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Super dope fresh graffiti clothing


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  • 7 months later...
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  • 8 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
I'm all for dudes getting paid, but it's not going to be with my money. Shit looks goofy IMO, like yer trying too hard to be something that yer probably not.


I always have a good laugh at kids walking around in rap letter shirts with tags on their backpacks... way to keep a low profile kids.


Last night I wasat a bar that was closing. Last night of business closing...

They were letting people write on the walls and shit so I put up "F18 Fuel Shop" since I'm in town for work.

Some kid comes up next to me with a sharpie magnum or whatever and writes his name on there...like "Tyler" or whatever.


Me: "hey can I use that? I wanna make this real bold so it can't get gone over"

(said wall will be moved to their new location)



Kid: "Nah man I write graffiti and its almost dead"



Me: "what the hell you telling people that for? You trying to rat yourself out?"






.....this new generation man.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
i hate that style and it looks even gayer on clothes.



i actually like that style....but agree it looks gay on clothes.

i remember seeing peeta in a couple graff mags a few years back...digging his older pieces...but some of those newer pieces on that site look like straight up daim bites.

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...
  • 10 months later...

Kind of hard to go wrong with Giant designs. I have a lot of old graf clothes I hang onto but don't really wear.... an old Giant t-shirt- one of his earlier designs, an old Obey before it was trendy- liked his take on the Slayer logo, a pretty fresh Delta design for Tribal Gear that I really should still wear, an old Cope2 design for Conart which is also pretty fresh. I have 2 other really old T's, can't remember who put them out now, someone old old school, one with a spraycan design and the other says 'Tools of the Trade' with a photo of old mops/markers/etc. Wish I could remember who made those right now, wore one at an event many years ago and some older dudes were like "oh shit!" Finally.... I have a faded ass design by Pastor which was real nice, still wear that shit as a painting shirt or other shirt to get fucked up as it has holes and all but can't let it go. Cool stories?


All that shit was back in the day type gear, scene was way different then though, felt different to get behind some of these graf companies and such. Maye it was more underground type shit then or something. These days I'd feel like I was riding someone's dick if I wore some of this modern shit and not really about sporting other people's logos. Wish Pastor still did some stuff though, and have to admit that Abel has some cool designs.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
an old Cope2 design for Conart which is also pretty fresh.


I've seen that design, it was part of Ash Hudson's new conart collection a couple years back.


In all honesty, the only graffiti inspired clothing i would rock today is the old school Conart shirt with the conart looking like the krylon logo.

I actually check the conart store website often to see if Ash will post new shirts but all I see is conart hats for now.


this is the shirt im talking about:




and biggie rocking one:



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Kaws did a lot of work in the street fashion game with stuff like original fake and higher end brands like Undercover, BAPE and Supreme. However, you could get some really nice stuff from the KAWS/Uniqlo Collection this year for relatively cheap prices.

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Kaws did a lot of work in the street fashion game with stuff like original fake and higher end brands like Undercover, BAPE and Supreme. However, you could get some really nice stuff from the KAWS/Uniqlo Collection this year for relatively cheap prices.


I liked some of those BAPE shoes, and Supreme has some really nice stuff, but those brands are waaay too expensivefor my tastes...i will have to check out the uniqlo collection....thanks for the heads up.


Doesn't sound the same unless by a couple years back you mean 96-98ish.


im talking about the Cope2 designs from the conart 2009 catalogue:




maybe Ash just used the artwork from 97/98 and added some stuff to it and rereleased it in 2009.


actually, it makes a lot of sense now that I think about it.....i met Cope in new york in 2002 and we caught a subway together and we were talking about california....i asked him if he'd ever been to california and he said that he'd only been to L.A. (at the time), and that he stayed with Mear CBS...this makes sense because Mear and a lot of CBS heads were part of the original Conart staff/artists.

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Yeah, helped spark that EC/WC collaboration shit, got flix from both coasts, maybe I'll post them one day. Anyhow.... the lettering on that shirt is the same but the shirt I have is maybe a 2 color on a solid color shirt. I doubt I saw the 2009 release but checked the link... that police badge shirt got lol. And before the page stopped working for me I thought I saw a Katch design in there.

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