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Funny/bad luck stories while bombing


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Stepping in puddles while bombin in the middle of winter and walking around with a frozen foot.

Can malfunctioned and got sprayed in the face.

Stepping in bum shit in the tunnels.

Female writers mistaken for hookers(heard this one a few times)

Running up highway dividers because traffic picked up and was stuck in the middle.


A lot of odd shit can happen when your out destroying, interested in the weird shit that's happened to countless others over the years.


Any funny stories?

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Okay, bear with me.


I was out wrecking shit with stock caps and Sharpies. I was going to hit up the back of a Stop and Shop and I realized I had to pee. This was in the winter, so my mom had made me put on snow boots and snow pants and mittens and everything. Anyway, I went to unzip my snow pants and fell in the snow. My mitten got stuck in the zipper and got covered in snow, which caused them to freeze together. I had to piss all over myself in order to melt the ice. I started crying and went home. To top it all off, there was no more Hershey's Cocoa left and my mom said that if I couldn't come home without being a mess she wouldn't drive me to the legal wall anymore.


All made up stories aside, if you paint, shit happens. I've gotten blisters, had Rusto cans explode on me, had to sacrifice a sweatshirt painting trackside in the winter when I had the flu and blew my nose into it multiple times. So it goes.

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Ok, this is a crazy one... I was out bombing all night, right, and I see the red and blues start flashing so I start running like hell, still holding my last can because they got my prints on file and I don't want to get popped later on that bullshit. Well, I'm running as fast as I can, and hit this patch of really loose gravel and slipped and accidentally the whole can.

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Ok, this is a crazy one... I was out bombing all night, right, and I see the red and blues start flashing so I start running like hell, still holding my last can because they got my prints on file and I don't want to get popped later on that bullshit. Well, I'm running as fast as I can, and hit this patch of really loose gravel and slipped and accidentally the whole can.


then who was cop?

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ditching a spot right before cop car arrives, watching the cops search for tags and/or us there. I guess there were cameras that we didn't know of. Thank god for the rain that forced us to leave early.


nothing too special, but still a close call.

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Jumping a fence to land on a piece of wood with a nail on the other side and the nail went through my shoes into my foot. I lifted my foot up and the whole piece of wood came up with it, like nailed to my foot. Fun, and the usual shit, cuts, bruises, scrapes, exploding paint, the freaks come out at night and that.

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while hitting a highway spot, cops passed by but obviously couldnt stop. So we figured we at least had time to quickly finish our shit. A minute later, a cop car with the siren and flashers and everything stopped OVER OUR HEAD. We ran down and back up the other side, and I figured DIVING in very thick bushes was a great idea, and they would never go through the trouble of coming and finding us there. After which we decide it was better to just jet fuckin quickly, but this didnt stop the MASSIVE BUSHES I HAD DIVED INTO A MINUTE BEFORE FROM BEING EXTREMELY STRONG POISON IVY. That shit was like a plague on my body, it spread to my balls and shit, it lasted for a good month and a half, i was on prescription benadryl and fuckin CORTIZONE. not that little weak ass cream you get from the counter, prescription cortizone you have to ingest, that shit makes you weak in the knees.

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while hitting a highway spot, cops passed by but obviously couldnt stop. So we figured we at least had time to quickly finish our shit. A minute later, a cop car with the siren and flashers and everything stopped OVER OUR HEAD. We ran down and back up the other side, and I figured DIVING in very thick bushes was a great idea, and they would never go through the trouble of coming and finding us there. After which we decide it was better to just jet fuckin quickly, but this didnt stop the MASSIVE BUSHES I HAD DIVED INTO A MINUTE BEFORE FROM BEING EXTREMELY STRONG POISON IVY. That shit was like a plague on my body, it spread to my balls and shit, it lasted for a good month and a half, i was on prescription benadryl and fuckin CORTIZONE. not that little weak ass cream you get from the counter, prescription cortizone you have to ingest, that shit makes you weak in the knees.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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No no someone said dog shit, dog shit I can handle for some reason. But homeless/crackhead shit is the worst. The funny shit in NY is even though downtown is supposed to be nice, the subway stations always SMELL. LIKE. SHIT. down there, Canal st Spring st anyone? 2nd Ave F train that's the worst.

One time I was walking the 1 tunnels with my boy and we dead ass slide a good five feet in something the size of elephant shit. It was a hybrid of puke and homeless shit that we both slid in and when we got to the station we walked out covered in paint and homeless bodily fluids and almost scared these trendy girls to death. We then got Chelsea Papaya for those who know what I'm talking about that's the real shit

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while hitting a highway spot, cops passed by but obviously couldnt stop. So we figured we at least had time to quickly finish our shit. A minute later, a cop car with the siren and flashers and everything stopped OVER OUR HEAD. We ran down and back up the other side, and I figured DIVING in very thick bushes was a great idea, and they would never go through the trouble of coming and finding us there. After which we decide it was better to just jet fuckin quickly, but this didnt stop the MASSIVE BUSHES I HAD DIVED INTO A MINUTE BEFORE FROM BEING EXTREMELY STRONG POISON IVY. That shit was like a plague on my body, it spread to my balls and shit, it lasted for a good month and a half, i was on prescription benadryl and fuckin CORTIZONE. not that little weak ass cream you get from the counter, prescription cortizone you have to ingest, that shit makes you weak in the knees.


bullshit. poision ivy doesnt grow into "extremly thick bushes". might have been some other toxic plant though

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Okay so I was painting under this bridge, using my last cans of blue and white. My dude was next to me, and had already finished, so he was kinda just fucking around and tagging shit. So anyway the next thing I know, these kids start coming from the other side, and start yelling at us. We tell them to fuck off, and I continue to paint, but they keep comin, and eventually I ditch outta there. On the way up the hill back to the street I get mud allll over my pants, and when I got home my mom thought I had gotten in a fight and said "You're movin with your Auntie and Uncle in Bel-aire."

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last night it was my first time going out taggin with three pens and a can. my can kept on fuckingup and not spraying so i got some really shit tags i decided to check it out and got sprayed right in my eye and half my face was blue. caried on, my pen nib fell out and fucked up another tag then i got chased by two dogs ?!. but i wasent going to call it a night and i started taggin with another pen and a car saw me and follwed me untill i got to a back ally and ran home. all by my slef was preety werid for my first time.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Okay, bear with me.


I was out wrecking shit with stock caps and Sharpies. I was going to hit up the back of a Stop and Shop and I realized I had to pee. This was in the winter, so my mom had made me put on snow boots and snow pants and mittens and everything. Anyway, I went to unzip my snow pants and fell in the snow. My mitten got stuck in the zipper and got covered in snow, which caused them to freeze together. I had to piss all over myself in order to melt the ice. I started crying and went home. To top it all off, there was no more Hershey's Cocoa left and my mom said that if I couldn't come home without being a mess she wouldn't drive me to the legal wall anymore.


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Cop snuck up on mah boy he thought it was me when the cop poked his shoulder.. cop ended up with an elbow in the face haha hot damn those were good times :P Also when i did it in a tunnel stepped on a sleeping bag that i thought was empty, then i heard GET THE FU** OFF ME

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fell in a fuckin 8 foot hole while the cops rolled up .....meanwhile my boys got chased by some redneck in a pickup on there bikes, had to fuckin sit in that hole for an hour til the coast was clear, only to see that same pickup waiting for me, had to ditch my bike and army crawl til I could make a phone call......good times

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Only story ive got was a few nights ago, I was contemplating climbing a ladder behind this liquor store and getting a tag on the roof, but I decided not too, a minute later a truck pulled up right behind the ladder, guess I made the right choice skipping that spot, I'd be stuck on the roof lol

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