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NHL 09-10 Season


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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaha not quite vancouver!


prob some shithole like newton, dewdney trunk, or langley.


fluery is playing great, flames should have a decent year, san jose should have a real good year. itll be an interesting season. hopefully crosby will get aids, and every arena will start a 20 cent chant for big tipper cabbie fighter.

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


nothing like smoking rocks behind the dolphin pub in newton.

newton is in its own category of shit itself.


i hate to admit it but the canucks may have a good run, well better than the oilers.

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


the pens are gonna miss hal gill,and if i was malkin id be mad that crosby gets all the burn,and hes not even the best player on the team.


your comments retarded on so many levels


first off hal gill is the softest player in the nhl and the pens won't miss him...

malkin can barely speak any english which is a big reason as to why he doest get the same publicity as crosby.


honestly i think thats part of the reason crosby gets more publicity than ovechkin too...

its easier to market people who you can understand clearly when they talk.


and believe me malkin gets alot of publicity and love in the burgh...the pens aint a selfish team...

they are in it to win not for commercials and endorsements.

thats why crosby took a pay cut when he was resigned so we could afford to pay people to play with him

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


new kid coming in talking shit with only 5 posts. :lol:


why does this thread always turn into a hate thread on the pens, voice your opinion once about if you like them or not, then shut the fuck up about them.


talk about other teams, this is a NHL discussion thread, not a constant "no the pens are awesome, NO THEY SUCK" arguement thread, if you wanna go back and forth about how much they suck, or how much they don't then PM eachother.


but honestly this year try to keep this thread a GENERAL NHL DISCUSSION THREAD to talk about every team in the NHL and whats going on with players, and moves that are being made, and what games you watched last night and to post links to some good stories, or links to youtube videos of a sick goal someone scored, or a brutal hit.


so please, unlike last year lets not have this turn into 24 pages of back and forth penguins talk.


/end rant


on a lighter note, the regular season starts in about a week.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


really canucks? lunongo? hello? knock knock. the season started.


Yeah, 3 goals on 3 shots the other game. Yikes.


Washington looks ridiculous again; Semin already posting 9 points.. Ovechkin..


I'm really feelin the Blackhawks this year if Huet can post decent stats between the pipes.


Underdog favorites are Thrashers (Kovalchuk just posted his 300th career goal) and the Kings.

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)



wtf is letang even doing with his hand in hartnells mouth anyway?

letang was acting like a little bitch with all that imo. plus MAF should have been given an unsportsmanlike for trying to grab hartnells stick like that.


pens kicked the shit out of toronto tonight but their second goal was offside, toskala needs to be released from his contract.

more importantly the oilers are kicked the shit out of the habs right now, boooooya

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)



wtf is letang even doing with his hand in hartnells mouth anyway?

letang was acting like a little bitch with all that imo. plus MAF should have been given an unsportsmanlike for trying to grab hartnells stick like that.


pens kicked the shit out of toronto tonight but their second goal was offside, toskala needs to be released from his contract.

more importantly the oilers are kicked the shit out of the habs right now, boooooya


im taking all of what you said in the first portion in your post as sarcasim and a joke.

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Re: NHL 09-10 Season (aka pens repeat, kris draper loves anal sex)


maybe about letang but not about fleury, did you see the play? I honestly didn't catch the game but I saw the replay of the attempted stick grab which is why I guess hartnell got all salty.

I'm not defending hartnell for biting letang, but honestly letang, if you don't want to get bitten don't stick your fingers in his mouth!

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