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wow obama


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So instead, they all of a sudden pretend to be political and jump at any and every excuse to demonize dude.

And being the fucking retards that they are, they honestly have no idea how transparent they are and how fucking stupid they sound.



bump this.

where the fuck where you assholes at when we started dropping depleted uranium?

fucking neophytes.


i cannot take you seriously if you are just getting into politics now and had a fucking pulse when patriot act, abu ghraib, guantanamo, yellow cake, downing street memo, enemy combatants, torture memos, valerie plame came to light.

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i cannot take you seriously if you are just getting into politics now and had a fucking pulse when patriot act, abu ghraib, guantanamo, yellow cake, downing street memo, enemy combatants, torture memos, valerie plame came to light.




^Real talk.


These same faggots talking about the government being too big and tax dollars being "wasted", are the same crowd who were waving their flags talking about "America, love it or leave it!" when the Republican president was running through Clintons surplus to steamroll into Iraq.


These same assholes were waiving their flags when Bush was spending billions of dollars on warrantless domestic spying, and you didn't here a peep from them about "big government".


Now we actually have a legit president who's actually trying to do some good and these racist dickheads are shitting themselves calling him all kinds of Nazi, Commie, Muslim, terrorist etc. Every name in the book. The same motherfuckers who were calling people traitors for having the nerve to talk shit about Bush.


Shit's fucking facepalm.

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If it weren't for the bailouts, we'd already be in the second great depression.


On a serious note...



...here's the thing: i dont trust gov't giving away that much money to anyone, let alone private businesses. i don't see why the american auto industry and its enormous overinflated auto worker union contracts had to be immediately saved by the US gov't in such a fashion. because the effect of such direct spending by the government and subsequent lack of accountability will mean that a LOT of the bailout money will be wasted if it hasn't been already. Businesses are run like businesses, public non-profits are run like public non-profits, and a business' responsibility is to its shareholders and its bottom line, according to friedman.


What i'm saying here is that the grants to assist the auto industry should have been structured like they were in the 70's, when loans to chrysler to help them get back on their feet were taken out by chrysler from private banks and underwritten by the government. this allowed chrysler to secure more favorable loan terms and also put the onus to pay them back and use the money responsibly on them, because the private bank was far more willing and able to count their money and ensure loan payments were made. in fact, chrysler ended up paying back their entire loan with interest.


now, we gave grants in the bailouts that are either interest free or don't even have to be paid back at all.


will someone tell me why it WAS a good idea to do it this way? please do.


In addition, the entire healthcare debate is getting ridiculous although since i'm studying it in school the public option is making a lot more sense. however, i'm still unconvinced that now is the best time to do this. from a common perspective it seems that obama threw money at the recession problem and then went to trying to accomplish his brainchild of a health care program. while the numbers suggest that a public option and reducing healthcare spending will greatly reduce government expenditures over time, i do not agree that it is the most select time to be persuing this issue.



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the way i see it as an independent is that the republican politicians are ruining shit. they are doing everything they can to go against obama regardless of it affecting us. because they don't want a "nigger" in charge of them.

obama has already done a lot of good but its being overshadowed by all the crap we are fed by fox and the likes. and all the time spent listening to health care debate

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the way i see it as an independent is that the republican politicians are ruining shit. they are doing everything they can to go against obama regardless of it affecting us.

obama has already done a lot of good but its being overshadowed by all the crap we are fed by fox and the likes.


you cant say that fox is the only biased news station on the television. everyone on tv has a bias.

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