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$ Finances $


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so we lost Poesia's financial themed thread.

i thought it was a great idea.


i had thought my credit wasn't great but i learned it's actually a 739

so it's pretty decent after all.

i don't have any debt, just a mortgage and a broken old car.

now wondering what to do with my internet savings account, as the interest rate is not great anymore.


anyway hopefully poesia and others are around for some more discussion & financial guidance

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What is the best way to get rid of a student loan that has been defaulted to creditors? The debt is around $13k (3 of which is interest). I offered $5k straight up and they did not budge. Then they offered me some wack payment plan. Do I have to go to one of those debt relief lawyer types?

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now wondering what to do with my internet savings account, as the interest rate is not great anymore.



don't feel bad, nobody is making interest on savings until the fed raises rates. also, be wary of firms that advertise abnormally high rates, as happened with stanford financial group http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/18/business/18stanford.html


if you want higher return you'll have to bite off more risk.

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ugh my finances suck. My credit is bad due to being unemployed for a bit 3 years back and having to use the credit to live and not paying it for 3 months so my interest rates are through the roof. Medical debt from when i wrecked my truck 2 years ago. Sprint is hassling me because I switched to alltel mid-contract cause it was cheaper, so I owe them a cancellation fee. I dumped a lot of cash into my new place. Thing is my new place is way cheaper and permanent for the moment. So the next six months for me is tight budgets, financial readjustments, and a happier life knowing all this is slowly getting fixed.


Question for the masses....are the credit help things the real deal. Do they really help you compile it all together to get it paid off? Ive considered it because I know if I could get someone to divvy it all up I know its all getting paid. My luck would be to forget one bill that just piles up even more while the rest are getting paid and my credit goes no where.

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My wife and I are thinking of buying a house out in az. The house is brand new 4 bedroom for about $95k. My lady has about $25k saved up. Should we put it all into the house? Btw we are gonna try to keep our NYC apt. as well.


I served a family from AZ a couple weeks ago. I was talking to them about how Phoenix used to be booming. They told me that things have turned for the worse and are actually worse than it is here in FL.

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Im a slave to visa and i refuse to pay them off with legit moneys.

Evey time i get a nice chunk, i end up going on a trip which only results in increasing my visa debt. Credit is good, but my visa bill is discouraging.

One way for me to deal with credit card debt is asking some one close to pay it off, and i pay off that person in installments with no interest. It's a mental thing, i rather give my $$ to my hommie than to transfer funds to visa via internet. Just feels better and its interest free.

Im just lucky i have friends like that.

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My wife and I are thinking of buying a house out in az. The house is brand new 4 bedroom for about $95k. My lady has about $25k saved up. Should we put it all into the house? Btw we are gonna try to keep our NYC apt. as well.


I'm in the process of buying a house in Az. It's not so much that the city isn't booming, but if you're in a construction field prepare to sit on your ass for a while. Otherwise, it's a great time to buy here in the Sun State...

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that's honestly what we're paying in rent in the same sized house. wish i had good credit :)



also about the student loans. i had to rehabilitate mine last may, it took 9 consecutive payments of $119 to get it out of default. then nelnet picked it up, then is got picked up again my FSA Direct Loans. basically, it's able to be deferred again and my payments only $67/mo... for the next 12 years... :-/

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I served a family from AZ a couple weeks ago. I was talking to them about how Phoenix used to be booming. They told me that things have turned for the worse and are actually worse than it is here in FL.


I wouldn't really do any business there. It would just be on some snowbird/ vacation/ investment home shit. I'll probably end up doing Some whiteboy atv shit.

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I walked into the leasing office of my apartment complex yesterday and got them to reduce the rent by 355 dollars per month because of the economy. That will help my finances.


There are chat rooms at the sites that offer credit reports, my lady friend found them to be helpful in improving her credit score.


I have always paid cash for everything, starting to wish I had established credit when I was younger.

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You want to use https://www.annualcreditreport.com/cra/index.jsp this is the one that is tied in with the FTC


freecreditreport.com is a third party website that is legit yes but they are very tricky in ways of charging you fee's after you sign up for the free report and have been sued for it in the past. I used it with out a hitch in the past, you just have to read the fine print and not be an idiot and they too are also free.

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There is a difference between your credit score and your credit rating. You are entitled by law to a free credit score report every year, or whenever turned down for a line of credit. The rating is a different animal and you have to pay for it.


I do not really know what the fuck I am talking about here but think I am close to being correct.

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hmm, i don't think that^ is true. but that said i'm not positive

i need poesia for that!


you also do not want to get too many credit reports. that actually affects your credit negatively. as does having a lot of cards.


you basically want ONE credit card to build credit, buy shit with it and pay the bill off every month

get a phone and some utilities in your name and pay it off every month

thay report how much you owe and whether you paid every single month to the credit agencies.


anyone up on ING ?


real deal or hogwash??


i'm with them now. i have quite a chunk in there and the interest rate is TANKING

they were FAR too heavily inmvested in real estate and have lost a lot of money

discoverbank actually is looking like it might be better, BUT they have minimums


ING does NOT


Oh, and if I had 25K to put down, I wouldn't. 10K at best...


part of the reason my mortgage is cheap is because i avoided private mortgage insurance, which is total bullshit and not needed

if you put down more than 15% you don't need to throw those hundreds away every month.


and also your mortgage payment may only be about $850 indeed, but i hope you didn't forget to include PMI, home insurance and taxes in that figure.


that's for everyone thinking about a house too.

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oop sorry, it's actually 20% down.


BUT you should do it because otherwise PMI is like 25% of your fuckin mortgage

and you can never ever recoup it.


shop around for homeowner's.

i had to call a lot of places and it sucked balls but i got a great deal.


**apparently PMI was made tax deductible in 07. so i guess if it is really hard to get the 20% down, you can at least deduct it on your inc tax

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