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alcohol & you (a scientific inquiry)


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I drink alot.

(fuck you, common usage makes it a word.)

At least a a six and a half a night or a few forties.

some nights with liquor or wine, I don't smoke weed.

When on the rare occasions that I cut back or stop for a while

my body goes on this insane eating spree (ok, so I go on this insane eating spree)

of fatty red meats and anything with a super high sugar content. It's all my body wants to take in which is strange because I usually eat really healthy alot of salads no high fructose no msg ridden shit. My only guess is that with all the sugar in cheap beers, malt liquors when I deprive myself of it my body is trying to get it's sugar fix by any means necessary but that doesn't explain the meat thing or salt or whatever.

I'm perplexed.

I'm 20 something ish about 165-70

and in fairly good shape I run (sometimes) and ride my bike everywhere.

what the fuck is up with this.





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Ever since I stopped smoking weed, I've been drinking every day. And before when I did smoke weed, I drank every other day, or once every 3 days. Anywhere from 2 to 15 beers, usually around 4 or 5 on average though. Cheap shit and Coors Light for the most part, if I'm partying I'll drink Captain or some whiskey but I have a slight dislike for hard liquor. I haven't noticed a difference in my eating habits, weight, or anything.

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i got friends that can drink like 3 bud lights and be wasted. I put back an 18 pack

and im still conscious. Im certainly impaired but i dont black out. Not even especially sloppy. More than anything i get quiet

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eatso my boy.


i like to drink.


and i like to eat alot.


im in fairly decent shape.


its all about staying active.


you need to dust it off.


throw on some good music.


have a sip o the ripple.


and maybe doodle or watch tv.


and eat your ass off.


only regret it if you dont exercise tomorrow.


on a related note ive been wolfing down some two bite brownies.


im also making a pizza right now.


i will probably be skating it off tonight.


or painting.


feel good for me son.

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i got friends that can drink like 3 bud lights and be wasted. I put back an 18 pack

and im still conscious. Im certainly impaired but i dont black out. Not even especially sloppy. More than anything i get quiet



let me shed some light for you.

your metabolism is what makes you get drunk quick, or be able to slam back an 18 pack, which i don't condone (sp?) because that could lead to some alcohol poisoning.

it all depends on how fast your metabolism is working the day you are drinking.

depending on how its working you could drink 4 BL's and be wasted, or you could drink 10 and just be buzzing, and depending on what kind of beer and the % of the beer also comes into play.

also eating a bunch before drinking / eating a lot of food with bread while drinking also helps how much alcohol you can intake.


just some fun facts.

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DUDE its your body replacing the high alcohol intake with sugars...


I have not had a drink in 18 months....


I would drink a couple forties a day and weekends drink 20-30 beers per night...


once I quit I had to eat sugar, and it would help me stop fiendin for drink.


alcohol is turned into sugars by the body, that is why alcohol makes you get a beer gut, your body turns sugars to fats.


so it is just your body trying to replace what it is missing...


btw that shit catches up to you, may want to kick back a bit.


btw i smoked weed for 10 years straight...seriously a decade of smoking weed, i wish I had all that loot I spent.


another fact is in the last 18 months i have stacked 10k which I would have never done on the drink

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let me shed some light for you.

your metabolism is what makes you get drunk quick, or be able to slam back an 18 pack, which i don't condone (sp?) because that could lead to some alcohol poisoning.

it all depends on how fast your metabolism is working the day you are drinking.

depending on how its working you could drink 4 BL's and be wasted, or you could drink 10 and just be buzzing, and depending on what kind of beer and the % of the beer also comes into play.

also eating a bunch before drinking / eating a lot of food with bread while drinking also helps how much alcohol you can intake.


just some fun facts.


Dude that's really a bunch of bullshit,

the only thing affecting how drunk you are is your weight, via BAC

the difference with how IMPARED you are is your brains learned ability to comphensate operating at an impared level.


A 200 lb man who drinks every day for 20 years and has a high tolerance will have the exact same BAC as another 200 lb man who never drinks and has no tolerance, providing their alcohol intakes are identical. The only difference is the drinker for 20 years has adapted his brain to higher levels of functioning in an impared state.


eating before does slow absorption tho, that is correct

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Eh I think it's more likely he didn't have the tip for the breathalyzer attached right

after he checked your boy they have to use a clean mouthpiece for you, and since he was in the middle of a stop he probably was distracted


it's scientific imposibility to drink and not have a BAC rating, but it is possible that your body wouldn't secrete trace alcohol in your breath, which is what they test. I'm sure if you got a blood test after drinking 5 beers it would show

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when i drink, which is alot, i have no cravings for sugar.... i get my sugars from alcohol... but its when i STOP drinkin for the night, i get tired...specially after i eat, i feel like i gta pull a garfield...

the sugar cravings come form your body gettin all its sugars from the malt liquors, or "ethanols", which in fact turn straight to suger once digested in yur system....

the lack of alcohol will only make you have such cravings for sugar, due to the usage of such...

PS...anyone on probation.... ETGz test back up to 80 hours.... mainly 4 days... theres no way to bypass an ETG...they test for ethanol....

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Dude that's really a bunch of bullshit,

the only thing affecting how drunk you are is your weight, via BAC

the difference with how IMPARED you are is your brains learned ability to comphensate operating at an impared level.


A 200 lb man who drinks every day for 20 years and has a high tolerance will have the exact same BAC as another 200 lb man who never drinks and has no tolerance, providing their alcohol intakes are identical. The only difference is the drinker for 20 years has adapted his brain to higher levels of functioning in an impared state.


eating before does slow absorption tho, that is correct



it is not a bunch of bullshit.


unless you want to tell me the B.A.T class i took that was taught by the Massachusetts Package Store Association lied to everyone in the class.


then be my guest, unless you've taken courses and someone told you differently that was certified.


but yeah the dude who drinks everyday for 20 years will have a higher tolerance.

but i honestly wasn't talking about drunks, and that wasn't what that is about.

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Wow dude you took a course to sell beer in a store from some low level burocratic office

I'm sure they never get anything wrong


and yeah, I've taken local TABC server classes too, they get some stuff right, some information however can be pretty outdated...


I wouldn't take everything some mandated government class presents you as pure fact

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Wow dude you took a course to sell beer in a store from some low level burocratic office

I'm sure they never get anything wrong


and yeah, I've taken local TABC server classes too, they get some stuff right, some information however can be pretty outdated...


I wouldn't take everything some mandated government class presents you as pure fact



i wasn't trying to show off, i was just simply stating to you where i got my facts from.

so there is really no need to be a sarcastic jackass about it.


and yeah i realize now some of the stuff said might not be pure fact.

but when not talking about some drunk who has been drinking every single day for 20 years it kind of makes sense.

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