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Right Brain v Left Brain

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have u niggas actually looked at it for a decent time to notice the transition..or do u watch it one sec and see it goo one way and then....return to it later to see it go another....if u look long enuf...u can see there is a point (very subtle) when she is facing us directly and instead of continuing going one way it goes the other...

give me feedback nigras...actually look at it for a long enuf time...

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have u niggas actually looked at it for a decent time to notice the transition..or do u watch it one sec and see it goo one way and then....return to it later to see it go another....if u look long enuf...u can see there is a point (very subtle) when she is facing us directly and instead of continuing going one way it goes the other.



True story.


And these idiots are calling us "r-tards". :lol:

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OMG, I'm the only one that said strictly counter-clockwise.


So that's why I suck at life.



I'm with you brother. When I get home, I'm gunna try sketch for a while and then look at it and see if it's different.



If this is a joke. I'm joked.



edit: i dont even see how it could go the other way.


Fuck this.

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That's because you're a fucking idiot. You probably ate one too many paint chips when you where a kid.


But don't blame me for speaking the truth which is beyond your comprehention.

You should blame your pops for not testing for lead paint in your crib when you where a kid.


Says the guy that thinks alcohol is a stimulant,

that thought the KKK really endorsed Barack Obama,

that thinks they know more than "data" and "scientists,"

that misspells comprehension.


You're a dumb dude.


Really and truly.

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Yeah, it's pretty simple. Just imagine the foot is in the from of the body when you are thinking it's at the back and it should switch pretty easy. If you try hard enough you can also make it look like she's just turning left right left right. It's a matter of interpretation of visual information. It's a non-specific silhouette and can therefore be viewed any way your brain chooses it to be. There are no identifying markers in the picture to accurately determine any actual direction. Thus, your brain makes it up for you. You automatically try and make sense out of the picture to help you understand it. So instead of seeing it for what it actually is (a two dimensional graphic that has slides to produce 3 dimensional depth cues to illicit the recollection of learned info/schematas), you relate it to the knowledge of how things work in an attempt to make sense out of it. It's called a heuristic if I remember correctly. There should be a psych interest site some where that can explain it a lot better than that ^^^^ babble! I'll try and find one.

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This site has a tool where you can add eyes to the ambiguous figure to see how it can spin both ways (and therefore doesn't switch directions).






All silhouettes are ambiguous. Our brain tries to reconstruct the third dimension (space) from the flat image in our eyes, adding information which is usually realistic, but not really there. And in the case of a silhouette, there are two equally likely interpretations.

Actually, as some of you commented, and I agree: they are not completely likely, because on left rotation the 3D arrangement is such that one looks from below – on sees the sole of the foot. That may explain the statistical preference for rightward motion.

This illusion made the rounds in the Internet late 2007. And two aspects I find very obnoxious:

The original authors copyright was removed. Naughty! Here the material is reproduced with permission (thanks again!).

Second, it was accompanied with misguided and erroneous comments about the right and left brain hemispheres, insinuating that a given spin direction was associated with dominance of one of the two hemispheres, topping this with totally exaggerated interpretations of hemispheric specialisation, which is strongly overstated in populist claims anyway.

During a recent presentation, I performed an informal ad-hoc experiment with the audience: I showed the silhouette for a few seconds, and then asked the audience which way they had seen the silhouette spinning.

Of the 61 women, 49 saw it turning clockwise, 12 anti-clockwise.

Of the 60 men, 50 saw it turing clockwise, 10 anti-clockwise.

Thus there was a close 50:50 sex distribution, and 20% of either saw anti-clockwise rotation.

I conclude: there is a strong preference for initial clockwise rotation, with out a difference between the sexes.



I don't know, call me crazy and shit, but I always thought educating one's self on things was preferable to just calling people silly names and arguing on forums. Educated discussions are always more enjoyable and useful than shitslinging for no good reason.


Ya bunch of retards! :)

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Says the guy that thinks alcohol is a stimulant,


You're a dumb dude.


Really and truly.


seriously, according to everything I have been taught about alcohol in both Alcohol Serving classes (required govt class for serving alcohol) and in my Alcohol Awareness class , and all medical research POINTS TO THE FACT ALCOHOL IS BOTH A STIMULANT AND A DEPRESSANT



When your BAC is rising, it is a stimulant


as it tapers down and lowers, its a depressant







Anticipations of alcohol's effects reportedly covary with the amount consumed. Alcohol's stimulant and sedative properties also may contribute to alcohol consumption. Anticipations of stimulant and sedative effects have not been investigated extensively. The present study examined the stimulant and sedative effects subjects anticipated experiencing if they were on the ascending or descending limb of the blood alcohol curve after consuming two or four standard drinks. One hundred sixty-six undergraduates reported anticipating greater stimulant effects than sedative effects on the ascending limb of the blood alcohol curve, and greater sedative effects than stimulant effects on the descending limb. Subjects also reported anticipating larger effects with larger doses. Men tended to anticipate smaller effects than women. These results support the notion that specific anticipated effects vary with dosage and the limb of blood alcohol curve, suggesting that the study of anticipated effects of alcohol should employ these variables.







How else do you explain all the wilin out on booze?!?

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seriously, according to everything I have been taught about alcohol in both Alcohol Serving classes (required govt class for serving alcohol) and in my Alcohol Awareness class , and all medical research POINTS TO THE FACT ALCOHOL IS BOTH A STIMULANT AND A DEPRESSANT



When your BAC is rising, it is a stimulant


as it tapers down and lowers, its a depressant







Anticipations of alcohol's effects reportedly covary with the amount consumed. Alcohol's stimulant and sedative properties also may contribute to alcohol consumption. Anticipations of stimulant and sedative effects have not been investigated extensively. The present study examined the stimulant and sedative effects subjects anticipated experiencing if they were on the ascending or descending limb of the blood alcohol curve after consuming two or four standard drinks. One hundred sixty-six undergraduates reported anticipating greater stimulant effects than sedative effects on the ascending limb of the blood alcohol curve, and greater sedative effects than stimulant effects on the descending limb. Subjects also reported anticipating larger effects with larger doses. Men tended to anticipate smaller effects than women. These results support the notion that specific anticipated effects vary with dosage and the limb of blood alcohol curve, suggesting that the study of anticipated effects of alcohol should employ these variables.







How else do you explain all the wilin out on booze?!?


That's ANTICIPATION of effect.




I have access to full journal if interested.

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I'm T.I.P.S. certified, work in a bar and a psych major.


PLEASE find me another peer reviewed article other than the one you linked that even mentions the stimulating effects of alcohol.

well here its TABC cert, and Ill do it later

llike way later, when I care a little more

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