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Chile 8.8 Earthquake...................

Poesia [ ] T

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................







Yep, a global fart. Be glad it's not a wet one.



Yes, global warming...Al Gore will make some money off of this.

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


If it has anything to do with this that happened yesterday then Houston we might have a problem.


An iceberg the size of Luxembourg that contains enough fresh water to supply a third of the world's population for a year has broken off in the Antarctic continent, with possible implications for global ocean circulation, scientists said today.


The iceberg, measuring about 50 miles by 25, broke away from the Mertz glacier around 2,000 miles south of Australia after being rammed by another giant iceberg known as B-9B three weeks ago, satellite images reveal. The two icebergs, which both weigh more than 700m tons, are now drifting close together about 100 miles north of Antarctica.


Rob Massom, a senior scientist at the Australian Antarctic Division and the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre in Hobart, Tasmania, said the location of the icebergs could affect global ocean circulation and had important implications for marine biology in the region.


The concern is that the massive displacement of ice would transform the composition of sea water in the area and impair the normal circulation of cold, dense water that normally supplies deep ocean currents with oxygen.


"Removal of this tongue of floating ice would reduce the size of that area of open water, which would slow down the rate of salinity input into the ocean and it could slow down this rate of Antarctic bottom water formation," Massom told Reuters.


Mario Hoppema, chemical oceanographer at the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Germany, said that as a result "there may be regions of the world's oceans that lose oxygen, and then of course most of the life there will die".


B-9B is a remnant of a 2,000-square-mile iceberg that calved in 1987, making it one of the largest icebergs recorded in Antarctica. It drifted westwards for 60 miles before becoming grounded in 1992. It has recently re-floated itself and rotated into the Mertz tongue.


The Mertz glacier iceberg is among the largest recorded for several years. In 2002, an iceberg about 120 miles long broke off from Antarctica's Ross ice shelf. In 2007, a iceberg roughly the size of Singapore broke off from the Pine Island glacier in west Antarctica.








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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


Poe: Although that sucks about the 'berg, it doesn't have anything to do with pressure in the tectonic plates. Shits slide along each other constantly building up pressure. When pressure releases, plates slip back and the earth quakes.


Don't be this guy

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


Im just saying when those Bergs are gone were all fucked, i watched that documentary about the oceans currents and how its cooled by the icebergs and if that shit goes away some toxic gases will be released into the atmosphere on a Global level killing us all off pretty fast.

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


T;7174735']Im just saying when those Bergs are gone were all fucked' date=' i watched that documentary about the oceans currents and how its cooled by the icebergs and if that shit goes away some toxic gases will be released into the atmosphere on a Global level killing us all off pretty fast.[/quote']



Maybe. But they aren't going anywhere too soon.

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


I dont know, i think its retardedly arrogant to think we can pump toxins into the air for a hundred or so years (give or take circulation of the combustion engine) and it wont fuck things up eventually... I mean really... its not hard to believe

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


I dont know, i think its retardedly arrogant to think we can pump toxins into the air for a hundred or so years (give or take circulation of the combustion engine) and it wont fuck things up eventually... I mean really... its not hard to believe



I think it's fucked up to think that we, as humans, could do anything to hurt the planet

considering that it's seen far worse and we didn't even exist.

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


really? you really believe we cant hurt the planet? how can you believe that and be logical? you can see the effects of how we have effected our environment... not even talking about global warming but much more simple things like how the hole in the ozone was damaged at first by CFC's, then began to heal and shrink after their removal... you really dont believe that happened? you dont believe in pollution? You dont believe pumping chemicals into the atmosphere then having them rain down on us has negative effects on the environment? Are you fucking serious?



Its not about damaging the earth, the earth will survive in one way or another... theres plenty of "living" planets that are completely inhospitable. What makes our situation relatively unique is the system of biomes.. its about ensuring the survival of our species, not just the planet...

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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


really? you really believe we cant hurt the planet? how can you believe that and be logical? you can see the effects of how we have effected our environment... not even talking about global warming but much more simple things like how the hole in the ozone was damaged at first by CFC's, then began to heal and shrink after their removal... you really dont believe that happened? you dont believe in pollution? You dont believe pumping chemicals into the atmosphere then having them rain down on us has negative effects on the environment? Are you fucking serious?



Its not about damaging the earth, the earth will survive in one way or another... theres plenty of "living" planets that are completely inhospitable. What makes our situation relatively unique is the system of biomes.. its about ensuring the survival of our species, not just the planet...



I believe that the planet and solar system are in constant cycles.


As for the hole in the ozone, it's debatable on how/what caused it.


Acid rain was here before we were. Not debatable.


Sure, I believe in pollution. Start blaming the military's of the world first.

When you get done doing something about them, then I'll be willing to take

my share.


Also: I assume since you're on this board that you use spraypaint. Xylene is harmful

to humans and the environment. Gonna stop? Didn't think so.


Always someone somewhere on a soapbox willing to preach to the masses about

what we should do and what we shouldn't be doing.


Didn't this recent IPCC/CRU debacle teach you guys anything? How about the IPCC

coming out last week about ocean levels?



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Re: Chile 8.3 Earthquake...................


You guys are framing it the wrong way. It's not "hurting" the planet, it's making it inhabitable for us or even playing an active role in lessening the quality of life that we enjoy here.



Anyway, on the Tsunami:

The National Weather Service West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said on Feb. 27 that while a tsunami has been generated near the epicenter, an update for the U.S. West coast specifically will not be available until around 6:30am Pacific Standard Time. The U.S. based threat warning center is waiting until more information about the reported tsunami comes from ocean based indicators which will then determine the tragectory of the tsunami and allow the center to determine if any threat to the U.S. West Coast exists.



That data should be out pretty soon. So I was wrong about a tsunami being generated but correct that Chile would have known about it sooner.


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bad year for travel so far


on another note, i have ceased to even discuss climate change with people who don't believe it.

it's sort of like not believing in evolution; if you are that fucking dumb, i'm not even interested in wasting my time conversing with you.

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i have a friend in Oahu right now, they moved him from the 3rd floor to the 26th... he said its pretty nuts. in the middle of the night he woke up to the loudest siren he herd in his life. he thought a war was breaking out in Pearl Harbor. haha

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Guest Ginger Bread Man
bad year for travel so far


on another note, i have ceased to even discuss climate change with people who don't believe it.

it's sort of like not believing in evolution; if you are that fucking dumb, i'm not even interested in wasting my time conversing with you.


why resort to the word "dumb" when referring to someones beliefs, we need more respect in the world, today.

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