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12oz i need your help


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this is similar to what happened to Gnarley Sheen. this fat chick will not leave me the fuck alone, ive tried being civil, ive tried abusing her but nothing is working. she keeps calling on withheld numbers but i finally have a lead. i was wondering if i could get some people to terrorize her like we did with the last girl.


theres 2 numbers calling because its a group of moron 16 yr old girls. first number is 0410793446 and the other one is 0413814667. they are australian numbers.


they aren't just calling me but people in my crew, they've met us once and i have no idea how they got my number. i'm putting their numbers on craigslist too. id appreciate any help





sorta drunk. heres some tits



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handle yo buisness son.


but shit postin up bitches phone numbers on the interwebz for the 12oz parasites to feed off is kinda soft. man up, tell em either "look, its not happenin" or get harsher. yer call.


be a man swindle, dont scheme behind computer screens.











































that being said i just sent both numbers a pic of my cock layed on top my computer desk like a tube of salami.


as you were soldier.

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Put the whore on blast


I'm not calling international tho bruh


yeah i figured most people wouldnt. Shai was using some kind of online program last time so i thought people could get in on that.


ill check non this thread later but i really would appreciate help.



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LOL I am a asshole. So I called the first number. That little bitch talks funny. I did the hole breathing heavy thing then I started in with my best australian accent and was like. Im gonna come and shave you beaver witha lawn mower. She told me to fuck off. I said I was fucking hand to a picture of her dad. lol Hope that helps. I will send you the phone bill. lol

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holy fuck was i wasted when i made this. the trouble is ive been flat out rude to them, one in particular i severred all ties with and called her some charming names. its just got to the point where they ring and ring and ring and i dont feel like i should be the one who has to turn my phone off for long periods of time. specially since i dont really know these girls. one of my mates is getting it much worse than i am /nh so it was a group decision to put them on blast. friends have put their numbers on craigslist so i really hope it takes off. i do understand that it would cost a lot to call overseas or whatever but at the time i had in my mind people would use online programs



LOL I am a asshole. So I called the first number. That little bitch talks funny. I did the hole breathing heavy thing then I started in with my best australian accent and was like. Im gonna come and shave you beaver witha lawn mower. She told me to fuck off. I said I was fucking hand to a picture of her dad. lol Hope that helps. I will send you the phone bill. lol


this gets props. good show!



and mauler has the right code. i actually knew that but it slipped my mind.




in related news i had anal sex for the first time. (with a girl, you fucks) and it was dope. no lube then blasted her in the mouth. thug lifery :cool:

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I dont know why people cant ignore stalker girls. Its worked well for me. Flawless even. Just dont answer the phone, respond to texts, or talk to her at all. Ever. Then they stop trying. If you abuse them then they at least get some sort of response from you. It may make you look like a tremendous asshole, and all their friends look like they want to kill you, but whatever man, fuck 'em.

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You can ignore them. But sometimes even that can make shit worse. I had one almost get me fired form my job. She used crazy tatics on me. There was another one that actualy started pounding on front door while I was banging a chick in my frontroom. The funny part to that story is we just kept fucking and laughing at the bitch at the door. I bet money the bitch I was smashing that day wasnt laughing much when it happen to her. But Yeah. If you can change your number. I did that and it worked for a while. lol

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yeah im usually good at it but these are some persistant bitches.


im talking;

they call, i answer

"hi?" /realise its them, hang up

they call, i reject

they call, i reject

they call, i reject

they call, i answer and put the phone down in an attempt to waste their money.

they hang up and call again. and again and again and again until i turn my phone off for 5 mins.


i turn my phone back on and within 10 minutes is starts again

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alpha dog was a good movie to be fair



you could almost start a "reverse stalking" thread at this point. tactics on how to out stalk your stalker..


oooooo i hope so. i wish i had sweet hack skills. id run up charges on their phone bills. maybe ill sign them up to some spam sites that drain 14 bucks a day.

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