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Obama: The New George Bush


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Yea you should be able to build what you like but also there needs to be a consideration to others, you can't just erect a huge concrete block somewhere and destroy the scenery of that area. Do I think the laws are perfect hell no i dont, I really don't. But, there HAS to be some guidelines are rules in place otherwise there would be chaos, so you would be happy with your neighbours right to build a 100ft block of flats right next to you? it doesn't infringe on your property but it certainly ruins any views, maybe sunlight in your garden, reducing the value of your property? because without those rules what is to stop that happening?


not to turn this into a property rights only discussion... but i'll address these.

if you cannot use your property as you want, without infringing on the rights of others, then you do not own even own your own property. period. we dont even own it, we actually rent it from teh government. they claim the right to confiscate your property if you dont pay the property tax on it and then they sell it. someone just had their house confiscated in the US that i read about because he under paid his tax bill by 3.96$.


do you really own a view? i dont think so.

if this were the case, if i think your wife looks hot wearing her hair up, i can sue her because she infringed on 'my' view if she wears he hair down one day. and yes it is the exact same thing as looking at a mountain, or whatever.

someone can surely build a wall. they do it all the time. have you not been in a city lately? it consists of nothing but high concrete walls. and as previously stated houston, a huge city, has on zoning to speak of at all.... yet it looks like just about every other city.


what should happen though is if a guy is growing a garden in the back yard, the guy building the wall cannot rob him of the sunlight for instance. this is an infringement of property rights. but changing the view of something is not an infringement of property rights. if this were the case, i could sue my neighbor if he paints his house the wrong color. wait... lots of governments also regulate this.


In this country it isnt government that tell business to cart their products 100 of miles for shipping, it is more cost effective for the BUSINESS to have all its processing done in one area, I was actually listening to a discussion on the radio the other day where supermarkets and farmers were saying that it is cheaper for them to have the raw goods (slaughtered cattle, vegetables etc) to be shipped to central processing areas. Is it the best option in all cases again no, smaller independent business suffer but again your laws are differnt to ours so again maybe that is where the confusion lies because the central processing is the businesses choice and not through legislation.


the first part of your post is true. if you have a 500,000$ facility to process meat, it makes sense to cart you product to it.

but what i am addressing is something that you have talked about...local businesses, local economy and reducing your carbon foot print. what we are talking about is a farmer who grows beef being able to slaughter said beef and sell it to his neighbor. what he now has to do, due to zoning and USDA regulations, he has to cart his beef up the highway dozens or hundreds of miles away, then cart it back to his farm just to hand a t bone steak over the fence line. look at all the expended resources that could of been saved had the beeves just been slaughtered on the farm or at a local butcher. this just to illustrate that the best meaning of regulations for food safety and zoning have severe adverse effects, especially for the people you like to support.

just sayin'

I will stand up and fight for something if I it affects my life, so far nothing has affected my life.


ok, so we basically can say that unless you are thrown in jail, shot to death by the govt or put on house arrest... than any thing less is fine?


AOD we are not oppressed people, there are millions in the world that are worse off than you and I, If I were in their situation then my feelings may be different.


there is no doubt that there are people that are worse off, but this doesnt make any tyranny at all right or just. it just means that some other people suffer worse than others.

think of the worlds residents of being cancer patients. we are all in the cancer ward. some people might die tomorrow... others in the US for instance might be the healthiest patients in the cancer ward, but we still are going to die soon enough.


I have a say in how badly I get screwed than major companies that I have no say in how badly I would get screwed, because believe me, without government in place big business would dominate this planet and ruin it, kind of how christo was trying to explain in the property rights issue in the other thread.


i think i addressed his concerns rather well

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Had the pleasure of seeing Obama speak at campus today. Not a pleasure because I'm a big fan of him or anything, but I've never seen a President in person before.


Claims to have gotten only 70% of his objectives done, because he had to have SOMETHING to do until 2010. Funny.


Apparently we're done in Iraq and If we let the Republicans back into office the same economic policies that got us into this recession would be brought back in place. (I know neoliberalism, deregulation, basically Reaganomics had a big part to play in this, but didn't Clinton policies create the big Housing failure too?) Other than a bunch of talk about not giving up hope, he also talked a little bit about the Badgers (Wisconsin Football). He says he almost succeeded in bringing up the health care reformation, the first step was getting kids back on their parents plan until they're 26.

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  • 2 months later...

thought i'd bump this thread.. considering its a new year and all and everyone said i had to give the guy some 'time.' and obama should of surely fulfilled those promises of closing gitmo and ending the war in the sand box. or wait, is it STILL all bush's fault?


mission accomplished version. 2011?


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thought i'd share this with the obamanoids on the forum. the very same people who thought i was being to 'harsh' on obama by saying that he would never close gitmo. i was told he just needs a LITTLE more time. eh, 2 years later he is writing executive orders for indefinite detention of people not even charged with crimes. as judge napolitano eloquently explains it, no dictator in history has ever claimed the right to give someone a trial, they are proven innocent and then sends them back to jail. so much 'hope' and 'change' from the bush administration.


more proof:


obama- bush's third term.

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  • 10 months later...

so who do you think is going to get the nomination & be the next president?






also found this to be interesting::



Racism in America, Alive, Well, and supported by the Mainstream Media


In a profanity-laced tirade, a Memphis DJ last week used an on-air interview to berate a local Republican congressional candidate -- calling her a "token negro" who is doing the bidding of "white folk."


DJ Thaddeus Matthews called Charlotte Bergmann, who is black, "stupid." He referred to her as a "curly-haired nigga." When she walked out of the interview, he refused to shake her hand, saying he didn't want to get her "whiteness" on him.


Bergmann told FoxNews.com that, while the web video of the interview has gotten a lot of attention on blogs, local media are largely ignoring it. She said she hasn't gotten any calls from politicians about it. "No organization has spoken out," Bergmann said.


As for her treatment on air, which she described as "racist" and abusive, she said it stems from the notion that black politicians should uniformly be Democrats.





Bergmann is running in Tennessee's 9th District, which is mostly black. The seat is currently held by Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen, whose office so far has not returned a request for comment on the radio interview




Bergmann eventually walked out of the interview, which was conducted last Tuesday.


But for the first 12 minutes, Matthews repeatedly challenged her loyalty to black people.


Matthews started by asking about her affiliation with the Tea Party.


He accused her of evading the question, later asking, "Are you a token of white folk? And white folk using you to come against black folk?"



Kind of reminds me of when Don Imus said "Nappy headed ho" and was immediately suspended for being a racist, despite the non-racist non agressive and confrontational context in which it was said. Imus was drummed out because the national media immediately picked up the story and practically stood in front of his office with burning torches.


As a contrast, not a single major media outlet has picked up this story except for Fox. Not ONE! Why? Because being a black racist using extremely racist wording to defend a white jew holding a congressional seat in a heavily black district is completely acceptable, so long as that white person is a member of the Democratic party.


Remember, regardless of the color of your skin, if you have any sympathy for the ideals of the tea party, YOU ARE A RACIST! Given your racist nature, it will be perfectly acceptable to use racially charged language, like "Token Black man" and "Uncle Tom", because those words accurately describe you.



How did we get to this sad point in American culture? Probably becaus the National Association for the Advancement of White People, the National White Caucus, or any other organization that looked out for the interests of White people would be considered racist. Consider the irony of that.



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