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kompton kenny

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Everything posted by kompton kenny

  1. RIP NARC WAL VK We'll keep your name up
  2. Good shit bruh - feeling those new styles. Let's paint before it gets cold
  3. Damn you got me buddy. Good internet zinger! 10 internet points for you
  4. Who the fuck are you anyway? Do i know you? Do you know me? No. Go fuck yourself and mind your own. If anyone else wants to write me a fucking essay pm me. This thread is full of people running their yap as it is.
  5. Cool. So if I went out bombing every night putting up COPE3 you'd be ok w that. Where is the integrity with you younger cats?
  6. I love conflict. But I hate the internet - get me?
  7. You like to talk a lot on the internet and take passive aggressive little bitch stabs at people. Get your mind right. You clearly have some internal conflict with your name. So much so that you feel the need to bring other people into this. Keep them out of it. This is about a writer from NY putting up the same name as a NYC writer who has wild history behind his name. This is not about west coast cats writing the same shit as east coast dudes. You're the one playing yourself by continuing this convo. Dead it and deal with your little girl issues like a man. You got my point from the jump. This isnt college young gun, no need to try to flex your intellect. It does nothing to back up your weak ass argument.
  8. Thanks for the essays. I didn't read any of it but the last one. Enz??? Thats your example??? Hahahahaa you are clueless kid. That whole crew ha been biting since day one!!!! Do the knowledge before you try to prove a point
  9. So go serve up some street justice hahah talking about it and making fun of dude's tattoos on the internet isn't going to do a damn thing
  10. Ha I definitely don't want to be spending my time arguing w someone on the internet who clearly knows better. TRIKE GND has been doing his thing since the early 70s. Why you want to be rocking the same name as someone who. as you say. "came before you". Do the knowledge
  11. This one was just a stepping stone. Big things on deck for the future
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