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its called a cut away.... lol someone says something about someone, they get their reaction, this is normal live recording protocol. Plus, she was a runner up for the award. the camera was on her reaction prior.



Ok, I'm only on page 5 of this thread, but saw this in response to why cameras were on Beyonce. Beyonce was up for an award in that category, so they probably had a camera man on her for the announcement anyway. I don't think that camera was staged.


If this was already said --I apologize.



Actually No, I don't.

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every vma or big show has its "incident", without this "incident" i wouldn't' have known that there was this show and most of you too. there is nothing spontaneous in today's entertainment and furthermore in mtv. this was just a wack attempt to mock ODB grammy's intervention which was not staged.

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Don't forget that Fiona Apple called Chris Rock a "Burnt match."



I'm so fucking sick of hearing about this goddamn shit. Every time I sign on facebook, there is another update of someone saying something. Why couldn't they have staged a bombing? Huh? Maybe have Gilbert Godfried go in with a shitload of dynamite in a Red Flyer wagon? That would have been hilarious and great, all at once!

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Hah, ok you guys probably believe pro wrestling and gangsta rap is real too




Live in your little kid musical fantasy land. Bet beyonce and Taylor swift already got a single in the works together...




Who said Beyonce & Taylor disliked each other? When Beyonce accepted an award later that night, she had Taylor come up.


You must think every single Kanye outburst was staged, the ODB rambling was staged. And you thought Dr. Dre getting socked in the jaw at the BET awards was staged, along with Young Buck stabbing the attacker, and the mini-riot that ensued. It's like you think these dudes aren't human and aren't capable of drunken rants and doing stupid shit. Like their life is The Truman Show and everything they do is acting.

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Snopes states the Lauryn Hill thing to be a false rumor:




And I remember Lauryn stating she never said this.


lies and a possitive cover up, lemme explain somethng real kwik. Prior to her little outburst I was actually inter her music, then I saw that and never ever again would i let a song play on the radio without turning it off or a video playing. Seeing someone say something like that isnt something you forget, and its in a record labels best interest to have other reputable artists say it was not true, because other then the actual MTV archive, who was taping stuff like that back then? That stuff will never end up on youtube.


might I also remind how her entire career went out the window after that.

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lies and a possitive cover up, lemme explain somethng real kwik. Prior to her little outburst I was actually inter her music, then I saw that and never ever again would i let a song play on the radio without turning it off or a video playing. Seeing someone say something like that isnt something you forget, and its in a record labels best interest to have other reputable artists say it was not true, because other then the actual MTV archive, who was taping stuff like that back then? That stuff will never end up on youtube.


might I also remind how her entire career went out the window after that.




I'll believe that when I see it. How come no one has been ever to turn up a tape or video? Until then, the rumor was disproven, and snopes is the most trusted for proving or disproving rumors.

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You guys are craaaaaaaaaaaaazy gullible and receptive to the new tricks of showbiz in the viral age.


Within 5 minutes of that shit happening, the cropped and edited clip was up on mtv.com, ready to be embedded on thousands blogs with a 30-second ad playing before it.


Kanye interrupting and saying stupid shit at awards shows is a time-tested viral hit guaranteed to get eyeballs and a crazy buzz wave that clients are salivating to hop onto and ride out. This event, as well as other ocurrences at the VMAs, were discussed beforehand with prospective ad clients and spots doled out on a fee scale.


The right word isn't "staged" or "hoax", but "manufactured". You best believe with absolute certainty that this was a manufactured event.

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