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Ill help you out. This shit will make your steak tasty as fuck.

Throw them bitches in a plastic bag and do this shit:


A few cloves of garlic

some sliced up ginger

some olive oil

some soy sauce ( dont od)

some wouchtishire or whatever the fuck sauce (also dont od)

about a teaspoon of balsamic viniger

some rosemary, thyme or whatever other herbs you wanna throw in


You dont want to have so much liquid that they are all soaked, just put enough so its covering all of them and they are all coated and chillin in it. Leave that shit in da fridge over night for best results, but you could also do like 4 or 5 hours and it would still be bangin


Fuck i want to make this shit now

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I had two rib-eyes in my hand tonight at the market. I'm thinking about a marinade what veggies to make etc etc. Out of the corner of my eye I see a package of hot dogs and i was smitten.


So i go home and crisp the hot dogs, toast the buns with a bit of margarine, make some caramelized onions, and sweet potato french fries.


Needless to say my girlfriend was not impressed with my "recession steaks," but fuck it some times you just feel like a hot dog.(no homo)

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dont use excess marinade from the bowl if you plan to rub it on steaks, it could contain salmonella from the raw meat. use whatevers left in the bottle.


grill them shits how u like it, this will bring out flavor. $$

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