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Poesia [ ] T

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How many times do I have to point out that you're the one getting steamed?

Why the fuck would I be steamed about nobody putting me on their list?







Anybody who's list doesn't include Mero, Zebratits and me is a homo.







You're an idiot 17 year old newb.

I was slaying faggots like you on here when you were in elementary school.

Your butthurt opinion means jack shit.

You're just mad about them negaprops from last night.




Why would my contempt for hipsters make me a hipster? How does that work?


I'm just wondering if you were "bleeding metal" 5 years ago, and if you'll still be "bleeding metal" 5 years from now.




:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:





and I'M the delusional one.




just face it doggie....








































:lol: :lol: :lol:

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What the fuck are you talking about?

How many times do I have to explain that me slaying you does not = steamed?

A fucking monkey could slay you while laughing.


Did you eat paint chips as a kid?












i get it, i wear levis slims. i get it, i'm 17. no fucking shit, i said all of those things.




YOU, sir, are the delusional one. you A. think you're funny :lol: and B. think people like you (double :lol: )

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Clearly I am funny and people do like me.

Don't take my word for it, look at how many times my name is mentioned in this thread.


How many times is yours mentioned?



































































































































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dude you sound so fucking pathetic right now its not even funny.








exactly, i'm not mentioned in here


do you see me bitching about it? NO, BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE A FUCK. i'm not mad because i have other shit going for me in life besides some words on the internet, unlike you.




seriously dude, you're fucking tired. your jokes are the same, your stupid- ass commentary is the same, everything you do is fucking old.




i'm seriously done right now, you're retarded as fuck. i'll let you think you got this little victory, it'll probably be the highlight of your year.

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seriously dude, you're fucking tired. your jokes are the same, your stupid- ass commentary is the same, everything you do is fucking old.




i'm seriously done right now, you're retarded as fuck. i'll let you think you got this little victory, it'll probably be the highlight of your year.






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couldn't just do 5. no order.



boris - for being a man of little words, for having exquisite taste in rap, for being a total babe, and for owning a blunt case.


mercer - for taking beautiful pictures, for being funny, and for working with his hands. one of these days we are going to run into each other at a bar or something and i'm gonna be all, pssssst, oontz oontz you fucking faggot.


dao - when he's not trolling he is a pretty funny and nice guy. i would definitely buy him a drink and flirt with him shamelessly until his wifey came to pick him up in their minivan.


b-fish - for being the most precious little bean on the oontz inside and out. i would like to go 'sploring with her and pick wildflowers and make them into garlands because i can tell that we are both hippie ass bitches like that.


mero - for being the funniest motherfucker ever and for looking like will smith. though technically this doesn't count as an e-crush because i actually know this player irl and he makes me laugh pretty much until i cry every time i run into him.


bloodfart - for possibly rivaling me as queen of lounge, if we hung out i am worried that we would get ourselves into a lounge hole the likes of which we may never escape from, also for being a bad bitch in general.


casek - what can i say. nerds just do it for me. also he gives great no-frills advice in the vaginal thread and i can really appreciate a blunt motherfucker.


bojangs - i always get crushes on chubby blond men with lots of tattoos so this one is a shoe-in. plus he is a total sweetheart and ranks pretty high in the nerdy-as-fuck factor as well.


frate raper - dude pushes a snowmobile. need i say more?


stan51 - for being the only oontzer ever to send me a package (it made me feel so special!), and for also being able to quote nelly songs at will.



there are tons more people that are awesome...but those are the first people that came to mind. it doesn't mean that i want to blow them. obviously. i just think they're all exceptionally rad.




bump my ecrushes list.

and i would like to add everyone on team bacon, team lounge, and team chubb lubb.

because you dudes know how to live.

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thats what she said



people i think are cool


Santana - cause youre a good egg :)

glik$ - cause i wanna fight him (or see if i can outrun him and i just wanted him to be on a list for being stoked that he wasnt)

zebra - hilarious, find me that dick photographer (nohomo)

my e-thugz - yall my riggas

all 4 or whatever is left of the nightowlz

banana shark - cause you come with the dope music suggestions at early am hours.

bojangles - for modding on point and being cool

earl broclo esq. - because he has a good answer for anything you throw at him

DAO - cause he keeps it real and actually writes

blood fart and random - cause yall are metal as hell and i like to imagine yall living in a castle


annnnd alot more

i like yall people



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