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The Citizen's Guide to Surviving Police Encounters


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peeps just need to realize at a certain point your fucked and going to jail tonight - so shut the fuck up, stop acting like a lil scary dude, and handle it downtown.


People always fuck themselves trying to weasle out of going to jail because they are scared and never so much as been run downtown, especially a lot of writers who thing vandalism charges are like, totally doing dirt and shit, and a big deal.



Kids just need to shut their fucking mouth and call their mommies for bail before they really get themselves fucked up in the system.

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who gets busted painting nowadays?



If your still getting vandalism charges in the 08 step your crime game up. Try some BnE's, mabee an arson or two, fuck even some ag assaults on old ladies or pull a home invasion. Then you can realize that any shit you get into over graf is petty as fuck and not going to fuck your life up.


Itll help put it in perspective, I swear

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thats why you hipster looking dudes need to stay out of bad neighborhoods.



makes it look pretty obvious your up to something. and yea homei, you should have known better than to let them pull you out of the car. lock your fucking doors.


see, i do this thing called "graffiti", you might have heard of it. maybe you've even managed to convince yourself that you do it.... maybe.


but, see, the thing is about graffiti, is that sometimes you have to go into sketchy neighborhoods to do it. i apologize that your understanding of graffiti in new york city is probably limited to the lower half of manhattan and maybe williamsburg.... but i have an appreciation for doing graffiti in neighborhoods that i don't belong in from time to time so that rather than getting shine on the internet because tourist jocks walk around this city flicking the same LES parking lot walls i can meet some dudes who have seen my shit in person and ask me what i was doing over there. it goes a little way in showing that you have some sort of "heart".


and you weren't there when that shit went down, but there was a distinct reason that the doors weren't locked that i wont get into here. plus.... what the fuck would locking the doors accomplish anyway? like that impenetrable glass window is going to keep them from fucking with you? if anything, its better to not come off like you're trying to fuck with them and give them more of a reason to pull out all the stops on you. they pulled us out, we were laughing, they found paint a minute later and said "go home" because we didn't have the drugs on us that they were hoping for. so it ended fine. it's not the first or last time that it's happened either.


most of the points that you attempted to make, and that were made in that video, are on some "no shit? really? duhhhhhhhhh" type shit. if you don't know the basics, then don't commit crimes. and don't think that just because you know a little, that it will keep you from getting fucked with.


and to whoever mentioned a lawyer.... "obviously".

i have a good lawyer. his # is always on me. i've never said shit to any cop about anything and i would rather go to bookings and have my lawyer hash shit out for me than dig my own grave.

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wahhh. haha.


1) sorry, dont live there.

2) while i don't like most of my graffiti, i'm probably better than the majority of people on this board (which isnt saying much... since most of you suck). the people on here who know me can attest to that.

3) clearly, you don't live in ny and have never really spent any real amount of time here. i walk plenty. however, if you knew anything about this city and painting here.... you'd probably know that the days when you could walk around with a bag of paint are long gone. better to keep that shit locked away in your trunk.


your opinions on the matters of graffiti and law in this city are null and void. the end.




*edit because i don't want to make it sound like i'm too good at painting. hahaha.

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i dont know about you guys but yall sound like a bunch of morons from time to time.



if u need to leanr how to paint by comming on this forum then you SHOULDNT BE PAINTING.


heres some nice tips from my part

some are pretty fucking obvious.


the area you are pai9nting . hey i got a good idea... dress the part. bad hood

look bad. good hood

look good

buisness district

look like u just got off work.

bag of paint?


who needs a book bag

unless you're climbing, what works best is

paper bags

12 case of beers

kmart bag with any big box in it.


worried about yoru car

ride a fucking 20$ bike



park it really far....



you get caught?

shut up


you;re going to jail reguardless..... but only if you get caught red handed should you shut up.

there are some times u might be able to talk your way out of it.


remember not to incriminate yourself in anyway.

never admit to anything

talk around things.

and be polite, even if they are dicks.

act toy seriously. no need to be all gangster thuglife.


now if you're all like yo

i cant afford to buy clothes to match the hood

ever heard of a thrift store?

mad cheap.


even better idea.


wear a fucking wig and carry around another article of clothing. you never know when u have to run and hide... so when u come out of your space. you dont match the description....

anmd i dont mean wear the wig when u get out

wear it when you're painting.




never wear dress shoes painting. or anyu other flat foot type of shit..

black sneakers fit almost any costume. from work

to upper middle class




and never


bring drugs with you

unless they are legal


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i would rather go to bookings and have my lawyer hash shit out for me than dig my own grave.





cause if you are getting booked, you are getting booked one way or another. why give them a statement?? they aren't the ones deciding your fate, the judge it.

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although keeping shit in your trunk is a good call.... cops sometimes do this thing called "lying" and will search wherever they want anyway and make up a reason later.


it's hard to believe, i know.



legally, you can refuse a trunk search. spray paint is legal so i wouldn't worry.


you need to get some hidden compartments in the whip...haha.

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wear a fucking wig and carry around another article of clothing. you never know when u have to run and hide... so when u come out of your space. you dont match the description....

anmd i dont mean wear the wig when u get out

wear it when you're painting.






did you really just suggest wearing a wig while painting?


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thats why you hipster looking dudes need to stay out of bad neighborhoods.



makes it look pretty obvious your up to something. and yea homei, you should have known better than to let them pull you out of the car. lock your fucking doors.



wait, so by "hipster" you mean white?


i know the story absinthe was talking about and the neighborhood it happened in. most of the times if you are white and just passing through for whatever reason and at any given time of day, you will get pulled over.


but you don't hear us white folk crying about racial profiling now do you?

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legally, you can refuse a trunk search. spray paint is legal so i wouldn't worry.


you need to get some hidden compartments in the whip...haha.


i have refused a trunk search.


all i was saying, was that if they really want to search it, theyre going to anyway.... and if they do, just shutup and tell your lawyer about it later. though, my other point was that they can always lie and say they had probable cause for a trunk search as well.


theyve found paint in the car before and once they realized that they werent going to get us on worthwhile charges.... they said "so, is there anything in the trunk im going to want to see?" and all i did was laugh and say "more of what youve already found under the seat". the guy just rolled his eyes and knew it was time to let us go.

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for the record.... we overdress to go paint.

ties, cardigans, buttonups.

i've been pulled over in some shit areas, because since i'm white and dress in clothes that fit.... clearly i'm buying drugs.


however, once they pull us out of the car and search the car/trunk (illegally...) they realize what we're really doing and tell us to "go the fuck home, right now."


this has happened alot of times.


when i dress like that and go out to do stuff in areas outside of the city, i tell the cops that my girlfriend and i got into a fight while we were driving back from a bookclub meeting at the coffee house and she kicked me out of her car, and thats why i'm walking around this late. usually i'll have my phone to my ear and say i'm trying to get my friend to come pick me up. i've had a few cops offer me rides to the train station. i've had a few offer to give my friends directions to the corner i'm at so they could come scoop me. it's tempting to take the ride... just to say i did. but in the end i politely decline and say i'll be fine and that i just need to patch things up with my girl and get her to come get me.... they tend to agree that women are insane and they're on their way.



frankly, i don't care if any of you are into the way i dress. i get over plenty. i have no problems carrying paint/stuff and i stay getting let go even when i'm caught in sketchy situations.... either in the hood or in the 'burbs. win.



you guys have already argued about the exact same thing in another thread.

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maybe you should just stay in williamsburg aka the place you reside



hipster douchebag. i bet youre a toy.



and who the fuck drives around to tag? park your car and walk. idiot. especially considering you live in new york




dude, you have no idea what you are talking about.


why jump to conclusions and make yourself look dumb?


fyi, it's quicker to drive, park, walk around and tag, then bounce and go somewhere else.


yo, dude is far from toy and he is up in more in the cut spots than you would ever attempt to do. but i shouldn't jump to conclusions about you the way you are about him, cause then i would be just as bad as you.

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