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DAO appreciation thread...yup.


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Wrong again.


If same family equaled the same animal, why are there two more classifications after family? Same family just means they're related, it doesn't mean they're the same thing.


Same family = same animal.

All that other shit is the difference between breeds.

Like the difference between a chiuaua and a pitbull.


Everybody knows this. Literally everybody.

There's not one single person in real life who doesn't know that a wolf is a dog.

It's fucking retarded to even have to explain this to grown ass adults, much more so supposed college educated grown ass adults.

You and Theo and Ayebee are just being trolls.

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Humans and chimps are in the same family, Hominidae...are we chimps?





Humans and chimps are decsendants from the same ape.

A more accurate thing for you to have said is that Neanderthals and Cro magnons are or are not the same animal.

Cro magnons and Neanderthals are/were both humans.

But the neanderthals died out, and now there's only cro magnons.

But according you fucking retards logic.... cro magnons are the only "humans" and neanderthals were just some other shit.

:dunce: :dunce: :dunce: :dunce:

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So you're saying a human and an orangutan is the same animal? Because both belong to the same Family Hominidae. Things that belong in the same Family generally are not the same "animal", but rather seperate animals that are closely related . It isn't until you get to the same species or subspecies in taxonomy where you can start to say an animal is the same. And even that isn't always the case.




Wolves and other dogs are exactly the same animal.



You're a fucking idiot.

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good example.

i dont know who is saying what but it sounds almost the same.


dogs dont mate with wolves. pretty sure the cant even if they wanted to.

like we dont fuck with the monkeys.

we came from monkeys/apes

dogs come from wolves


Wolves can and do mate with other dogs on a regular basis.

We can't and don't mate with monkeys.

Wolves are dogs.


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They can mate.


But so can donkeys and horses, and other animals that aren't the same, but closely related.


That's because donkeys are horses.

We've already gone over this, and Smart even posted some shit that shut you up.

Animals can't reproduce with other animals that are not the same animal as them.

Welcome to middle school science class.

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A. Where is the source of this? Looks like this was typed on Microsoft Word then print screened.


B. Besides, nowhere in that definition does it say that a wolf is a dog. In fact, it says that dogs evolved from wolves.


C. Calling things "horse family" and "mouse family" and "dog family" are non-scientific, non-official words used by everyday people that use the most familiar animal to them to describe the entire family. A horse is more common to the everyday person than a donkey or a zebra. And thus it's called the "horse family" on the street. Doesn't make a donkey a horse. A mouse is more common to people than a ferret. Doesn't make a ferret a mouse. And it doesn't make a fox or a wolf a dog, just because people are more familiar with dogs. More specifically, a dog is a domesticated (and evolved) form of wolf.





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The genus remains the same. But, dogs are in their own subspecies.


But yes, all of us here do agree that dogs evolved from wolves, and are closely related. DAO however is saying a wolf is just another breed of dog in the same way a Golden Retriever and a Pomeranian is a breed of dog.


I'm saying that a wolf is the first breed of dog, but it's still a breed of dog you fucking moron.





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I honestly think that DAO is saying this retarded ass shit just so we'll keep replying to his ridiculous thoughts. I mean seriously, who in their COHERENT mind would say some of this shit. I guess it's because he's stimulated off alcohol?

I dunno... Haha shit's funny as hell though...


There's not one single person IRL who in their coherent mind would even think of arguing that a wolf isn't a dog.

During this entire time, I've even asked mad people (pretending to be on the side that I supposedly think a wolf isn't a dog at times) what they thought on the subject, and they all looked at me like I was trippin and said something to the effect of "who the fuck thinks a wolf isn't a dog".

Not one single person cosigned that a wolf isn't a dog.

then when I told them that these dudes on the internet think that a wolf isn't a dog, they all said that those dudes on the internet are fucking retards.

Which only confirmed what I already knew.

Then like 90% of them clowned on me for arguing with retards on the internet.

And I had no defense.


Yall motherfuckers is either blatant fucking trolls, or blatant fucking retards.

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