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man, you white people......


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ahahahhaha DAO you need to acquaint yourself with the concept of sarcasm and recognise when people are using it.


on the topic of this video it is absolutely shameful and if i stumbled across the fucks making it i would maim and possibly kill them.



also the difference between this and what dawood was doing is that he killed a domesticated animal for food. This is killing an endangered animal for making a fuckwad internet video. If you don;t like killnig a goat don't eat meat cuz.

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you know whats really funny to me. is that say i made a thread that was titled "you black people?" and the opening sentence is "what the fuck is wrong with yall" and showed some real fucked up clip of a black person doin some dumb shit people would be goin ah fuck naw this niggas racist and shit. you know it's true. especially if all the white folk and messicans were doin the same shit here.


Are you kidding me there are so many racist threads created i dont hear racist being said.


One time there is a white thread and everyone gets all White Sensitive, when all yall are laughing in the other threads at racist jokes.


Im gonna say this fuck white people


fuck black people


fuck my own people


fuck Asians


fuck Indians red and Brown


Fuck Eskimos


Fuck Europeans


Fuck South Americans


Fuck Australians


Fuck Everyone


/ No racist for sure

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Im gonna say this fuck white people


fuck black people


fuck my own people


fuck Asians


fuck Indians red and Brown


Fuck Eskimos


Fuck Europeans


Fuck South Americans


Fuck Australians


Fuck Everyone


/ No racist for sure





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T;6001926']Are you kidding me there are so many racist threads created i dont hear racist being said.


One time there is a white thread and everyone gets all White Sensitive, when all yall are laughing in the other threads at racist jokes.


Im gonna say this fuck white people


fuck black people


fuck my own people


fuck Asians


fuck Indians red and Brown


Fuck Eskimos


Fuck Europeans


Fuck South Americans


Fuck Australians


Fuck Everyone


/ No racist for sure


fuck i can't argue with that. well said.

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My grandpops used to do that "Al Bundy" hand in the pants thing.


Only ever seen him do it when he was nodded out in his chair infront of the TV late at night all snoring and shit though.


What's with this dude doing that infront of the classroom and shit all mid lecture? :lol:



dudes like OOOOHHHH you see that. I'm teh man now let me get some of the 17 year old pussy.:lol:

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Maybe it was a "religious experience" fucking on a dead bear for these wackjobs?


And what makes it any different what Dawood did from what they did?


Either way, both situations look mad stupid and grotesque to the majority of people.


And I'm sure they're both equally illegal here in the states.


Just sayin.


what? killing an animal to eat it is illegal in the US? Damn dude...what the hell do you think people did to survive for the last who knows how many hundreds of thousands of years before supermarkets. you buggin' homie. Go kill something, just wait till you get home to dick down your lady.

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