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Harry Potter Author suicidal?

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I just read this on yahoo news, though i didn't read into it with depth or anything. I don't get this, why is this bitch trying to get all kinds of publicity, i mean fuck..seriously..first shes all talking about how that dude in her book was a faggot, like why does that need to be told, i just don't get now a days why everybody is so concerned with faggotry and shit, like who cares if hes a fag, it doesn't make or break the story, and now shes like " i totally have suicidal thoughts" Like STFU you know..what do you guys think? i think tahts fucking bogus

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some stupid mother fuckers in here. (excepting poes)


1. you didn't read anything by her, you have a few vague second hand quotes

2. clearly don't know the first thing about mental illness

3. think that having suicidal thoughts is "whining"

4. think that if someone has suicidal thoughts they are pussies and should be dead anyways...





also figured i could add this:


you don't read her books, do you read any books? how many in the last year? how many that you weren't forced to in highschool...

wait til its a movie.....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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some stupid mother fuckers in here. (excepting poes)


1. you didn't read anything by her, you have a few vague second hand quotes

2. clearly don't know the first thing about mental illness

3. think that having suicidal thoughts is "whining"

4. think that if someone has suicidal thoughts they are pussies and should be dead anyways...





also figured i could add this:


you don't read her books, do you read any books? how many in the last year? how many that you weren't forced to in highschool...

wait til its a movie.....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



Currently in the middle of a Radiologic Physics book, what are you reading?


I have a problem when somebody reaches out to the public with suicidal thoughts, get real help from a real professional and stop wasting peoples time. Granted, the majority of Americans love to hear about this shit anyway. Since this is obviously an ongoing problem for her, she is milking it.




1. I'm reading 1 book right now.

2. She is still whining.

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Currently in the middle of a Radiologic Physics book, what are you reading?





honestly quite a surprise. sounds like a textbook bore though, haha.




3 cups of tea by greg mortenson


child of god by cormac mccarthy.


i go through 1-2 a week at the price of a social life...

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I don't understand your point:

1. The book I stated isn't a book?


2. You need to read the authors book to comment on suicidal thoughts?


3. Do you need to read x-amount of books a week to actually have an intelligent comment on the authors on going suicidal thought?


Cut the books and get back to the actual thread discussion. Debate the topic kid.


Point the bitch has had the same thoughts for years. I have a problem when anybody runs to the media instead of the proper channels for help. And if she has then it only fuels my point of view. The author is milking it for sympathy.


By the way are you suicidal? cuz ya jump on that side pretty quick on the defensive tip.

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you asked what i was reading. i answered and put in how much i read in regards to hydrogen peroxides post.


it didn't have ANYTHING to do with the topic. my response was about reading books, thats all.


c-walk said he didn't read her books, you cosigned, i assumed that the both of you didn't read at all so it would be stupid to say 'i don't read their work.'


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Your response does clear up some confusion, sorry I was at work earlier and it was busy.


And your response to assuming c-walk and I don't read at all... well u know the saying cuz you read books.


Although, I'm still more concerned in your point of view on why the authors comments don't justify the remarks made in the thread? Having ongoing thoughts of suicide since their 20's.... and then relaying those private thoughts to the public. Well, it's not hard for some people to formulate point of views in regards to entertainment.



Also the leak of a character being gay, might be a passive aggresive tactic to have the anti-gay/lesbians unconscience open up to that type of thing. U know what I'm talking about?

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i don't think that suicidal thoughts or tendencies needs such public shame or has any necessity to be kept secret.

its not whining just because its been made public. its admittal of having a problem. was the publicization of michael j fox's alzheimers whining?! certainly not.


depression is a real problem, its not just emo/goth kids mad at their parents. its not something cured by sunshine and money and a good business plan...


my issue was with the comment of "and bitch should stop whining and pull the trigger."

why? because she has a problem? had a problem? asked for help?


i understand hostilities toward emo/goth kids, but i don't get it when its directed at a reasonably productive and beneficial member of society.

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i really don't have any thoughts on the admittance of a gay character. i think its great that we're reaching a stage in societal evolution that we can have books with gay characters that aren't GAY books. i doubt it was an aggressive move on her part, especially as he seems a significant and likable character.

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I totally agree with your point on having a likable gay character with the book not being gay. But then again do u think the bookreading hate mongors would have purchased the book in the first place? Imagine the look on those ppls eyes and the thoughts going thru theirs heads when their lovable character turn out to everything they are against.


Personally the possible passive aggresive, if was intended, move was brilliant. Checkmate, if that's what it was intended for.



Yeah depression and suicide isn't cool. But I'm more concerned with people in that position turning to the media as an outlet that the average person cannot. I think my uneasy feeling is that the majority of the US cares more about Britney's baby, Romo/Jessica... basically the majority of point brought up in Fight Club. Feel me? Unfortunately, over time I'm beginning to ball it all up as one. The constant bombardment of entertainment media takes it's toll.


Fox's case, no. It wasn't met with the same reaction due to different circumstances. Same with Christopher Reeves. I think the big thing is that both couldn't do anything about it where as someone in the authors positon does. Or that's atleast how, I feel, the majority of us look at the situation.



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i think lumping America's fascination with rumor, gossip, and celebrity information together with every other aspect of the media is asinine.


still, i don't know exactly what was said or how about her depression. i don't know if it was reported or if she talked about it in an interview, i highly doubt it was her saying 'dear john q public, help me, i'm sad.'


i don't see your point with dumbledore. she said he was gay after the most recent book. i don't understand how she's possibly making an attack on homosexuals. its more a fuck-you to the conservatives.


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i think lumping America's fascination with rumor, gossip, and celebrity information together with every other aspect of the media is asinine.


still, i don't know exactly what was said or how about her depression. i don't know if it was reported or if she talked about it in an interview, i highly doubt it was her saying 'dear john q public, help me, i'm sad.'


i don't see your point with dumbledore. she said he was gay after the most recent book. i don't understand how she's possibly making an attack on homosexuals. its more a fuck-you to the conservatives.



Well the common denominator with every single person in this discussion is that they are all in the entertainment business. Your point of view considers mine asinine where I feel it's more desensitized. 'Stinkfist' by Tool sums it up pretty well.


I don't know the convo either but honestly the country isn't all in the career field of psychology/psyciatry, so why bring it up. I doubt depression was on the interviewers mind 2 begin with but like I said I didn't read the interview.


And the last point was exactly the point I was making, no qualms. I never said it was against homo's, I said it was against people who opposed that lifestyle.

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