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Bring your daughter to the slaughter, cult film thread.


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i had a feeling that was the case.


and yeah, don't get me started on all of the (failed) remakes, especially carpenters stuff. it's sad.


...Not trying to get you started but seriously Escape From New York is one thing, but I found out that Videodrome is getting remade also. The shit is thick.

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Videodrome is getting remade also. The shit is thick.

Seriously? Why? How? What are they hoping to accomplish?


The worst part about half the remakes coming out is they completely neglect to mention the fact that its a remake and you have all these fucking retarded, wannabe film students talking about how good the movie was, completely oblivious to the fact that it's a remake and it was fucking terrible.

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Seriously? Why? How? What are they hoping to accomplish?


The worst part about half the remakes coming out is they completely neglect to mention the fact that its a remake and you have all these fucking retarded, wannabe film students talking about how good the movie was, completely oblivious to the fact that it's a remake and it was fucking terrible.


Dude, i wish i could start to answer that. I have no idea, apathy?, lethergy? A will to not accept new and creative ideas? Pertaining to the film students let them talk up shit.. it's always funny to hear someone boast about things which make them sound inept.

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i just searched for phantasm stuff on youtube and found this:



seems pretty sick. anyone else ever see or play it? i know it's some add on for a doom game but still. phantasm would make a cool world for a game.


Not aquainted, looks pretty sick though, granted it looks like the orbs are a bitch to kill.

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hollywood seems to be at an all time fucking low, i mean not only are they poorly remaking classic horror flix, but they are making movies based on board games: battleship, monopoly.....i mean really???

seriously.....did we already talk about these bastards remaking NIGHTMARE ON ELM ST. makes me fucking sick....

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REPO MAN! That shit had a fuckin great soundtrack. That's the other thing, new American "horror" films suck ass on the soundtrack game.


Symbols, are you sayin that in protest of French ultraviolence? Or just...


MrChupa that shit is hilarious. Buncha quasi-intellects spewin their fountainhead of knowledge. Speakin of fountainhead I'm still tryin to locate more H.P. Lovecraft inspired horror films. That Call of Chtulu one looks ill Moogle. And of course there's Reanimator. Any points of direction guys?


Oh and watch this shit SON!




Yea there's tons of other cannibal exploitation films out there but this shit is uncut full length on youtube. I'd say it's a good find.


This shit too hahaha


Oh one quick question. Any of you can tell me the title of this Italian horror film about this old hag in a red raincoat killin people? Yea I know that's a weak description but I can't fuckin think of it.

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giant zombie babies ftw




. also king movies i heard are done low budget style because they could actually traumatize people ..

imagine if this movie looked ultra realistic


i had a link a minute ago with a shitload of king movies that never made it to theatre..like the darktower series



been to the store king wrote that about. odd little market, all the people know your not from around there and you stick out like a viking in taiwan. awesome booze selection, a 1/4 of the shelves are filled with alcohol, right next door theres a gas station with "thirst quenchers" above their beer shelves. really lets ya know your in maine.



edit: i havent seen a good chunk of these movies, and some of them look like some asinine shit, whats something really worth checking out that you can assume i havent seen?

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