tie

Can clinch NFC East with:


• Win• Win AND Giants loss or tie• Giants loss

New Orleans Saints (10-4)

Can clinch a playoff spot with:


• Win or tie • Bucs loss or tie New York Giants (9-5)

Can clinch a playoff spot with:


• Win

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So, I made literally one mistake in my entire assessment of the situation, by forgetting the Falcons game was played a few hours before the Bears one, and in your head that amounts to "throwing shit against the wall?"


Who said anything about the Ravens? Not related to this situation at all, BUT, since you want to bring it up, they (like the Packers), got in by virtue of them winning a game, not backing in like the Jets did.


And you didn't address the fact that if I'm wrong about them "backing in", that means NBC Sports, USA Today, etc etc are all also wrong. Sportswriters and sportscaster > guy on interweb.


Lastly, while I am mad the Pats choked, you are clearly the UMAD one, because your team hasn't won anything in 1,000 years and it's causing you to stick up for other shitty teams at random

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Obviously you are not getting the point here and doesnt seem like your even rationalizing any of this just so you dont back pedal. Ill say it one last time but im sure in your DAO style of arguing that you are still correct. They put themselves in a situation to clinch in week 16 with a win or help. They got the help instead, and won there week 17 game easily. In order for a playoff team to back in the playoffs it needs to happen in week 17. Week 17 Get it, not week 16. You can even write a letter to any sportscaster or affiliate you want thats the facts. Because they mention them now winning to clinch doesnt equal a back in. It means that they had the better record and the teams that needed to win to stay alive didnt win. Also Jets had the least help needed so they held more tiebreakers. So call a spade a heart all you want your not convincing anyone.


Also my team is what it is they been losing for a minute but im a fan and have no reason to be mad either way. Only reason i even waste my time is cause i hate delusional fans that speak out of there ass about things they obviously have too much emotion tied into. Like yourself. Jets beat you you need to degrade there season and feel better about your choking team.


Me i had no expectations from my team i know we have a long way from being a contender but UMAD, Nah im just laughing cause you visibly upset...

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