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wow obama


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^Real talk.


These same faggots talking about the government being too big and tax dollars being "wasted", are the same crowd who were waving their flags talking about "America, love it or leave it!" when the Republican president was running through Clintons surplus to steamroll into Iraq.


These same assholes were waiving their flags when Bush was spending billions of dollars on warrantless domestic spying, and you didn't here a peep from them about "big government".


Now we actually have a legit president who's actually trying to do some good and these racist dickheads are shitting themselves calling him all kinds of Nazi, Commie, Muslim, terrorist etc. Every name in the book. The same motherfuckers who were calling people traitors for having the nerve to talk shit about Bush.


Shit's fucking facepalm.


I'm not racist. All of my close friends are minorities.


I do not agree with Obama or his policies. About 50% of my friends agree with me. It has nothing to do with thinking that Obama is a communist, or the color of his skin.


Obama ran his campaign on change. I haven't notice much of that change. Neither have most of the American public. Which is why his approval rating is plummeting.


Ignore these truths and you are in the same category as those "racist dickheads". Please don't think that those quotations mean that there aren't plain racist people out there who are ignorant to everything around them.


However getting mad about something like this is STUPID! People can't relax? Get loose?

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I still wonder WTF people are talking about dude is a bad president, I find shit I don't like but to say dude is bad don't make sense.

Maybe because I'm reading more and not watching TV and the fake shit they do for ratings but still, dude is good.

He hasn't had any major fuck ups, hasn't lied to start a war, isn't McCain, shits been getting better since January, some bailed out companies have paid their shit back,

investments are on the rise, shits getting better, were not as hated by other countries (like they matter but you know), shit is better, what.

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I still wonder WTF people are talking about dude is a bad president, I find shit I don't like but to say dude is bad don't make sense.

Maybe because I'm reading more and not watching TV and the fake shit they do for ratings but still, dude is good.

He hasn't had any major fuck ups, hasn't lied to start a war, isn't McCain, shits been getting better since January, some bailed out companies have paid their shit back,

investments are on the rise, shits getting better, were not as hated by other countries (like they matter but you know), shit is better, what.


Nobody knows how this is going to affect us on the long term.


So we'll see about all of that. As of now it is on the rise. He has spent more money than all other presidents combined.

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That's complete bullshit, no, he hasn't.

I guess if you don't factor in for inflation and twist more shit around you can say that but seriously, he hasn't.



Also, if they didn't try and save those companies and they failed,

they'd be talking shit on that,


if he did help try to save our companies and it's working out,

they would say "we'll see",


Goldman Sacks has completely paid back everything and turned a huge profit that they will pay even more taxes on now.

Shit is picking back up at a good rate and you can get a mortgage again now.

My point is, people are just looking for any excuse because their salty as fuck.


Either way there is no evidence this dude has been anything but a stand up dude in office.

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you really just used the term shout out at a meeting of the interior department right before he spoke about teh Ft Hood shootings. cmon son ge the fuck outta here , you the motherfucking president and shit....































Please son.

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Either way there is no evidence this dude has been anything but a stand up dude in office.


his approval ratings right now are somewhat low (not as low as bush) because people are clearly getting somewhat disillusioned with him. i dunno if it's justified. it is for those who thought (think?) he's jesus and have realized he's a normal dude like everyone else... not jesus. part of that is the fault of the DNC for hyping him so much.. but he has yet to do anything major except spend a whooole ton of money. that's not responsible considering this.


doesn't the national debt scare anyone...? 12 trillion dollars?


way i see it is it's kinda like simcity. if you go all out on spending it's fun while you have the money but then... you lose.

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let's face it Obama is in office because he is black. Not because of his qualifications.




the truth.


i've even heard the statement "i've never voted in my life but becuase he was the first black person to run, i went out and voted for him" come out of a few people i work with. I'm wiling to bet that statement goes for a majority of people who were first time voters this past election.

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who's mad he's in office "cause he's black?"


presidents in the past have been elected for being catholic. people are elected for stupid reasons, that's how the democratic voting process works. one of my buddies writes in mickey mouse on his ballot every election.


don't be mad about it. he won the election, i wanna see him do something good though.

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I'm not racist. All of my close friends are minorities.


I do not agree with Obama or his policies. About 50% of my friends agree with me. It has nothing to do with thinking that Obama is a communist, or the color of his skin.


Obama ran his campaign on change. I haven't notice much of that change. Neither have most of the American public. Which is why his approval rating is plummeting.


Ignore these truths and you are in the same category as those "racist dickheads". Please don't think that those quotations mean that there aren't plain racist people out there who are ignorant to everything around them.


However getting mad about something like this is STUPID! People can't relax? Get loose?




How much fucking "change" do you expect in the first year with the Republicans throwing a shit fit every time he opens his mouth?

He's doing what he can, and did more in his first 100 days than any president in US history.
































Oh and this... "I'm not racist. All of my close friends are minorities."









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presidents in the past have been elected for being catholic.


Like who? As far as I know JFK was the only Catholic president, and I don't think many people voted for him for that


Also, when I heard the fact about JFK being the only Catholic president I was younger and very surprised, because I thought MOST people were Catholic. Turns out I'm just from the most Catholic state in the US haha

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I still wonder WTF people are talking about dude is a bad president, I find shit I don't like but to say dude is bad don't make sense.

Maybe because I'm reading more and not watching TV and the fake shit they do for ratings but still, dude is good.

He hasn't had any major fuck ups, hasn't lied to start a war, isn't McCain, shits been getting better since January, some bailed out companies have paid their shit back,

investments are on the rise, shits getting better, were not as hated by other countries (like they matter but you know), shit is better, what.




Anybody who says he's a shitty president is a fucking retard.


Or a racist.

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The first half of Obama's accomplishments above is mostly liberal stuff. The bottom half is all pretty dang conservative. Which brings us to The Problem With America Today: Blame it on the Internet, on partisan politics, on the economic crash, on the legacy of war or Fox News or Michael Moore, but our vital center is getting stiff — and it is starting to stink.


Liberals are upset because Obama didn't shut down Guantánamo or stop the wiretapping program or end all wars or support gay marriage and kill Don't Ask Don't Tell. Conservatives are pissed off because they hate health-care reform, family planning, ending any war at all, organic gardening at the White House, and government in general.


What's worse, both sides are so angry and righteous that they can't even begin to give credit where it is due. When was the last time you heard a conservative cheer about that $288 billion tax cut? Or credit Obama for the centrism it took to appoint McChrystal, Panetta, and Gates? And how many liberals choose to be understanding about the practical difficulties of shutting down Guantánamo, achieving equal rights for gays, or tapping Al Qaeda's phones?


And where, on either side, can you find a scrap of humility about the staggeringly complex challenge of Afghanistan and Pakistan? Or a scrap of gratitude at having escaped global financial doom?


So the question, a year since we elected him, isn't how much Obama has accomplished. The question is why we've turned so small and mean that we only see half of it — the half we happen to agree with.

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That's complete bullshit, no, he hasn't.

I guess if you don't factor in for inflation and twist more shit around you can say that but seriously, he hasn't.



Also, if they didn't try and save those companies and they failed,

they'd be talking shit on that,


if he did help try to save our companies and it's working out,

they would say "we'll see",


Goldman Sacks has completely paid back everything and turned a huge profit that they will pay even more taxes on now.

Shit is picking back up at a good rate and you can get a mortgage again now.

My point is, people are just looking for any excuse because their salty as fuck.


Either way there is no evidence this dude has been anything but a stand up dude in office.


It probably was a bit of an over statement.




Salty about what? Seriously explain that.


I don't agree with his policies. I have a different political ideology. I am not salty about anything. I just disagree with the direction.


Again we will see how this affects us long term. In a few months if unemployment doesn't pick up a long with a multitude of other issue's can't really say that it worked.


If you think that the problems over that's fine. We are all entitled to our own opinions.

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the truth.


i've even heard the statement "i've never voted in my life but becuase he was the first black person to run, i went out and voted for him" come out of a few people i work with. I'm wiling to bet that statement goes for a majority of people who were first time voters this past election.




You're a fucking retard.

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why is it that everyone who is for barack obama just assumes whoever is against him is automatically a racist becuase in all reality i'd say a good percentage of people dislike him becuase of the job he is doing.f


Dude barely got in office and you were hating on him. The recession was something he inherited, and he said it wouldn't turn around overnight. Did you say anything about Bush's job?

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let's face it Obama is in office because he is black. Not because of his qualifications.


Let's face it you're mad because he's black.


But he is far more qualified than both McCain & Bush combined. Blacks only made up about 12% of the voters so were all the other races voting for Obama "because he's black"?

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Like who? As far as I know JFK was the only Catholic president, and I don't think many people voted for him for that


Also, when I heard the fact about JFK being the only Catholic president I was younger and very surprised, because I thought MOST people were Catholic. Turns out I'm just from the most Catholic state in the US haha




Evangelical Christians came out in droves to vote for Bush because their church leaders told them too.

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