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New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Quiznos

Poesia [ ] T

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Re: New Operation to Put Heavily Armed Officers in Subways


slowly but surely, this shit will be the norm everywhere in the states.


honestly, i want to leave the states for good, skip out on my student loans and live somewhere else. but at the same time, i don't want to leave.


any suggestions, about where to potentially relocate?



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seriously, this isn't going to make living in nyc any worse. it's just a fear tactic, to make them look like they are keeping the city in check. this isn't going to keep me any safer, taking the L home at 2:30am with two bags of records (which is the only time i'm in "fear," and why i take a car service). this is to make tourists like Johnny Buttersnatch and his family, feel safer when they eat at Ruby Tuesday's in Time Square, thinking about the sales going on at the Quicksilver store. Hey, if you want to waste money to make money --fine. i'm just pissed that the car service guys charge my girl $6.00 to go from Williamsburg to Bushwick, but charge me $12. Tits go a long way sometimes.

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this is why I am trying to marry some women from outside of the country... So I can get citizenship and get the fuck out...


So any 12oz ladies from outside of the The United States feel free to pm with some pictures of your tits and we can get talking about you supporting me for the rest of your life in some foreign paradise

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My question is, even if a liberal, reasonable person is elected president, will the general swing of things towards Police state continue?


Paranoia rant #3009: The 1lluminati had this planned years and years ago.


they vote right in line with the neocons, so nothing will change until we get tired of it and put an end to the shit.

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they vote right in line with the neocons, so nothing will change until we get tired of it and put an end to the shit.


and thats why you all should have supported dennis kucinich instead of ron paul

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news flash: neither of them had a snowballs chance in hell to get the republican nod.



as long as people have that mindset, no, they don't.


if you want "real talk", the major media has already picked your next president.


p.s.: how does it feel to have no real choice?


-to a six year old child who is fussy about wearing the clothes you want him/her to wear-


"ok, which sweater do you want to wear today? the red one or the blue one?"


(false sense of choice)

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news flash: neither of them had a snowballs chance in hell to get the republican nod.


you know the only reason you are right there is that only one of them was running as a republican... and yes they do stand a chance if people are aware of them and their policies, thats why the media barely spoke a word about dennis kucinich

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