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Ya'll niggas member that black lady getting Rosa parked on that bus?

rushawn wuan

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I'd also drop some random dude if he called my boy a whiteboy.


My whole stance through this whole thread has been that all racial slurs are equal, and that they can all mean different things depending on how it's said, who it's said by, etc etc. Reverse racism is bullshit, and the whole idea that nigger ir worse than all other racial slurs is a part of it.


But like you said, I've got my opinion and you've got your's...it's all good

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You are so stupid. Why would you even think to type that obvious inaccurate exaggeration?




For me, I discriminate against stupidity. That comes in every size shape and color. Using the word nigger is just as stupid as how the person was acting that made you think they deserved being calledout. I also laugh it when people say "I love black people, I hate niggers." I just gotta laugh cuz that shit is just lame cornball shit and usually comes from the same kinda person that says "This is gunna sound racist but..." alot. Because it is. Yes I'm a white boy and get called white boy, doesn't rile me up enough to call a black person a fucking nigger. Straight stupidity.


I guess what I'm perplexed about is, what makes it okay to say it? I suppose in your case Swamp callin em Nigger is all good since you're friends. but I'm still curious as to what makes it "light" I have black friends, but it never made me feel okay to call em Nigger.


Not tryin to come off as on a soapbox. Just wonderin with this whole post.


It is accurate, most of the racist comments are made by people who wouldn't dare say the same shit IRL in a mixed company of strangers like on here.

Maybe it's because I'm not white and look a little intimidating but I never hear this bullshit IRL unless it's some prison cultured white trash.

And let's just say most of them did talk like that, they're probably the type that is only ever around white people to begin with.

Calling me stupid since you disagree kind of shows your level of class and ability to debate.

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detriot is extremely skilled in the ways of copypasta, and not lookin at the big pic. a good reason, not the only one for my beliefs towards a certain segment of blk people is.... i had a blk friend all the way thru elementary, and jr. high. i thought we were the tightest of boys. we did everything together, smoked weed for the first time together, did all kind of first time shit together-(nh on all that). but once we got out of school and on are way to becoming young adults. he thought it would be cool to set me up for a house invasion and use my g-mas house as a call back number. so here i am a true and loyal homie and im being used for a felony crime. so i come home to three detectives and to uni's in my house and as i opened the door, a nine in my face. i was handcuffed in front of my g-ma and taken away to questioning. not knowing anything about what was going on, they had nothing. so, he came back a few days later and told me it was only business and i told him he just lost a loyal friend and to keep his distance if he knew what was good for him.


sorry for wall of text and before anyone says it-yes; cool story bro.

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So you have just reason to hate a black friend not black people. Cue more stories of personal experience being wronged by a black dude.


You have just reason to hate a black backstabber not black people. Ma always said "you're a fool if you believe in one rotten apple ruins the batch."


For me I understand different life stories and shit but as a universal rule thinkin in sweeping generalities is not wise.

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So you have just reason to hate a black friend not black people. Cue more stories of personal experience being wronged by a black dude.


You have just reason to hate a black backstabber not black people. Ma always said "you're a fool if you believe in one rotten apple ruins the batch."


For me I understand different life stories and shit but as a universal rule thinkin in sweeping generalities is not wise.


yeah im really beginning to be done talkin about this topic. this is just one experience ive had. ive said it before, i grew up in hayward and oakland, ca. the experiences ive had have led me to feel the way i feel. i used to be a non-racist sharp skinhead, and left that because i still saw racism within that lifestyle, even though they preached acceptance of all no matter what. in closing i believe in what i do, and the same goes for all the rest of us. im a cool cat to hang with and no i dont goose step everywhere i go. i know when its time to get it on and time fall back and let shit ride.

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i used to be a non-racist sharp skinhead, and left that because i still saw racism within that lifestyle, even though they preached acceptance of all no matter what.

So...you believed in acceptance of all people, but when the group started showing some racism, you left the group to become fully racist? Just making sure i'm following your train of thought.

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the problem is that for some reason ignorance has become glorified. black people in america fought for centuries to be treated equal, and now at the point where they're treated more equal than ever, it seems a large portion wants to just give up on all the progress and regress to some neolithic existence. they want to act like gorillas, yet take offense when viewed as animals. describe either of these scenarios (the pizza shop or the bus) to 1,000 people, both black and white, and ask them to guess the races of those involved. i'll bet you 100% of them pick the black man/woman as the aggessor. note to black folks, that shit IS NOT helping yall. it's the reason that EBM gets seen as a 'hero', because normal, rational, intelligent human beings of all colors are sick of disrespectful punks acting like sub-humans.

do you know how many times i get 'fathers' who need to make 3 phone calls in order to figure out how to spell their kids names for their tattoo? how often they'll sit in their car out front, blasting their system, shaking our entire shop? how often they just whip out their cell phone and start openly playing their own music over top of what we're playing in the shop? how often i walk into a gas station and have dudes acting shady, trying to intimidate me? how often they try and kick ignorant shit to my girl? the list goes on and on and it's shit like that that is making society detest this younger generation, and in specific, young black generation. walking around looking like absolute fucking clowns, 'shorts' that hit the tops of their shoes, smelling like dog shit... honestly, i cant tell you how many times i wipe someones arm down with alcohol to prep them for a stencil, and the paper towel is fucking brown. WTF?! domotherfuckers just not even bathe anymore?


i hate white ignorance just as much, dont be fooled, i just rarely find myself dealing with it. also, im cool to every single person i come in contact with until they're not cool to me. i absolutely positively DO NOT hate black people, i just detest this subsect that likes to glorify and bask in ignorance, acting like animals. white people do it as well, and i hate them also. ok, i guess to sum it up i hate anyone that looks like, dresses like, or acts like gucci mane.


i really need to get the fuck out of the south.

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To me race dont mean shit, I mean me having a white mother, and black father, Racial slurs dont bother me from a friend. Bu if a random nigga says it, He's getting laid the fuck out solely because I know he is trying to degrade me and offend me. My niggas dont be on the racial type shit anyways mainly cus i do look Puerto Rican and or Mexican.

I've been discriminated against cus i look mexican or Puerto Rican, and its quite funny, But seriosuly ignorance is universal. Theres percentages of blacks and whites, mexican, puerto ricans that are just flat out dumb as a box or rocks. You cant pin that down solely on an entire race for the actions of a few.


And for that "I hate nigers, but im cool with blacks" That the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Seriously, Nigger was used to classify all black peoples no matter how smart they were, so In reality all your saying is 'I hate black people, but im too bitch-made to admit it" If you hate ignorant people just say that shit, I hate dumb ass people.

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are we still talking about this shit? who cares. lets talk about crazy old people and people who get beat down for talking too much shit.i think we can all agree that it feels good to see someone put in there place regardless of skin color.fakers getting dealt with.feels good man.feels good.

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So...you believed in acceptance of all people, but when the group started showing some racism, you left the group to become fully racist? Just making sure i'm following your train of thought.



how about you follow the train of your finger up your ass chup-faggot ass bitch


and silba, im nowhere bitch-made. if you show respect to me and soem form of self respect, you'll get it back ten fold. act like an ignorant fool, get clowned or get nada in return.

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Sweet comeback, you racist, wigger looking retard.


yeah im a wigger, and i look like a retard. wow you got me on all of those. how much e-bravado did it take you to type all of that? bought as much as it took for you to talk shit about my wife right. dont be to upset that my wofe could probably drop kick your punk ass. you wont even post what you look like in the vip right. so easy to talk shit to someone who will show who the are and how theyre livin.. till your next wannabe hardcore statement bitch.

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I've posted pictures of myself plenty of times on this forum...and i'm not in the VIP, so i certainly won't post myself there. Trust me, even if i hadn't seen pictures of you, i could still talk tons of shit solely on the dumb shit you say. Also, i never talked shit about your wife, i simply pointed out the fact that she's hispanic and asked if you call her a spic since you're so cool calling all black people niggers.

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I'm not sure what info you think you have on me, but if you're talking about the return address on that package i sent you, it's not going to do you a whole lot of good. I've lived 900 miles away for almost 3 months now, and was barely living there anyways since i was on the road 5 and 6 days a week. I do, however, have your home address, so i wouldn't suggest trying to pull any dumb retaliation bullshit for me trolling you hard on the internet and getting you visibly upset.

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I'm not sure what info you think you have on me, but if you're talking about the return address on that package i sent you, it's not going to do you a whole lot of good. I've lived 900 miles away for almost 3 months now, and was barely living there anyways since i was on the road 5 and 6 days a week. I do, however, have your home address, so i wouldn't suggest trying to pull any dumb retaliation bullshit for me trolling you hard on the internet and getting you visibly upset.


:lol: This thread is delivering.

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