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stop meds


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All i have to do is go to the pharmacy and its 7$ for my scrip. I stopped taking

my hookups and shit is not sweet. Ive got the problems that justify taking

these meds and herein lies the problem. Fact of the matter is im having

fucking withdraws off them and it sucks something serious. Scrips in question

are prozac and xanax. The prozac isnt a huge deal. I have a headache and

will continue to have one for a few days since im accoustomed to having it in

my system. The xanax is a totally different story. Suffice to say I need to put

something in its place and im not sure what that should be. Beer? Not only

have i been having panic attacks but im sketchy as fuck and not sure what to

do... Anybody dealt with this? And yes... I kno. I'm an idiot for being in this

situation in the first place. I did it to myself. The solution is easy. Take my

meds but I feel like its got to stop sometime. Maybe that sometime should

be now before its too late and something bad happens and or i keep getting

more and more dependant

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would be nice. Heavy probation tho.

Ive been to rehab. The thing about rehab

and jail is they put you with a bunch of people

with the same problems you got. I had to

go once. The only positive impact it had

was to show me human examples for why

to not use heroin or crack. I seen some

real crusty fuckers and decided that no matter

what i wouldnt get like them

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When I was withdrawing from certain medications i used to take and was super on the edge I would just smoke some doja and that calmed me down


And about probation, I was on it for a year and just recently got off. It really wasn't that hard to get shit out of my system or find a way to beat the tests, there are various methods. But if they are tight on drugs just be smart about it

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i just got to keep my mind occupied. Some guy just came

to the door tryin to sell magazines. I talked at him for

like 10 minutes, smoked a cigarette and forgot all about

the problem. Now that im sitting back down its back tho.


Kid was funny. Telling me he just ran a train on my

neighbor daughter. I dont kno the broad but maybe

i should

Taper is an good idea. I probably should

too. I been taking 6-9 mg a day for over a year. Only

problem is that if i have it i will take it


Other problem is that i remember why i started taking the

shit in the first place. I was tryin to set my shit straight. I

have a genuine panic disorder. Unless im taking something

i also have serious anxiety for no apparant reason. Like...

it wouldnt be so big a deal if there was a reason. I could live

with that and try to correct the problem but there is nothing

specific causing the anxiety. Its just there

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There's a couple things that don't add up here.


I could be wrong but it seems like you've had a problem with Xanax for as long as you've been posting on 12 oz. Have you been getting your scripts from the same doctor all along? If so, it might be time for you to, well....tell him the truth. Sort of. Don't tell him you're a slavering fiend for bars, they'll cut you off faster than you can say "malpractice". Tell him that you aren't really getting any relief from Xanax, but you don't want to increase the dose because you don't like being spaced out. Ativan (lorazepam) is a good low dose anti-anxiety drug...it chills you out but it doesn't have all the gnarly effects of Xanax some people experience. (I don't really get anything out of Xanax myself which is a good thing.)


I have had to deal with the same shit (anxiety and depression) most of my adult life. When I was 20-21 I was prescribed Zoloft and I hated it. It made me feel like a fucking grinning idiot and I couldn't sleep so I stopped taking it and learned how to cope with my moodiness (which is successful about 95% of the time). I've been off and on Valium and Ativan for years...one doc wanted to prescribe me klonopin but I told him I was okay with the Ativan.


My best friend has been through every single SSRI out there,and she doesn't like them either. We both feel that they create more problems than they solve....not to mention that they're a cash cow for pharmaceutical companies.


I hope it works out for you...I've had to deal with my own vices, it's no fun especially when it's compounded by other mental issues but if you want to have any semblance of a normal life it's necessary.

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i cant be trusted with it either. I have forced myself to take it responsibly. Given it to

girlfriends to dispense to me and sucessfully taken the recomended amount (which is probably 2x as much as i should). Problem is that the whole time all i can think about is

taking more. Say im supposed to take 1 at 3pm and its only 11:30am. The next few hours

there is little else on my mind.

Other times i get a bottle of 90 sticks. 3 days later i haven't any left.

Xanax was a transfer addiction. I got turned out by Ketamine a long time ago. I wasn't just

taking a dash and getting fuzzy. I was snorting half a gram blacking out and talking to aliens. I fucking thought i was an alien. Thing was tho i was too swampy to leave the crib and cause trouble.

Soon as the K went away i started blacking out on stickbats. Similar out of body type feeling but way less cerebral. Biggest difference is them sticks be having me not give a fuck. Its produced some less than good results.

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It sounds like you either have Generalized Anxiety Disorder or potentially Panic Disorder. That or there are things that probably should not be mentioned online that may be contributing to what you are experiencing, and if you deal with those things you'll find your anxiety drops. I think meds are great for those who absolutely need them, but I'm a little hard pressed to think of too many cases of anxiety where a serious commitment to work in therapy wouldn't be more beneficial.

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Try Suboxone for your anxiety dude.


I had severe anxiety and panic attacks my whole life.


When I was 14 I would be worried about ordering a pizza. I'd pace back and forth thinking about how the call was going to go.


It was hardcore...which led me to opiates because they corrected it.


Now that I've been on Suboxone for a long time I can tell you I haven't had one anxiety attack or anything.


Me and my doctor had a discussion about how it treats anxiety better than anxiety medications. All of his patients reported not having anxiety anymore while on it.

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fact of the matter is you cant cold turkey that shit. you need to taper. it can literally give you seizures if you just stop. especially from the dose you were taking.

if you're strong enough to admit you got a problem, be strong enough to taper down off it.

or, you know, be no better than the junkies you were in rehab with.

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So a google search of Xanax withdrawal fortifies seeks claim of seizures upon withdrawal. So I must take back my comment about tapering, however I kicked a serious heroin habit cold turkey and had seizures and sat in front of a fire place with a blanket and the cold sweats and lived. For me there is only one time with shit that I can turn down and that is the first time.


I differ from most in that I do not think that strength has anything to do with beating addiction.


And by the way if you are looking for a replacement for K, have you considered the occasional hit of nitrous oxide?

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Well fuck, I stepped outside to have a smoke before dinner and thought about how wrong my advice was in my last post.


Do you trust the person who prescribes your medication? If so talk to them about it, if not talk to someone else with credentials about it.


I have a friend who kicked H but never got off the methodone, he uses Nitrous on the regular with some success. However he is firmly addicted to it so that might not be the best option for you.

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Withdrawal symptoms

Some of the withdrawal symptoms are identical to the symptoms for which the medication was originally prescribed. The ability to determine the difference between relapse and rebound is very important during the withdrawal phase and can often lead to a misdiagnosis. Withdrawal symptoms from low dose dependence typically last 6–12 months and gradually improving over that time period. Without any psychological reason, symptoms can fluctuate in intensity with periods of good days and periods of bad days until recovering in time.[29][30][31] For this reason, many experts agree that after withdrawal from long term or even fairly short term use of benzodiazepine drugs, at least six months should have elapsed prior to re-evaluating the symptoms and updating a diagnosis.


The following symptoms may emerge during gradual dosage reduction but can usually be reduced in intensity or eliminated altogether by reducing the rate of reduction:


Anxiety, possible terror and panic attacks[29][32]

Agitation and restlessness[29]


Impaired concentration[32]



Muscular spasms, cramps or fasciculations[34]

Electric shock sensations[10][35]

Blurred vision[29]


Dry mouth[29]

Aches and pains[29]

Hearing disturbances[29]

Taste and smell disturbances[29]

Chest pain[29]

Flu like symptoms[29]

Impaired memory and concentration[29]

Increased sensitivity to sound[29]

Increased urinary frequency[29]

Numbness and tingling[29]

Hot and cold flushes[29]


Rebound REM sleep[36]


Fatigue and weakness[29]


Restless legs syndrome[6]

Metallic taste[37]




Nausea and vomiting[33]

Elevation in blood pressure[39]



Postural hypotension[33]

Depression (can be severe),[42][43] possible suicidal ideation



Loss of appetite and weight loss[46]



Derealisation (Feelings of unreality)[51]

Obsessive compulsive disorder[52][53]



Visual disturbances[50]

Mood swings[29]


Gastrointestinal problems (Irritable bowel syndrome)[55][56][57]



An abrupt or over-rapid discontinuation of benzodiazepines may result in a more serious and very unpleasant withdrawal syndrome that may additionally result in:


Convulsions, which may result in death[58][59]

Catatonia, which may result in death[60][61][62]

Coma[63] (rare)


Attempted suicide[50]

Suicidal ideation[66]

Self harm[50]



Homicidal ideation[68]

Urges to shout, throw, break things or to harm someone[29]


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder[6]

Organic brain syndrome[70]




Neuroleptic malignant syndrome like event[76] (rare)

delirium tremens[77][78][79]

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****************** the most important thing to read, in my mind atleast on how dangerous this and alcohol can be****************


It has been found that those who have a prior history of withdrawing from benzodiazepines are less likely to succeed the next time around.[15] Repeated benzodiazepines withdrawals, like with alcohol withdrawal, may lead to sensitisation or kindling of the CNS, possibly leading to worsening cognition and symptomatology and making each subsequent withdrawal period worse.[16][17][18] (See also alcohol withdrawal syndrome#Kindling)




Kindling is the phenomenon where repeated alcohol detoxifications leads to an increased severity of the withdrawal syndrome. For example binge drinkers may initially experience no withdrawal symptoms but with each period of resumption of drinking followed by abstinence their withdrawal symptoms intensify in severity and may eventually result in full blown delirium tremens with convulsive seizures. Alcoholics who experience seizures during hospital detoxification have been found to be much more likely to have had experienced more previous detoxifications from alcohol than alcoholics who did not have seizures and are more likely to have a more medically complicated alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Kindling can cause complications and may increase the risk of relapse, alcohol related brain damage and cognitive deficits. Chronic alcohol misuse and kindling via multiple alcohol withdrawals may lead to permanent alterations in the GABA<AA receptors.[21] The mechanism behind kindling is sensitisation of some neuronal systems and desensitisation of other neuronal systems which leads to increasingly gross neurochemical imbalances. This in turn leads to more profound withdrawal symptoms including anxiety, convulsions and neurotoxicity.[7]

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