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all the cool kids are in teh klanz, spitfire.


but there is an application process:


1 you have to work for major media


2 you have to hate obama b/c he's black and not because his policies are essentially bush-like.


3 you have to hook me up with rachel bilson.


4 you have to bring brownies to your first klan meeting


5 you have to provide your own white sheets.


that's it. if you can comply, you're in.


Cool, now I can tag along and see what all the hype's about :lol:

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HAHA yeah i posted that in my "barack obama is an idiot" thread.. and the responses i got was "he's a regular dude, so what if he laughed", or "you're a fuckin idiot".


The American people are/were to blind to see past the bullshit.. Obama's genius "hope" and "change" is all people need to hear to believe they're making the only logical decision for whats best for America-being Barack.I mean fuck, everyone was looking for something,anything after Bush's popularity had reached an all time low. Everyone just fell for his inspiring "hope" and "change" run on teleprompt speeches.Instead of people actually caring enough to look to see what Obama is really about,They just believe whats told or shown on all the liberal news stations.I'm sure the majority of people didn't know Barack associated/s with known terrorists, and has gone to a church his whole life where the rev. Wright talked about United States being the enemy, and how the United States has kept the black man down..Everyone including all the liberal new's stations only show the sugar coated bullshit with Barack. Plus,Instead of any interviews or confrences giving him any type of question that he might have to think on, or maybe hard for him to answer. Like what he plans to do with the economy,national debt, unemployement.They ask him stupid shit like whats his dogs name, or how are the plants coming in the back yard, or how does it feel to be the first African-American president. the only reason no one ask's him any type of real question is becuase he might be put on the spot to say how he actually feels, which he's afraid to say the wrong thing becuase he doesn't want to offend anyone..playing both sides. He's wants to be everyone's friend.Im sorry either your all in or nothing. im sick of this trying to keep everyone happy, apolgizing to other countries for the state this country is in.




^I love it how these blathering retards who watch Fox news and listen to some blowhard idiots radio show all of a sudden think they know what's up, when in reality they don't have a fucking clue what the fuck they're talking about.

Then they get on the internet and type walls of text that when you read the shit you picture it coming out the mouth of some drooling retard.

Way to put yourselves on blast. Seriously.




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This nigga didn't say one damn thing that was "race baiting" in that entire clip.

Actually, he didn't say one damn thing in that entire clip that was even close to what those little captions said that he was saying.

Did you even bother to watch this thing at all, or did you just see a catchy title and immediately copy paste the link on here? :lol:



That shit has writen Casek all over it. :lol:

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the lifetime achievment award





What about the fact that Ron Paul is from Texas?

The chainsaw massacre happend in Texas.

Therefore Ron Paul has a human skin suit in his closet made up of the skin of hippies.

It also means that he wants to make it mandatory for school kids to be issued chainsaws and taught how to properly disembowel and skin people.


Would you vote for Ron Leatherface Paul to teach your children how to be mass murderers?

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obama still sucks.. his defense budget is more than bush's, no new taxes?, this clowns talking about going green, saving our money, yet he is spending money on wed. dinners, expensive photo ops, sending money overseas.. a shitload of money to palestinians to come to america.bringing up lawsuits against torture? and closing gitmo.

all i can say is wow.its just over 100 days and he's doing such a good job.

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obama still sucks.. his defense budget is more than bush's, no new taxes?, this clowns talking about going green, saving our money, yet he is spending money on wed. dinners, expensive photo ops, sending money overseas.. a shitload of money to palestinians to come to america.bringing up lawsuits against torture? and closing gitmo.

all i can say is wow.its just over 100 days and he's doing such a good job.




Newsflash: Going green is not only ensureing that we have more and safer energy in the future, but it's also creating industry. Jobs. Which we need right now.

"No new taxes" was Bush seniors punchline you fucking doofus. And Obama has cut YOUR taxes. I know this because you're too stupid to be in the top 5% tax bracket and those are the only motherfuckers who are getting their taxes raised.


Newsflash: EVERY FUCKING PRESIDENT has dinners, photo ops, and spends money over seas.

And where do you get that he's spending mony for Palestinians to come to America? The fuck are you talking about?

Closing Gitmo and stopping torture is a GOOD THING you mental invalid.


He's done an AWSOME job in the first 100 days.

And everybody knows this, except for you Fox News clones who aren't aware of what the fuck is going on in the real world.

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I swear to god there is some of the stupidest shit I've read in a while in this thread.

Comparing this little bump in the road to Post WW2 Germany, GTF outa here.

Shure it has the potential to get worse but it won't, my faith in my country is strong.



Obama isn't the fucking savior, he was clearly the best possible choice though.

He's the fucking President, and doing that job damn well, domestic policy shouldn't be his main focus.

Our prop points as a country have surpassed all the tampons voting/allowing Bush earned us.



Putting THE ENTIRE WORLDS economic failure on his or Bushes shoulders is fucking retarded.

The President does not control the fucking economy, never did and never will, he's not a king.


Although I don't like either party and feel they serve their own interests above ours, he was the best choice.

He hasn't fucked up anything yet and is working his ass off to do the best he possibly can.

No doubt I think he could be doing shit different, but I'm not going to pretend I've devoted a lifetime to understanding politics like he has.


Besides, he needs more than just popularity.

You think he's just going to shit on all of congress and the senate and still get shit done?

Compromise is the name of the game in politics, keeping enemy's even closer pays off.

Just funny how people who ain't doing shit lounge in the peanut gallery bitching about those that give it their all.

Maybe I'm wrong and you're all a bunch of certified political geniuses.

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Ron Paul was the best possible choice considering the state we are in.


He would he brought troops home, cut defense spending, focused in on what we REALLY needed to change back at home to get back on top abroad.


Nice try though.


I also don't like the term "going green". However we do have the technology to completely live off of the Earth's and solar energy.


We do not need to depend on Oil and fossil fuels anymore, although some people would have us believe that.

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Yea, on the slim chance he could actually run a national campaign outside of his base congress and the rest of Washington would do everything in their power to make him fail.

Plunging us deeper into a shithole.

You never heard about Jimmy Carter?

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So Ron Paul rolls in, submits a bill to congress that gets shot down before taking off and that's helpful?

His platforms domestic policy would be a never was, not helping shit captain.

Idealistically a lot of stuff he stands for is on point, he just isn't in any position even with votes to get er done.

Who's the select few Obama is gunning for?

You? Me? Rich people? Poor folks?

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All I do know is if Obamas spending doesn't fix Americas economic system, we are royally screwed A La Germany post ww1


If it does work, good for us




I swear to god there is some of the stupidest shit I've read in a while in this thread.

Comparing this little bump in the road to Post WW2 Germany, GTF outa here.

Shure it has the potential to get worse but it won't, my faith in my country is strong


I hope this little rant wasn't a response to what I said



Because if it was , man, that would make you look illiterate


So I'm going to assume someone else mentioned post ww2 Germany, and you were talking about that




Otherwise you might want to research how the massive debt Germany encurred from a lost war, combined with financial collapse and an attempt at stimulative spending to correct the issue lead to even deeper and more disasterous debt, leaving the people to put faith in a charismatic leader, which wasn't what they bargained for and pretty much ran the country into the ground.



Not comparing Obama to Hitler, (I'm comparing the economic and social climate - there are a lot of similarities to post ww1 pre Nazi Germany and America today) but there is a reason that European countries look at flooding industry with cash a little differently than we do ; America has never done this before, while Germany did this same thing after WW1 and it lead directly to the complete ruination of the country

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nah, i wasn't trying to look intelligent, i was just trolling in this thread. The movie is based on the premise of a half retarded man beast running around with a chainsaw, killing people in some blumpkin town in Texas. How are you going to argue thats at all similar to ed gein, beyond the wearing skin bit.

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The Wisconsin Butcher Knife Massacre doesn't have the same ring to it








Also the Texas chainsaw massacre was actually a combination of the ed gein murders AND a caninalistic BBQ stand in Texas


Leatherface was inspired by ed

Gein wearing skin, but basing it in rural Texas came from that other story



Toby hooper breaks is down in the making

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I hope this little rant wasn't a response to what I said



Because if it was , man, that would make you look illiterate


So I'm going to assume someone else mentioned post ww2 Germany, and you were talking about that




Otherwise you might want to research how the massive debt Germany encurred from a lost war, combined with financial collapse and an attempt at stimulative spending to correct the issue lead to even deeper and more disasterous debt, leaving the people to put faith in a charismatic leader, which wasn't what they bargained for and pretty much ran the country into the ground.



Not comparing Obama to Hitler, (I'm comparing the economic and social climate - there are a lot of similarities to post ww1 pre Nazi Germany and America today) but there is a reason that European countries look at flooding industry with cash a little differently than we do ; America has never done this before, while Germany did this same thing after WW1 and it lead directly to the complete ruination of the country


I'm putting my money on us making it out of this, with or without any bailouts.

This isn't the aftermath of Kaiser Wilhelm it's just Bush Jr. and his shenanigans.

This isn't even close to post WW1 Germany, I'm just trying to state that and the fact

blaming Obama for something that isn't going to happen is ridiculus.

Maybe I look illiterate or whatever to you but I'm guessing the same can be said about your comparison and criticism of someone clearly giving it all their effort to overcome.

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I'm putting my money on us making it out of this, with or without any bailouts.


Already had bailouts. Bush enacted bailouts before Obama went into office, and I hold bush and co responsible for the bulk of the responsibility

This isn't the aftermath of Kaiser Wilhelm it's just Bush Jr. and his shenanigans.

This isn't even close to post WW1 Germany,

You're right


The ammount of money involved, the fact that the world economy was severely effected, economically it's a far more severe situation than post Keizer Germany

I'm just trying to state that and the fact

blaming Obama for something that isn't going to happen is ridiculus.


Blame Obama for something that isn't going to happen? First off I didn't blame Obama, I merely presented the idea that his stimulus spending might not work... And guess what - it might not work! This is a real possibility and if you don't see this stimulative spending as the last ditch coin toss it is then you really are blind. Even the most gung ho supporter has to admit it might not work... And what if it doesn't work? What next? Where do we go after that?


Understanding and preparing for the very real possibility this might not get us out of this bind isn't criticism, it's watching your back and preparing for your future.

Maybe I look illiterate or whatever to you

You look illiterate because you went on a rant about how it was stupid to compare America to post WW2 germany, but nobody mentioned WW2


I said post WW1


Now you are trying to backtrack and it's not really working too well for you. Please explain how post Nazi ww2 applies to this discussion, as you previously stated.

but I'm guessing the same can be said about your comparison and criticism of someone clearly giving it all their effort to overcome.

Find where I criticized anyone. See, it's this blind oversensitivity that can make gung ho Obama supporters seem very ignorant


For the record I pretty much support a lot of what Obama has done

But when it's at the point where nobody can play devils advocate or they are "criticising someones effort to overcome", it's like the reverse of people being dischoraged from criticising bush by being labeled un American or not supporting the troops


It's the same shit, you have to be prepared for the worst

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