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having money in your pocket

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you obviously smoke dope..

stop being a vagabond and get off your mexican ass and do something for society ..like pick up trash or even hold a caution sign on the side of the road..you asshole


Nah i dont do dope now adays bruh and Im white. I also work in manufacture engineering as a CNC machinist. With that outta the way keep on gratifying yourself on the interwebz for having less than 20.00 to your name.

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living good on unemployment is non-exisitant


stop being a faggot and start working

I am living well, you mad?


I havn't had a job offer that will pay me more than what I make on unemployment, why the fuck would I want to work and make LESS than what I make now?


Keep hating, think of me when you're slaving at your job. :)

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And you cant collect if you get fired


I've been on unemployment twice, and both times I got fired. Once was for SUPPOSEDLY spitting in food, and the other was because I went to jail for a lil bit. Unemployment is stupid easy to get, and a wonderful thing


I should have filed for an extension the last time but I just didn't bother. Basically I turned down an extra $260 a week cuz I didn't really think it was worth wasting the time on the phone with them, and this niggas bragging about how hard he balls with like $67 :lol:

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so you are bragging about being a lazy bastard and living off the strength of others..what a useless piece of shit you are




we all pay into the system


it'd be a shame if none of us ever benefited from it


also, is your cell phone bill the only bill you have to worry about?


if you've only had two little jobs in your life and live with your parents you definitely have no room to be knocking anyone for being on unemployment


people are getting laid off left and right and getting a job that pays more than peanuts is very hard right now

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Racism is cool, but getting unemployment is a big no-no. At least he has his priorities in order.


Give me one good fuckin reason its a "no-no"? its something you fucking EARNED god damn! So when I got layed off I should have just sat around crying cuz I have no way to make money, and run out of the rest of the cash I had stacked looking for a new job. The economy is SHIT and its hard to find a good job. What don't you get

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Give me one good fuckin reason its a "no-no"? its something you fucking EARNED god damn! So when I got layed off I should have just sat around crying cuz I have no way to make money, and run out of the rest of the cash I had stacked looking for a new job. The economy is SHIT and its hard to find a good job. What don't you get

Hey retard, you might want to re-read the thread. Try again.

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you obviously smoke dope..

stop being a vagabond and get off your mexican ass and do something for society ..like pick up trash or even hold a caution sign on the side of the road..you asshole




kid gets a little taste of hard earned chump change and starts talking like a bitter racist middle aged right wing conservative

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crack is correct about getting unmployment if you get fired. if youre fired for something like coming up dirty for meth on a piss test, or you tell your boss to fuck off - you wont get unemployment.


but lets say you get fired because you arent selling as many units as you're supposed to, or you cant keep up with the physical demand of your job, etc...youll get paid.

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