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This city is run by fucking meatheads. Plain and simple. We got Pitt football players throwing dudes through glass windows, running motherfuckers over while driving drunk, but what does the city give them in return? A fuckin full scholarship to school! Motherfucker I had a 3.8 GPA in high school and Pitt wouldn't even accept me. I'm gonna start taggin "PITT FOOTBALL" everywhere, or wear a Pitt football helmet when I paint, cause apparently that's how you get away with anything in this city.


Play football. Life will be good for you.


In the words of Mr. Jello Biafra...

"Don't worry about it, son

We were that way when we were young

You've got all the skills

To make a damn good businessman


Jock-O-Rama-that's the law

Come lick the butts of the Beef Patrol

If the future of America is handed to them

Watch it roll over Niagara Falls"

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This city is run by fucking meatheads. Plain and simple. We got Pitt football players throwing dudes through glass windows, running motherfuckers over while driving drunk, but what does the city give them in return? A fuckin full scholarship to school! Motherfucker I had a 3.8 GPA in high school and Pitt wouldn't even accept me. I'm gonna start taggin "PITT FOOTBALL" everywhere, or wear a Pitt football helmet when I paint, cause apparently that's how you get away with anything in this city.


Play football. Life will be good for you.


In the words of Mr. Jello Biafra...

"Don't worry about it, son

We were that way when we were young

You've got all the skills

To make a damn good businessman


Jock-O-Rama-that's the law

Come lick the butts of the Beef Patrol

If the future of America is handed to them

Watch it roll over Niagara Falls"


bump, fuck jocks

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cops are cops ,criminals are criminals, typically they are both pretty simple folk, doing their respective jobs...

im just surprised we havent had one DA or one judge give a mother fucker a break, you know... they wont tho.the local yokel news wants ANY kind of ratings, cops must make the bust, because they are concerned with moving up the chain, lawyers want to become DA's...DA's want to become judges, and judges wanna ride high for the extent of their lives placing judgment and placing human beings. if everyone wasent so fucking concerned with their own well being we would probably be allright.

and its fundamental social shortcomings like that that create graffiti writers in the first place.well shit.

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On September 7th, 2010 Ian Debeer was sentenced to 1-3 years in a state penitentiary for the crime of writing graffiti.

He plead guilty to 73 counts of "Criminal Mischief" and 1 count of "Possession of an Instrument of Crime with intent to employ it criminally". For which, after his prison term, he will serve 2-5 years probation and be required to pay $46,000 in restitution.


For some, graffiti is an attempt to break the separation between an impersonal urban landscape and the vibrancy of life. It is a very literal assertion of the value of creativity over the sanctity of property, a visual declaration of the will to live. Politicians, from positions of unchecked power, simplistically assert that graffiti is "wrong". They attempt to coerce their constituency into assimilating their morality, as if "right" and "wrong" really are objective terms. For writers, the world isn't so *black and white*. Why, asks the writer, can't the dead walls of our city become the canvases of our aspirations?


Of course, there are very real reasons why youthful creativity is so brutally repressed. It forces a reconsideration of the real nature of property relations in regards to the lives of actual people. It calls everything into question.


Pittsburgh has been home to some of the worlds most talented writers. They have made our streets burst with energy and subtlety re-arrange the landscape into an urban canvass. They scale bridges, buildings, and police cars to "get up", shattering the notion of what was once thought impossible They are an inspiration to those who yearn for a different world. In this glory they have also been vilified and banished as notorious outlaws by politicians and cops. Repression has taken a number of forms and comes from many outlets, including the state, media, and so called "community" organizations. Seemingly they have banded together to be a continual element of cruelty in the writers life. As with all rebellion, repression is inevitable.


In 2002, 19 year old Michael Monack, better known as MOOK, plead guilty to "Criminal Mischief" and "Criminal Trespass" and was required to pay restitution but did not serve any jail time. Police have claimed he had caused more than $100,000 dollars in damage to property.


In 2008, 22 year old Daniel Montano, better known as MFONE, plead guilty to "Criminal Mischief" and was sentenced to 2 1/2 to 5 years in state prison for writing graffiti. Police have claimed he has caused more than $713,801 dollars in damage to property. His trial became a media spectacle, our very own 'OJ' trial minus the multi-million dollar lawyers. We are happy to report he has been released from jail after serving 1 year of his sentence.


In 2009, 24 year old Matthew Colamarino, better known as AGANY, plead guilty to 59 misdemeanor counts of "Criminal Mischief" for writing graffiti. He is currently serving his 10 years of probation. Police claim he caused more than $50,000 in property damage.


In November 2006, The Graffiti Task Force was formed and has three full-time detectives. Since its inception, it has made over 54 arrests. Behind many of the arrests is Daniel T. Sullivan Jr., a Detective working for the Pittsburgh Police Department.


It is not without note that in all theses graffiti cases our fellow writers have plead guilty. In some cases the police have received help from other writers cooperating with the police. This is with the utmost contempt. NEVER TALK TO POLICE. We know that Sullivan and all cops for that matter use coercion, lies, false evidence, and harassment to beat a conviction out of us, our families, and our friends. So let's stick together.


Prison life is a cold, hard, adjustment to make and words of encouragement, letters, books, magazines and donations to his commissary are strong, warm, connections with Ian. He is in there for us and we must be out here for him!


Ian is currently serving his sentence at SCI Pittsburgh and can be written at:


Ian DeBeer #JS3127

SCI Pittsburgh

P.O. Box 99901

Pittsburgh, PA 15233


On April 17th and 18th 2009 A benefit party was held for HERT. Over 100 people attended. In the coming months benefits, letter writings, and other events that help to support Ian, raise awareness, and join people together will be organized.


For more information on his legal status and ways to support him, please visit: www.FREEHERT.org

For the destruction of jails and in solidarity with all those who attack the system,

-Some pissed off friends of Ian.




Motherfuckin Bump

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STOP FUCKING WHINING!!! Graff is illegal. You know that going into the game. No one is gonna cut you a break cause all the sudden you decided to say "fuck you" to Mommy and Daddy and start rebelling. I love how someone's a "tortured artist" when they get caught. And let me be clear I SUPPORT HERT, but all this the "man is keeping him down" shit has to go. Dude's an ill fucking bomber who got caught. Bottom line. If you don't like going to jail then STOP WRITING GRAFFITI. You sound like a bunch of spoiled fucking kids. You want the cred for painting but don't want to assume any responsibility for the risks involved. This is how it is. If you don't like it, then find a new hobby.

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STOP FUCKING WHINING!!! Graff is illegal. You know that going into the game. No one is gonna cut you a break cause all the sudden you decided to say "fuck you" to Mommy and Daddy and start rebelling. I love how someone's a "tortured artist" when they get caught. And let me be clear I SUPPORT HERT, but all this the "man is keeping him down" shit has to go. Dude's an ill fucking bomber who got caught. Bottom line. If you don't like going to jail then STOP WRITING GRAFFITI. You sound like a bunch of spoiled fucking kids. You want the cred for painting but don't want to assume any responsibility for the risks involved. This is how it is. If you don't like it, then find a new hobby.


True, but their has got to be a line drawn for excessive punishment. Rapists, Dealers and Child Molesters get less time.

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STOP FUCKING WHINING!!! Graff is illegal. You know that going into the game. No one is gonna cut you a break cause all the sudden you decided to say "fuck you" to Mommy and Daddy and start rebelling. I love how someone's a "tortured artist" when they get caught. And let me be clear I SUPPORT HERT, but all this the "man is keeping him down" shit has to go. Dude's an ill fucking bomber who got caught. Bottom line. If you don't like going to jail then STOP WRITING GRAFFITI. You sound like a bunch of spoiled fucking kids. You want the cred for painting but don't want to assume any responsibility for the risks involved. This is how it is. If you don't like it, then find a new hobby.


I want zero credibility for what I do, I just like painting, and painting a lot. It's more than being a spoiled kid, it's about exposing our flawed system, and one day, abolishing jails completely. It's a very complex system and when you argue and call us a bunch of spoiled kids, then they're winning. Until that day...abolish the state, abolish the jails.

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you retarded fuck it has NOTHING to do with whining.... what you are saying is you've accepted the awful legal system your shit excuse for a country has created... All over Europe repeat painting offenders (particularly crimes involving break and enter and a lot more destructive than hert) get punished with insane fines and the odd week or two in holding... WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS YOU ACCEPT THE BRAINWASHING OF YOUR COUNTRY into actually believing jailing non violent offenders is a reasonable means of punishment.... This shit is completely rediculous free hert, if mans was living anywhere outside of the US hed be working 3 jobs to pay back his debts, and justice would be served... and i know its all nice and hard to be like yo hes some thug bomber shit but really people??? its fucking paint on a wall if u really believe he deserves that you needa get your head checked...

anyway my respects to hert and his friends supporting

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Dude talks all tough but he damn sure wouldn't want to go to the clink for 1-3 on a fucking misdemeanor charge.

Only an idiot would like to get locked up or think it's fucking cool that his homey is "keepin it real bro".

I wouldn't want the shit to be legal and any herb who felt like it would paint, but 1-3 in a commonwealth state over graffiti is bullshit.


The fact is graffiti don't hurt shit and really, it damages nothing, shit might even make a train rust slower with another coat of paint on it.

Your average Joe don't get it why anyone would do something for free and would rather have a billboard promoting alcohol facing their kids school.

While motherfuckers do worse shit get and just probation because the system is too full, politicians get votes for bullshit like this looking like their "tough on crime".


The fact is that bed that's being wasted keeping someone locked up to get votes is retarded.

It could have been used to keep a kiddie fucker or rich fuck that conned grandma out of her retirement locked up.

You have every right to be pissed about this and should be when bullshit like this goes down, the system is fucked and this shows it.


Respect to anyone still keeping it going today, this shit will never die and proof like this shows how fucked the system is and only makes more of us.

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rexx is right, if your that worried about the consequences dont paint, or do what some other clowns do and paint nothing but legals and pretend to be a player in the game.


i think the amount of time given is ridiculous for the crime, but we live here and we dont make the rules. if you dont like how america runs shit, get the fuck out homie.

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rexx is right, if your that worried about the consequences dont paint, or do what some other clowns do and paint nothing but legals and pretend to be a player in the game.


i think the amount of time given is ridiculous for the crime, but we live here and we dont make the rules. if you dont like how america runs shit, get the fuck out homie.



Edit: If you don't like how America runs shit, change it.



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i think the point is:


you are not going to make this "fucked up system" any better by posting your thoughts on 12oz.


but you are giving Captain Dick Sullivan more evidence by posting all the flicks and dropping random info here and there...


nobody is painting in pittsburgh anyway, chill aht for a while!

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its pretty pathetic people write a story about broken system / unfair punishment.

It is however funny that these same people were tickled pink when durag was on trial. Posting his article, full name, upcoming trial info at the drop of a.. you know what.

Fools wanna wear that crown then cry on the stand. Act like they crazy or the drugs made them do it. Respect to those catch a bullet & shake it off types

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Haha, too many assumptions. We are people behind the screen. I am human being and an activist before I am anything else. I do my part in changing things, and maybe someone else will if they see and become interested in what I am typing. It's only a few words, and I'm at work till 6 so I've got time to kill. This is more than about graffiti, and that's the case I would like to make. Volunteer, help...don't just talk. Get involved in your community, help those who can't be helped, give your free time to someone who needs it. I and many many more will never stop until the jails are emptied, until the state is smashed, until capitalism is gone forever and everyone gets to live the real american dream...and then we'll just keep on giving and loving. Godspeed, comrades.

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you retarded fuck it has NOTHING to do with whining.... what you are saying is you've accepted the awful legal system your shit excuse for a country has created... All over Europe repeat painting offenders (particularly crimes involving break and enter and a lot more destructive than hert) get punished with insane fines and the odd week or two in holding... WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS YOU ACCEPT THE BRAINWASHING OF YOUR COUNTRY into actually believing jailing non violent offenders is a reasonable means of punishment.... This shit is completely rediculous free hert, if mans was living anywhere outside of the US hed be working 3 jobs to pay back his debts, and justice would be served... and i know its all nice and hard to be like yo hes some thug bomber shit but really people??? its fucking paint on a wall if u really believe he deserves that you needa get your head checked...

anyway my respects to hert and his friends supporting


I dont know if you catch my drift but im not from America and a homie of herts boys.... IM SAYING HOW I SEE YOUR FUCKED UP STATE plain and simple.... its clear to me that most of you have been brainwashed beyond your own comprehension... dont kid yourself that shit is not justified, never. Yah im not saying take it like a bitch, what i am saying is its time to wake up and question the social structures around us and do something... u can all sit there and think u have no power, but in reality the baby boom is peacing out and our generation to come is gonna run shit.... unfortunately for you americans, youre all fucked because even your writers seem to be robot american puppets and believe in this shit...

an god forbid we had a discussion on a message board, the more shit posted the merrier mor e to look at, so fuck you.

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Haha, too many assumptions. We are people behind the screen. I am human being and an activist before I am anything else. I do my part in changing things, and maybe someone else will if they see and become interested in what I am typing. It's only a few words, and I'm at work till 6 so I've got time to kill. This is more than about graffiti, and that's the case I would like to make. Volunteer, help...don't just talk. Get involved in your community, help those who can't be helped, give your free time to someone who needs it. I and many many more will never stop until the jails are emptied, until the state is smashed, until capitalism is gone forever and everyone gets to live the real american dream...and then we'll just keep on giving and loving. Godspeed, comrades.


If it's between living in America with nerds like you or being able to buy a fresh pair of kicks; sign me up for capitalism. Haha...but seriously....do you feel more guilty cause your parents have a lot of money or because you're white?

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I don't feel bad about being white, nor do I feel bad about my families hard working blue collar background (i lived in atlantic city growing up, we didn't have much.) You assume too much. You can have your 'fresh pair of kicks', but not by the expense of another persons human rights.

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