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These kids are fucking rad...

Harvey Wallbanger

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"In Perú from Huánuco to Tingo Maria, where the road from the Pacific coast across the Andes finds its way towards the Amazon lowlands. This is near the top of the last mountain pass. From there, soapbox rider can enjoy a vertical 1000 meters of gravity assisted ride.


As these kids help stranded truck drivers along the road, they're called bomberos (firemen). They transport drinks, food and spare parts to broken trucks."


Link to the big version on Flikr

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that's just insane. the look on the kids face in the back, it's like he doesn't even give a shit.


what i want to know is how many of these bomberos are there. how many have died? what do they do when the truck breaks? how about shit flying off those wheels? seriously, this shit is insane. if anyone sees any stories on these kids, please post. i tried on google, but only found things on firemen, and articles in spanish.

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back in the day I decided I wanted to train surf. It seemed like a good idea as we were pulling away from the station. Then the speed picked up and at that point it got scary. So, I was holding on to some flimsy windshield wipers, standing on the swivel thing that connects one train car to the next and we were hitting corners , jumping all over the place, at high speeds, man ! I wasn't sure if we were going to make it. Joint was dumb scary...I don't recommend.

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back in the day I decided I wanted to train surf. It seemed like a good idea as we were pulling away from the station. Then the speed picked up and at that point it got scary. So, I was holding on to some flimsy windshield wipers, standing on the swivel thing that connects one train car to the next and we were hitting corners , jumping all over the place, at high speeds, man ! I wasn't sure if we were going to make it. Joint was dumb scary...I don't recommend.


shit I remember holding onto those winshield wipers going into kenmore so we could get on for free... that shit can be kinda scary... but it is pretty fucking fun at the same time...

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