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80's-90's MEMORIES

poop stache

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When I was 17 a friend of mine brought one of these in my car. He forgot it there, and just my luck I got pulled over two days late not knowing I had a fake uzi in the backseat. The cop pulled me out the car, put my hands on the roof while the other cop patted me down, then he went in and got the toy. He came out all pissed off telling me the dangers of so and so and what not. Yeah Yeah Yeah.


yeah...the older kid down the street named chris used to have one of these, and i wanted one really bad.

so i asked my stingy parents when i saw one left in the store...they made me do chores to save up and earn it...but by paying me a nickel here and a quarter there, it took me a month to raise half the cost of it...by then it was gone from the store, and i havent seen one being sold since.

and now theyre all bright orange or have the orange tip on it.

im still pissed about this...even though it happened to me almost 20 years ago.:(

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I love how the kid is wearing protective eye gear. What fucking kid wore those things?


My best friend growing up had a toy Rambo gun that shot pellets like that thing. They were hard plastic nuggets that probably weren't intended to be shot at a kid's face. Well one day I'm over at my buddies house and he comes around the corner pulls the trigger from 6 ft away and BANG, right in the eye. I was pissed and had a nasty viking temper when I was a kid. I'll never forget the look on his face when I stood up. It looked like he shit his pants and he ran to his room before I could catch him for a beat down.


Oh to be a kid again.

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Does anyone remember a show I think it was on PBS. Came on either Saturday or Sunday mornings. It may have just been the New York area. It was a teen show and there was graffiti around the stage the host was on. I think it was all about different teen subjects and I remember 1 episode about gangs and Mr. T said he used to be in a gang, his gang was the boys and girls club. I can not think of the name of the show.

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That George Carlin photo is classic. I actually have all of my parents albums, and the one they gave to my uncle so I wouldn't listen to it when I was 9:




It pisses me off.


I remember George Carlin more as the Comic Relief era.




Is it me or was comedy a bigger media package back in the day? It just seemed like it was always on TV.



Bill Hicks will always be a legend. R.I.P










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you were spoiled as fuck if you had that shit as a kid. i was always super envious of anyone who had that shit when i was young.


on a side note...me and my friends would dig holes and and fill them with water...or make rivers and shit ..then make hills and mountains with dirt and rocks.... in order to make scenes like in the g.i. joe commercials. did anyone else do this?

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