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Survivalist, Self Sustainable Lifestyles or Whatevs....


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i only use a shotgun for rabbit hunting. nothing like running rabbits with a couple beagles and shooting on the run. I use my 1927 SXS double barrel LC smith, 12 guage, modified chokes. this is not my home defense choice though.


for hunting, you can definately kill alot more with a shotgun, with less skill.


I also advocate gold. not necessarily for a survival situation, but i think these counterfeit paper fiat greenbacks and all this inflation has got to go. give me sound money. as far as currency, it is the only currency which holds it value the best. and its accepted world wide. nothing like a case of gold coogarans.

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Guest bigdork

Why is everybody so afraid of death? its the only thing we are promised. Why not train your mind to live in the present moment and be happy and compassionate. I understand being prepared, but what neurosis are you under to cause you to have such paranoia. Youre mind is winning its war with you & youre ego, you could live a much happier life if you stoped running away from death and lived in each moment and each breath. All youre reality, you, youre family,this country, isnt real, its a cluster of emotions and cravings that only lead to suffering and endless cycle of death and rebirth, live in this moment always, breath, and treat all sentient beings with kindness and compassion. So when or if the shit goes down, it will just be a another breath in another moment.

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Originally posted by bigdork@Dec 7 2005, 05:58 AM

Why is everybody so afraid of death? its the only thing we are promised. Why not train your mind to live in the present moment and be happy and compassionate. I understand being prepared, but what neurosis are you under to cause you to have such paranoia. Youre mind is winning its war with you & youre ego, you could live a much happier life if you stoped running away from death and lived in each moment and each breath. All youre reality, you, youre family,this country, isnt real, its a cluster of emotions and cravings that only lead to suffering and endless cycle of death and rebirth, live in this moment always, breath, and treat all sentient beings with kindness and compassion. So when or if the shit goes down, it will just be a another breath in another moment.



thats a real profound statement....I agree with that, although,(in keeping with the suvivalist thread vibe) when It goes down, I'll be prepared....Why? not because I'm scared to die, but because I have a wife and 4 kids who are depending on me to protect them from harm,

and thats what a man should do. Thats the thing that seperates the men form the boys....responsibility

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Dawood, we don't always agree on things, but this statement ^ is 100% right on time. I feel exactly the same way. When Hurricanes Katrina and Rita threatened Houston, I called around to some of my old militia buddies to see what was up. None of us really needed to do much of anything to prepare. We are ALREADY prepared. Oh, wait, I did fill up the cars with gas a couple of days before the hurricane got here, but since I always re-fill the tank when it hits the half-full mark instead of waiting for it to hit "empty", I only needed like ten gallons of gas in the pick-up. Other than that, all I bought was an extra gallon of Carlo Rossi red.


And as for all the metaphysical stuff, my another breath in another moment is going to be right here in this world, and if anybody is going to be breathing another breath in another world, it's not going to be me or any of my family if I can help it.

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I ain't afraid of death either. I just find preparedness practical. It's kind of a "Give me preparedness or give me death" kind of thing. Chances are the "world will not end with a bang, but a whimper". So people are looking at dying very slowly for lack of preparedness. In such a situation, I'd rather be dead. More than likely I'd take advantage of the chaos to exact sweet revenge, take over the world, and party like it's 1999.


One thing I do fear... well I don't know if I'd call it fear but it's something I'd rather not have happen, is to either die slow, or to have to live the rest of my life even more fucked up than I already am. Death is not a problem with me... I almost welcome it sometimes. My life sucks anyways most of the time. One of the only things that actually keeps me going is anticipating the apocalypse, because it's almost over anyways, and I'd rather die in that spectacular death than my own lonely one. Sick? Yes I know. But I'm a product of my environment. That's what's really fucked up.

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^ this comment reminds me of an article i read in the newspaper recently about a pakastani woman that was in her kitchen cooking when that big earth quake hit. she was trapped for like 63 days. she was able to survive by eating whatever she could grab from under the rubble. luckily a stream ran close to the house and she was able to drink. when the family of the victim was asked why didnt you look for her they said oh we thought she was either dead or somewhere else and besides i had other family members to look after. if i was her id wish that i was dead.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by Tavarua@Sep 24 2005, 06:51 AM

... people who think they have to prepare for the immintent invasion by Indonesia ...i.e idiot fuckwits


lol I did not know that some people in Australia think like this... wow. Nice insight.


I've never met one, I stumbled upon an aus survivalist website. don't worry i'm sure they're extremely rare

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Originally posted by KaBar2+Sep 25 2005, 02:23 AM--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (KaBar2 - Sep 25 2005, 02:23 AM)</div><div class='quotemain'>White Ox---


I'm not just trying to start shit, but Indonesia has an army, TNI, of 250,000 soldiers, plus a very, very large citizen's militia trained in waging guerrilla war.


Australia has an army, ADF (Australian Defense Forces) of FIFTY-FOUR THOUSAND MEN. And like complete and total fucking idiots, the government of Australia has disarmed the civilian population.


Australia is VIRTUALLY EMPTY, and has a population of 20.4 million, and is an increasingly elderly population.


Indonesia is PACKED TOGETHER LIKE SARDINES, and has a population of 205.2 million, mostly under fifteen years old..


Your "nitwit" survivalists who fear invasion by Indonesia are not nitwits at all. Water runs down hill, fella. Australia is like the only 17-year-old blonde boy in prison. You people really need to open your eyes, unless you just WANT to be dominated by Indonesia. But if you want to remain a "European" nation, and not a country dominated by Muslim South Asians, you'd better start developing some national insight, building up the ADF and ARMING THE GODDAMNED CIVILIAN POPULATION. If you think that an Indonesian army of 250,000 cannot take Australia, or maybe part of Australia, you are dead fucking wrong. Right behind an invading army would be a massive wave of Indonesian colonists. Colonists trained in how to wage guerrilla warfare, and armed with obsolete Indonesian Army rifles.


I always tell people who scoff at survivalism "You lack imagination, and it may kill you." In this case, the unbelieveable liberal arrogance of the Australian government may lead to Australia's national demise. If anybody is a bunch of nitwits, it is the brain-dead socialists running Australia, not the Australian survivalists busy worrying about how to defend their national integrity.



Did you know that off the top of your head or did you use the CIA world factbook ? seriously. Yeah, indonesia has a overwhelming superior armed forces, population etc - this is irrelevent because australia's alliances virtually elliminate indonesia as a threat. This is something that you undoubtably know, that America, and every english speaking country on the planet would step in for Australia.


if you want to read about the event that triggered "the government of Australia has disarming the civilian population," I posted it in the guns guns guns thread, there was pretty good reason IMO. btw we can still have shotguns and bolt, lever pump action rifles.



also, as Stereotype said, geopraphically. australia would be very hard to invade.






Originally posted by KaBar2@Sep 28 2005, 05:32 PM

Well, White Ox?

So what would be the problem with Indonesia taking over Australia, anyway? I mean, Australians seem to be getting more and more spineless by the minute, and the Indonesians definately know what they want---LAND. Specifically, Australian land.


They may want it but - but they can't have it.


<!--QuoteBegin-dumy@Nov 17 2005, 01:35 AM

dude, i'm just going off of the tone of the convo started by Kabar..dont' get your panties in a bunch..i'm just saying there was no uproar when the ORIGINAL inhabitants of australia were uprooted when the europeans came..so why now..


And a bit earlier north america was purloined from the redskins....and africans like yourself were kidnapped from their continent and used as slaves. Yet you keep on bringing up the australian aboriginal thing, as if it's some sort isolatated event in world history and colonialism

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See? It just depends on whose ox is being gored. If Australia is counting on the U.S. and UK to save their bacon, think again. Alliances are all fine and good, but when you're talking about fighting a million man army 10,000 miles from home, it seems like a less than spectacular idea. The U.S. has it's hands full dealing with 5,000 Iraqi "insurgents." Imagine dealing with a million of the fuckers. (The way they'd do it, of course, is by attacking Indonesia itself, probably by air.)


Shotguns and lever-action rifles are certainly better than nothing, but the present situation is far less than adequate. The Australian government might as well pass out KY jelly and free condoms to every citizen in the north half of the country. They are going to need them if the Indonesians ever take a notion to occupy northern Australia.


The real danger is probably not military invasion. The real danger is the slow, steady infiltration by legal and illegal immigration. Once there is a substantial LEGAL immigrant community in the towns up north, the thousands and thousands of illegals will be right behind them. Pretty soon they get amnesty, then they get the right to vote and then you've got Indonesians demanding sharia and "modest dress" for Australian women, or you have self-appointed "decency police" beating people with whips if they don't conform to "community standards."


Frankly, I really don't give a shit. I don't live in Australia, chances are I will never visit there, and if the Australian people are happy with it, what the fuck do I care? But, considering the actions of the Aussies at Cronulla Beach, I'm beginning to think that the Aussies aren't all that happy with millions of immigrants. Ya think?

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the Cronulla thing was a big heap of fucking shit.. ever since the commonwealth games is coming closer, they have now enforced terorrism laws (meaning they can check your bags, even if you have the right of privacy, they can still check) so thats fucked. now with the ethnics fucking up everyhing, so the terrorism law is more strict.. fucking bullshit to be honest.


*** im half ethnic myself, but theres more then one type of ethnic, theres a type that knows where they stand, and theres the cocky type who think theyre kings and just go all out thinking they own the place. like fully sick juleh and that bullshit.. its fucking gay

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^^for real.

i'm not religious or muslim or anything of the sort but if you are up in someone else's world and culture you should respect it fully. being humble in other parts of the world could help americans and other nations relations with the rest of the world seeing us all as fat, entitled bastards.


everyone who visits from abroad that goes to australia or the U.S. is expected to behave as we do to a certain degree. why should we be any different?


then again, my friend lives in indonesia with his wife and family and she doesn't have to wear anything like that so where is this coming from?

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I don't think the need to practice survivalism is waranted or neccessary. that said, it's an entertaining a pastime as any


Kabar - out of curosity - do you actually think your survivalist skills+knowledge willl be fully put to the test in your lifetime? If so you're 12oz's resident zealot ;)

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Originally posted by WhiteOx@Jan 7 2006, 05:07 AM

I don't think the need to practice survivalism is waranted or neccessary. that said, it's an entertaining a pastime as any


Kabar - out of curosity - do you actually think your survivalist skills+knowledge willl be fully put to the test in your lifetime? If so you're 12oz's resident zealot ;)


White Ox---Regardless of what I think about survivalism, I think it's pretty much a well-established fact that I am 12 oz.'s current resident zealot.


I kind of object to the use of the word "zealot" though. Extremist, okay. Fanatic, sure. "Zealot," no.


Uh, you might have heard about the two recent hurricanes here on the Texas/ Louisiana Gulf Coast. The city of New Orleans was nearly destroyed. About 700,000 people were displaced by the storm and flooding, and the initial estimate of storm deaths was 5,000-10,000. Houston was evacuated, moving 2-1/2 million people out of the city by automobile. Following the second hurricane, Houston accepted over 50,000 refugees from Louisiana, in like a week. Hundreds of thousands of Louisianans will probably never return to Louisiana, having been resettled all over the United States. Eighty percent of the city of New Orleans was flooded, up to twenty feet deep in places. Entire neighborhoods, which housed thousands of people, are completely uninhabitable and will need to be razed and the land condemned and turned into wetlands or something. The Ninth Ward will probably be cleared and never rebuilt.


Yes, I think that I may need to use my survival skills sometime during my lifetime. So will you, probably, so you might want to start preparing for it. Better to have the skills and never need them than to need them and not have them. BTW, with Hurricane Rita approaching, Houston shoppers stripped the store shelves, got into fights in grocery stores and gas station lines, had to be arrested by the cops for going nuts trying to buy urgently needed survival supplies, etc., etc. I did not need to buy a thing. Not anything. I already have everything anybody could possibly need in an emergency. So while they all went crazy at Wal-Mart, I sat at home watching it all on TV and asking myself "Why in hell are these people NOT ALREADY PREPARED?" For Christ sake, we live less than 65 miles from the Gulf of Mexico! It averages five or six hurricanes a season, every year, year after year after year. How can they not be prepared?


Dawood---There is absolutely nothing wrong with Sharia and modest dress, AS LONG AS IT IS VOLUNTARY. The day somebody hits my wife or daughter because they don't like their morals is the day I start killing the shit out of some modesty police. Muslims, and Amish and nuns and everybody else on earth are free to dress however they please. They are NOT free, however to tell me or my family how we must dress or that we must behave according to anybody's moral rules BUT OUR OWN. If you want to pray five times a day, and have your wife dress in a veil, that's your business. I doubt the Aussies will put up with mandatory Sharia for ten seconds.


However, compared to sparsely populated Australia, Indonesia is King Kong. For the Aussies, it's "Fuck, Fight or Hold the Light." So they'd better get ready to defend themselves if they don't want to get turned out. The STUPID government there is SETTING THEM UP FOR DOMINATION BY INDONESIA. How stupid ass is that?


The military imbalance between Australia and Indonesia roughly approximates the military imbalance between the U.S. and China--"one to five." The U.S. is in the same situation, it's just that China is thinking in much longer terms (100-200 years) than Indonesia. They intend to occupy both eastern Russia and western North America, and eliminate the populations already living there. If you don't believe it, Google up China's long range population projections. They MUST have "living room." And since they have filled up their own country, there are only a few places to which they can expand. China has very little arable land, compared to their population. China's big rival is not the U.S. It is India. The Chinese consider the U.S. to be "easy pickings," weak, no moral character, soft, "mongrels." India, on the other hand, they consider to be a very dangerous adversary.

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  • 1 year later...

what are you trying to do with it? bug out bag or what?

i have a small molle bag, but i havent even used it yet.

military style bags are not as comfortable as civilian style, but they last alot longer and have subdued colors. the molle system might be the perfect thing for you, if you want to have a place for everything. you can hang a bunch of different bags from it.

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life is much simpler outside the United states, I think Americans overanalize way too much.


Yeah, where is Kabar? I'm sure he'll be back with some spectacular hobo tales from the rails.


And on another note, whatever happened to Salafi Zahrah? Anyone remember her? She got upset with me and then I never saw her in here again.

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