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dear heath ledger


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oh, im not even depressed.

this wasnt really a depressed thread, it was a 'im fucked up, this is whats going on in my head' thread.

my life is actually at a huge turning point, that hopefully should bring about great things.

then again, who knows. or rather, who cares.


again, 'ride or die'.

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yea true. listen to some oontz mang.


i recomend for a grin.






BRAINCRACKIN! (leet bass)





the first two make me grin. (MAKE THE SOUNDS LOUD AND HAVE A SUBWOOFER)

otherwise it just no full effect.


cheer up ya goose.

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that was relaxing i suppose, but its not helping.


one thing i find odd about mixng pills and booze, is that they somewhat seem to cancel eachother out in a social sort of context. like, i can talk and use punctuation and even spell as i usually would, but my thought process is kind of awry.

then again, it probably always is.

forget it.

hesh is a faggot for not being awake.

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This thread is weird cause people are trying to relate and they cant.


I went to the book store and was reading a shitload of magazines and was reading a article on this guy Jordan Belfort. There is a line in the article where he talks about how there are 4 phases of him taking the pills "That was the fourth phase of a Quaalude high and, perhaps, the most dangerous: the amnesia phase. The first phase was the tingle phase, next came the slur phase, then the drool phase, and then, of course, the amnesia phase.". Its actually a good article. just remnded me of this thread.


Seeks drink some tea's and meditate to music. Its funny i just put the ipod on when i go to sleep now and i dont really fall asleep until the end of the album but it actually brings me down and lets me rest.

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this thread is weird, because i dont even know what im trying to get out of it.

its a totally random mish-mash of seemingly benign and pointless little revelations, but underneath, theres something else...


its not rally about not being able to sleep, although thats obviously a problem, its more about apathy i think. or experience. or maybe trying to escape from experience. or maybe its just talking too much. in my head, things are all something though.

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T;6075707']This thread is weird cause people are trying to relate and they cant.


I went to the book store and was reading a shitload of magazines and was reading a article on this guy Jordan Belfort. There is a line in the article where he talks about how there are 4 phases of him taking the pills "That was the fourth phase of a Quaalude high and, perhaps, the most dangerous: the amnesia phase. The first phase was the tingle phase, next came the slur phase, then the drool phase, and then, of course, the amnesia phase."..


That's just the process of getting wasted, i experience all of those phrases when i'm drinking beers.

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Aren't all those things that make up Anxiety? I have no experience, but i hear it is the thoughts that snowball into the attack.


Apathy is a bad thing sometimes when mixed with pills and restless thoughts. Not in a harmful way but in the way that nothing good can come out of it.


albums currently on sleep rotation


The fountain soundtrack

There will be Blood soundtrack

Autechre Quaristice

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my thoughts dont make up my anxiety, they just sort of exist along with it.

nothing good can come from most things it seems. i aim to fuck everything up, and have fun while doing so. that seems to work out better for me. atleast you know ahead of time what youll end up with.

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this thread is weird, because i dont even know what im trying to get out of it.


Uh, entertainment? Because you're bored? Because you're up every fucking night doing the exact same shit over and over because when you're tired you're lazy so you tend to just look for cheap entertainment regardless how tired this internet shit is? Oh wait that's me.



I think the moral of this thread is winter sucks.

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I am pretty into xanax and Sparks.


I am pretty into xanax, peroid.

It makes me feel regular in the head.

I mix it with Sparks so I can feel magical in the head.

People say I drink too much.

People say I am a waste case.

People are pretty on point with they assessment of me.


I used to get prescribed xanax and klonpin to help me with being scared of society and scared of the dark.

My Dr. learned that I don't have self control and tend to abuse any substance that is within my reach.

I got cut off.

So it goes.


I'm still scared of society and the dark.

It's not radical at all.

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having said all of that, hev, i appreciate the concern, but i'm a 'ride or die' type of nigga (minues the nigga part, but you know what i mean). i'm doing just fine...save for the obvious substance abuse problem, inability to sleep, tendency to obsess (as well as compulse), bad life choices, inability to let go, grow up, move on, or any number of other social ailments. despite all that though, im a pretty solid bro, so we good.




I relate.


Further, it drives me mad when everyones' response is a variation on "chillax". If I could walk that way...

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