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dear heath ledger


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anyone who knows me knows that 'anxiety' is pretty much synonamous with my first name. infact, they might as well be interchangable. it is with that in mind that i'm forced to deal with the fact that three of my favorite things have proven to be fatal, even in low doses. these things of course being vicodin, alcohol and ambien.

fuck you.

no, seriously dog, fuck you.

this morning, bright and early, birds chirping, and im awake (after only 5 hours of prescription-induced sleep) getting messages from heavylox, quoting your toxicology report, showing what seemed to be geniuine concern. perhaps this is not the most healthy way to view the subject, but...dog, stop making my dude worry (no homo). i do not need some sort of intervention conversation, just because you were a total gash and tapped out early. i do not need to be sitting here wondering whether or not im going to wake up tomorrow simply because i can't sleep like everyone else in the world. shit is not fair, and i'm not feeling it.


having said all of that, hev, i appreciate the concern, but i'm a 'ride or die' type of nigga (minues the nigga part, but you know what i mean). i'm doing just fine...save for the obvious substance abuse problem, inability to sleep, tendency to obsess (as well as compulse), bad life choices, inability to let go, grow up, move on, or any number of other social ailments. despite all that though, im a pretty solid bro, so we good.





seeks/currently two out of three

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even if he had a small amount and using it as prescribed


did he really need to be taking oxycontin valium and xanax at the same time?

valium and xanax are both benzos, and reletively similar, but it shouldn't react to painkillers. I'm prescribed percocet and xanax as well as a slew of sleeping meds and other shit, and technically there isn't a reaction between them. Yeah, they're addicting as fuck if you're not careful, and obviously mixing lots of them isn't the healthiest thing in the long run, but if you ask me, Ledger just caught some bad luck. That is, assuming he only had his prescribed amounts in his system, and his doctor wasn't retarded and prescribing too high of dosages to be mixing.

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totally YEAH!


im going like str8 edge now.

im gona get tattoos that show the world how "str8 edge" i am.

cos i HAVE to show the world how cool i am!


thats what im going to do.

im never going to expand my consciousness due to fear of discovery.

im going to watch tv.

im going to be a coffee shop revolutionist.



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epiphany city, just got a call from a close friend. close friends dont tell you what you want to hear close friends tell you "as much potential as you had youve pretty much lost it all and if you dont get it back youre a moron"


fuck divorce, fuck substance abuse, fuck dependencies, fuck losing all motivation, fuck fighting and pissing everyone you know off because they think you got your friend beat up over nonsense.

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stop it.

























































































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Personally, i'm pretty happy with the current state of my life, and i've made some serious improvements with it in the past 8 months or so. I'm prescribed percocet because i have chronic headaches. and when i say chronic, i mean i havent gone a day without a headache in 3+ years, and i monitor my usage and don't act stupid. I'm on xanax because i, like seeks, am a seriously anxious person, and on top of that shit, this past year wasn't too kind to me in a lot of ways, including family members dying. I'm not saying i don't fuck around and get stoned on pills sometimes or mix them with booze, but just because someone is using medications doesn't mean we don't know how to "hold on to our cocks right."


edit: in response to de sign

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