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CIA gives Al Qaeda ponyrides, then tortures them

Richard Dunn

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I don't hate them, but most of their songs are about how fucked up the world is. That was cool when I was 22, but after a while it wears on you.


Lately I've been listening to Billy Bragg and The Ex when I want to hear political stuff. It's not like they answer the hard questions but they don't beat you over the head with gloom and doom.

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9/11 was far from the worst crime against humanity ever. I laugh at how defensive/patriotic people get about it like it's their god given right to do whatever they want to the people involved. Hiroshima anyone? 120000/140000 dead.


Who said 9/11 was the worst?


And I think The Holocaust was a greater crime than Hiroshima.


And the firebombings of Tokyo killed more than Hiroshima. Just didn't get as much notice since it was "conventional" bombing.

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Well that's because your an idiot.


Wait till dudes have you tied down to the table. See who cares about what than.


Torture isn't acceptable on anybody.


"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from opposition; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach himself." ~ Thomas Paine.


You are also fueling the fire. Creating the image that Islamic extremists paint as the enemy to the people they recruit.


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Hundreds of thousands of civilians have died in Iraq and Afghanistan combined as a direct result of US intervention.


Something that no one's mentioned yet is that these missions were intended to be promote peace, freedom and security. Torturing people, locking them up incommunicado, destroying their infrastructure and levying embargoes against them do nothing to achieve those goals...in fact, if I had to pick the easiest way to radicalize people, I'd probably just go by the US playbook in Iraq.

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If you asked everyone in Iraq right now if they wanted the US involved in the rebuilding of their country, the answer would be a resounding NO.


After all, we can't even get basic shit (like elections, transportation or the economy) right here, so why the hell is the US even getting involved in the affairs of a sovereign country? And oil doesn't count, that shit can sit there forever.

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The link has a few pictures Apparently there were similar sites in Romania and Poland too. This place opened up the same month that Bush got Lithuania into the UN.


You mean NATO (2004). They joined UN in 1991.

9 months earlier that year Russian troops were shooting and driving people over with tanks in Vilnius.

There's also a huge TORTURE MUSEUM in the center of the city. The building was used both by the NAZIS and the KGB during their prime.


That's pretty much all I know about Lithuania.

But yeah, I think it shows very discreet consideration from CIA's part to do their torturin' --of whoever the fuck they detain and suspect-- in a slightly more secluded location.

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I don't know about the rest of you, but I fail to feel any outrage about members of Al Qaeda being tortured

...Here's the thing. I think Dave Barry (Miami Herald) said it the best. He wrote this article the day after 9/11. I encourage you to read it, it's pretty good. I clipped an excerpt of the section that's relevant to your statement.


The people who did this to us are monsters; the people who cheered them have

hate-sickened minds. One reason they can cheer is that they know we would

never do to them what their heroes did to us, even though we could, a

thousand times worse. They know that when we hunt down the monsters, we will

try hard not to harm the innocent. Those are the handcuffs we willingly

wear, because for all our flaws, we are a decent people.... Some day, our country will track down the rest of the monsters behind this, and make them pay, and I suppose that will make most of us feel a little better. But revenge and hatred won't be why we'll go on.

We'll go on because we know this is a good country, a country worth keeping.


Those who would destroy it only make us see more clearly how precious it is.


Full article here.

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