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That stupid National Geographic shit pissed me off when I watched it.

It makes being edge look stupid as fuck.




No, that is completely wrong.

Yeah, we do talk shit on people who aren't edge.

Just like they talk shit on us who are edge.


We still are friends with people who are out of Straight Edge morals.

We are still cool with them, just like they're cool with us.


Fuck National Geographic for portraying Straight Edge as a "gang" and telling people that yeah we fuck everyone up that drinks and smokes and all that shit. When in fact it's not true.


The faggots who do that have no self control and don't realize that you can't force something upon a person who doesn't want to be a part of it.

Militia is retarded as shit.

As is "Hate-Edge"



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eh, see Ive come across so many different straight edge people. Straight Edge kids are like Vegetarians. They all claim to be what they are but yet they all accept one or so things as tolerable. I dont drink, do drugs, or have sex but Ill smoke cigarettes. I dont smoke or do drugs but Ill drink. I dont think there really is a solid movement behind it. Maybe things have changed but from what I remember nothing was carved in stone when it came to them.

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i know a good amount of those kids in the videos, i also know like 20+ kids that have broken edge in the past few months, including like 3 or 4 of the 5 dudes in that first band they showed/talked about.


this shits just like every other special though, the twist what the people say, and chop it up and place things where they want them to get thier point/idea across in their words, rather than the people actually saying them.


im still watching this cause i never caught it, but a lot of those "militant straight edge fight clips" they're showing, aren't even edge kids, and have nothing to do with straight edge beyond kicking the crap out of some douchebag college kids talking shit as they stumble out of bars.

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eh, see Ive come across so many different straight edge people. Straight Edge kids are like Vegetarians. They all claim to be what they are but yet they all accept one or so things as tolerable. I dont drink, do drugs, or have sex but Ill smoke cigarettes. I dont smoke or do drugs but Ill drink. I dont think there really is a solid movement behind it. Maybe things have changed but from what I remember nothing was carved in stone when it came to them.




They're fake.

Original Straight Edge morals were implied by no drinking and no smoking/doing drugs.

Later on when Christian Straight Edge folk started getting into the movement, they implied the no promiscuity amongst those morals. Everyone accepted it and went on about their lives.


Original edge morals are: No drinking, No smoking/drugs, No promiscuous sex.


People who twist and turn it into their own little playground are hypocrites.



some straightedge kids are pretty cool and don't fuck with you because you're not "edge". some are just elitist assholes who need a boot to the head.


Thank you. Not every single Straight Edge person is a fucking DAO.

The elite assholes are close minded and cannot comprehend the world around them.

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oh and where the fuck are you from? if it's not the east coast of the US, then i don't give a fuck about your word on that, and maybe should shut the hell up about it before you sound like a bigger ass than you already are. i don't even need to explain this.

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But you cant deny that all the FSU guys are dickheads can you?

from what ive seen of them thats how it seems and there giving edge the bad name.


No, I cannot deny it.

They don't give a name to all Straight Edge crews out there.

Even though it seems like it, they don't.

They aren't the entire definition of Straight Edge.

Like I said they cannot maintain self control.


oh and where the fuck are you from? if it's not the east coast of the US, then i don't give a fuck about your word on that, and maybe should shut the hell up about it before you sound like a bigger ass than you already are. i don't even need to explain this.


If this is towards me, I am from the east coast.

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oh and where the fuck are you from? if it's not the east coast of the US, then i don't give a fuck about your word on that, and maybe should shut the hell up about it before you sound like a bigger ass than you already are. i don't even need to explain this.


Who me? Providence.

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No, I cannot deny it.

They don't give a name to all Straight Edge crews out there.

Even though it seems like it, they don't.

They aren't the entire definition of Straight Edge.

Like I said they cannot maintain self control.




It really annoys me how they fight people like 5+ on 1.

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Didnt mean to offend Organic Therapy...I was just speaking of the ones in my area a couple years ago. Where I live doesnt have a rich chunk of any culture. I guess shit just flies by as trends here so nothing really sticks and no one really sticks to one thing.

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being an ex sharp skin


i can speak first hand about the sxe scene


ive been asked why im destroying my body like i do


why am i doing the drugs or drinking what i do


by no means do i care if you are sxe edge or a raving drug addict


dont try to put your morals or beliefs on me


if i wanna drink i drink, if i wanna smoke a joint, i smoke


i know several sxe'ers and they dont judge me nor do i judge them


you do you, and i do me

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But you cant deny that all the FSU guys are dickheads can you?

from what ive seen of them thats how it seems and there giving edge the bad name.


fsu is not a edge crew, some members are edge, others will drink you under the table and not all of them are dickheads, i can say that for fact. some of them are actually really nice dudes, until you give them a reason to not like you.


if you take everything specials like these say for fact your out of your mind, they twist this shit and portray it how they want it to look. they do give you useful information, btu they fuck with things people say and chop it up an re arrange it.


and like i said in that earlier post, the majority of those videos of dudes fighting from boston beatdown are nothing more than drunken college kids running their mouths as they stumble home from the bar, and just ran their mouths to the wrong crowd of kids. it has nothing to do with "militant straight edge."

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im still watching this cause i never caught it, but a lot of those "militant straight edge fight clips" they're showing, aren't even edge kids, and have nothing to do with straight edge beyond kicking the crap out of some douchebag college kids talking shit as they stumble out of bars.


THIS. someone tell some goddamn kid from another country to shut up about what he doesn't know about.

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Didnt mean to offend Organic Therapy...I was just speaking of the ones in my area a couple years ago. Where I live doesnt have a rich chunk of any culture. I guess shit just flies by as trends here so nothing really sticks and no one really sticks to one thing.


Nah, nah. You're not offending me.

I'm just telling it how it is.


And that fighting 5 on 1 type shit is weak.

Unless that person broke edge and still keeps on reppin' that shit.


Or if you're still claiming edge and selling drugs.

It's not breaking it, but it's being hypocritical.


There was a little problem in my city with that..



all the edge dudes i know are chill as fuck, until you give them a reason to stomp your face.



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