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America going once, going twice, SOLD!


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Not a fan of posting in crossfire so im posting it in here. Im feeling hung over sick and cynical so here goes.

Soup's doom and gloom thread has been brought to you by:


the offical phone of america.


China wants the U.S. to issue it's bonds backed by Yuan instead of the dollar. Of course we won't do that, but this shows you that the dollar will be worthless in no time.



Tax revenue from April 2008 was $404 billion. Tax revenue April 2009 $266 billion. A 34% drop....that is a crazy number. with a $11 trillion dollar deficit, Washington is bringing in very little money. What does this mean for the U.S.?


Here is an article from Bloomberg, the title says it all:

Dollar Is Dirt, Treasuries Are Toast, AAA Is Gone.




Russia is going to reduce U.S treasury holdings in it's reserves. Hidden down at the bottom of the article... Russia is investing 10 billion in first ever IMF notes and China plans on investing 50 billion in the IMF notes (Inernational Monetary Funds)




Russia to swap U.S. treasuries for IMF bonds. The IMF is now issuing bonds. It has never issued bonds before. Unlike traditional bonds, they pay an interst rate pegged to a basket of currencies also known as SDR (special drawing rights)


Brazil is also going to be buying up the IMF bonds

this will be your new money! world wide currency






This is destroying U.S. 10 year treasury notes.

There is an auction of 30 year notes tomorrow...lets see how well that does! 10 and 30 year notes are what many mortgages are based apon, if the yeild goes up on treasury notes so will the interest rates on many mortgages making much harder to refinance. Long term loans are also based on these notes, so buisnesses will find it even harder to get loans.





Brazil, Russia, India and China also known as BRIC will be meeting June 16th to discuss alternatives to the U.S. dollar.





And to leave out on an optomistic note:

"At present we are stealing the future, selling it in the present, and calling it gross domestic product. We can just as easily have an economy that is based on healing the future instead of stealing it.... One is called restoration and the other exploitation." -Paul Hawken


"Working for the earth is not a way to get rich, it is a way to be rich." -Paul Hawken

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funny to blame obama for the past 8 years of financial mismanagement when he has been in office since what november?


An IMF note as the world standard? yeesh. scary. I thought the Euro was becoming the standard now for trade? I know its favoured for black market deals with its high denominational notes and strong value.

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funny to blame obama for the past 8 years of financial mismanagement when he has been in office since what november?


An IMF note as the world standard? yeesh. scary. I thought the Euro was becoming the standard now for trade? I know its favoured for black market deals with its high denominational notes and strong value.



he didn't start it, but he's furthering it along.

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No he's not. He's doing his best to try and save the ship.



DAO, i don't feel like arguing much with you, but i will defend my argument.


Obama plan would cut number of US bank regulators



Financial protection agency: Monster, savior or muddle?



“The final plan….is expected to sidestep most jurisdictional disputes and simply impose across the board standards to be applied by all financial regulators, according to administration and industry sources, ” reports the

Washington Times.

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DAO, i don't feel like arguing much with you, but i will defend my argument.


Obama plan would cut number of US bank regulators



Financial protection agency: Monster, savior or muddle?






Your camp is talking about BOYCOTTING GM.

As if ensuring that one of our last industries goes belly up and tossing even more thousands of people onto the unemployment line is somehow going to "save capitolism".


I'm not even going to bother clicking on your links because more than half the time they're just links to wackjob bullshit.

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Your camp is talking about BOYCOTTING GM.

As if ensuring that one of our last industries goes belly up and tossing even more thousands of people onto the unemployment line is somehow going to "save capitolism".


I'm not even going to bother clicking on your links because more than half the time they're just links to wackjob bullshit.



wackjob shit? from reuters? from the latimes? latimes is pretty liberal, dude. they are known for it. washington times is up in the air, but it has quotes from the people who are directly involved in this.


dao, you're really beginning to worry me. it seems like anything you deem "anti obama" you wave off as conspiracy or "wackjob" shit. even if it's from respected news sources.



btw: boycotting GM makes sense. they aren't even an american company anymore.


and let's not forget a 40% stake by the federal government. would you like some socialism with your new car? have a seat, mr. mussolini will be joining you momentarily.

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Ok, I lied. I clicked on your links, and as usual you fail to actually read the shit.


Obama plan would cut number of US bank regulators




"The official said the proposal would also call for the creation of a financial oversight council that would be led by the Treasury Department, and would make the Federal Reserve the consolidated supervisor of large financial holding companies."




The goal, in no small part, would be to protect consumers from themselves. Like how? The White House uses this example:


"The CFPA should also have the ability to act comprehensively to address emerging consumer protection concerns. For example, under the current fragmented structure, the federal banking agencies took until December 2005 to propose, and then until June 2007 to finalize, supervisory guidance on consumer protection concerns about subprime and nontraditional mortgages; the worst of these mortgages were originated in 2005 and 2006. A single agency, such as the CFPA, could have acted much more quickly and potentially saved many more consumers, communities and institutions from significant losses."


“The final plan….is expected to sidestep most jurisdictional disputes and simply impose across the board standards to be applied by all financial regulators, according to administration and industry sources, ” reports the

Washington Times.



And what exactly is wrong with that?


What would YOU do, Casek?

We already know what you would do. You'd dismantle the Fed and allow our country to run into the ground.

Then balk at the "commies" standing in the soup lines.

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DAO: the Federal Reserve is private. it is not federal at all (and it has no reserves to speak of). giving a private bank more powers over our financial system is a very bad move.


this would also decrease the oversight (not like they were doing much, except for maybe taking the eyes of millionaires and billionaires and putting eyes on people who make $20k or less. makes a ton of sense, right?).


this is all pretty complicated to explain why this is wrong, and there's not really a way i can break it down to fifth grade level.


what would i do? keep the feds greedy hands away from any more power. audit them (hr 1207) and see where the more than $2 trillion that they won't talk about went, stop giving our money to foreign banks, etc.


basically, dao, they are fucking us. bailing out these companies that are "too big to fail" (they are failing now...pocketing our tax money, giving it away to foreign banks, etc. did a

number on us) is squashing the chances for smaller companies to make good for themselves, or even have a chance. free market is gone now.



p.s.: did you honestly use the word "balk"? good job. that's like a $1.50 word.

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btw: boycotting GM makes sense. they aren't even an american company anymore.


and let's not forget a 40% stake by the federal government. would you like some socialism with your new car? have a seat, mr. mussolini will be joining you momentarily.






The fuck you mean they aint an American company any more???

Who the fuck you think is working in their plants???



The fuck ever happened to...






That slogan from the 80's had nothing to do with "capitolism-vs-socialism"

and everything to do with patriotism and keeping our people working.

The same as it does now.

The fuck is wrong with you???

You morons would rather see America and Americans go belly up just to win a lost and misguided arguement.


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The fuck you mean they aint an American company any more???

Who the fuck you think is working in their plants???



The fuck ever happened to...






That slogan from the 80's had nothing to do with "capitolism-vs-socialism"

and everything to do with patriotism and keeping our people working.

The same as it does now.

The fuck is wrong with you???



since fiat is taking a large percentage, they are planning on starting a gm/fiat manufacturing plant in europe, there's already a few in south america. they are getting rid of most american manufacturing. effectively making it "not an american company" any longer.


i thought you kept up with the news?





p.s.: i'm going to watch "the legend of chun li unrated edition" until i have to work out. i'm praying for some blood and gore, but i'm not really expecting it. maybe a "fuck" or an "asshole" thrown around a few times and a spear impaling someones face. i'll blame bush/cheney ('04, not '08. '08 got enough heat from gaying up our country) if it's not a great movie just because i can.

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since fiat is taking a large percentage, they are planning on starting a gm/fiat manufacturing plant in europe, there's already a few in south america. they are getting rid of most american manufacturing. effectively making it "not an american company" any longer.


i thought you kept up with the news?





Who gives a flying fuck?

As long as they're going to keep American workers working in America, then I don't care if they open a plant on the fucking Moon.

Where do you get this shit that they're going to "get rid of American manufacturing"?

And even if they did (which I doubt), what the fuck does YOUR CAMP have in mind to keep our American workers working?

Absolutely NOTHING.

You peoples plan is to just let the shit run into the ground and let the workers and their families starve.

So how you even going to pretend to give a shit about Fiat opening GM plants in South America or on the Moon?

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Who gives a flying fuck?

As long as they're going to keep American workers working in America, then I don't care if they open a plant on the fucking Moon.

Where do you get this shit that they're going to "get rid of American manufacturing"?

And even if they did (which I doubt), what the fuck does YOUR CAMP have in mind to keep our American workers working?

Absolutely NOTHING.

You peoples plan is to just let the shit run into the ground and let the workers and their families starve.

So how you even going to pretend to give a shit about Fiat opening GM plants in South America or on the Moon?



"my camp"? dude, you've been watching too much political punditry. this isn't "meet the press" homie. "my camp"? seriously?


what would keep american workers working? well, perhaps letting these companies who practice bad policy fail instead of pulling big favors and "bailing them out" (read: letting the execs pocket trillions) would give the little guy a chance to rise up. that's how innovations are made, dao. history tells us that. perhaps instead of letting foreign banks and companies take our tax money, they should've just written americans 18+ a check for $200k each. that would prompt spending (this is just one idea. hell, it's not going to us anyhow, so an idea so wild doesn't seem like sucha abd thing in these matters).


who gives a shit about fiat/gm opening a company in europe or transferring most manufacturing to south america? probably those american workers you're harping on. they probably give a fuck. i know i give a fuck. it's taking jobs away from americans.




ok, so chun li update. it's got some kung fu. good stuff, but the acting is horrible. christen kreuk is hotter than shit. i forgive her for her bad acting. the rest of the actors can suck a baraka dick.

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Hyperinflation is gonna rock



Notice how gas prices are going up on a much quicker scale than rising demand? Financial analysts all agree it's due to the weakening of the dollar due to inflation. All this debt furthers inflation. Now I hope to god Obama is right on this huge crap shoot, but honestly nothing quite like this has ever been done, and similar spending programs in times of past financialchrisis in European countries usualy result in devalued currency.


Either his plan is going to fix things, or we are going to be using dollar bills as kindling in 2012

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"my camp"? dude, you've been watching too much political punditry. this isn't "meet the press" homie. "my camp"? seriously?




btw: boycotting GM makes sense. they aren't even an american company anymore.


and let's not forget a 40% stake by the federal government. would you like some socialism with your new car? have a seat, mr. mussolini will be joining you momentarily.

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what would keep american workers working? well, perhaps letting these companies who practice bad policy fail instead of pulling big favors and "bailing them out" (read: letting the execs pocket trillions) would give the little guy a chance to rise up. that's how innovations are made, dao. history tells us that. perhaps instead of letting foreign banks and companies take our tax money, they should've just written americans 18+ a check for $200k each. that would prompt spending (this is just one idea. hell, it's not going to us anyhow, so an idea so wild doesn't seem like sucha abd thing in these matters).


who gives a shit about fiat/gm opening a company in europe or transferring most manufacturing to south america? probably those american workers you're harping on. they probably give a fuck. i know i give a fuck. it's taking jobs away from americans.




You're fucking bi-polar.

One sentence you're talking about how letting whats left of our industry fail is somehow good for capitolism...

Then the next sentence you turn around and pretend to be sympathetic towards these same motherfuckers who would be UNEMPOYED DURING A RECESSION if you and your "BOYCOTT GM" Ron Paul cult had your way.

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