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Lies Adults Told


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I said that I'll never understand why they're called "asian" when they're fucking Arabs <-as in the Arab race. The race that is known as Arab.

You know exactly what I said and what I was getting at, and that there's nothing stupid about it at all.


And Asian is a race. It's what everyone refers to people with slanty eyes and yellow (brown) skin who's peoples origionated from Asia and the Pacific Islands.

When you describe a person of that description, you say Asian.

That's the name of that race of people.



Asian is not a race. The slanty eyed people we are talking about is specifically East Asians. But there are Arabs & Turks from West Asia. There are Indians from Central Asia. There are Russians from Northern Asia. The true scientific racial attribute of the people you're speaking of is Mongoloid. And Polynesians/Samoans are not "Asian" either.

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Theo refers to Asians as "Orientals".


And corrects you when you call a filipino "Asian" and says that they're a completely different race from Orientals because they have Spanish names.


You still telling lies?


Oriental is an outdated term and it seems only older people that don't get out alot use it. Filipinos ethnically are a mix of different races... some Chinese, Malay, various Polynesian groups...

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You still telling lies?


Oriental is an outdated term and it seems only older people that don't get out alot use it. Filipinos ethnically are a mix of different races... some Chinese, Malay, various Polynesian groups...





Who's telling lies?

You just said that Asians aren't a race, and that slanty eyed yellow people are called oriental.


Those are your words.

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holding your breath going past a cemetery or you'll get nightmares


My family use to say the cemetery thing too. Only you wouldn’t get nightmares

the "souls of the dead" would haunt or possess you. I was terrified.

Sometimes my Ma would drive extra slow past cemeteries on purpose for kicks.

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Where did I use the word "Oriental" to refer to Asians? Please find this phrase.


^Check you out calling them Asians now.


And I never said "Indians are the same race as Asians" because technically, "Asian" is not a race (since that race of people are called orientals). But yes, India is considered to be apart of Central Asia, thus making them oriental.

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"Asian" is not a race


































































































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False: Some human veins are blue because they carry deoxygenated blood.

True: The color of human veins comes from the veins themselves and the overlying tissue.


False: The phrase is "make ends meat".

True: The phrase is "make ends meet".

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All of those are good for you in moderation.

Infact, you'd be a frail, pale, little faggot without them.


Anything in excess is bad for you.



i agree. i eat cow quite often.

it was just a quote from a movie that seemed to fit the title of the thread.

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i remember when i was 5 or 6, i woke up & had one of those double-layered & clear plastic cups with glitter & knick knacks floating in the middle. that was my christmas present. my parents didnt exactly do a good job at covering their tracks with this santa business, but i dont blame them. they were more worried about paying the bills back in the day & i appreciate that they tried


a majority of the kids from the area i kicked it with as a child found out at an early age, that "santa" was just a crock of shit. the ones that belived in him were considered idiots

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