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CRUSTY MIKE eggs are easy. You just pay attention once and then you have the


timing down. I do up the egg and cheese sandwich every morning and I flip that shit.


Electric stove no problem. I prefer gas but not an option. After you flip it leave it on


for half the time the first side took.


Easy. Oh yeah butter the pan. but der you know that much...right. Ha ha.



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The hardest thing to get right is eggs over easy. The way I do it is take the pan away from the fire completely so the pan is cooler, then flip, wait a sec or two and scoop out. I usually try to stay away from the yolk altogether so I don't break it ...or...uh.. er...I let my flyteta mamasita loca chica sprinkle it with chupacabra.

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Guest shai_hulud

Mike- something to remember is that YOU CANNOT BURN AN EGG. I've tried, it's impossible.


Get a new, clean pan. Non-stick is cheating. Heat the pan over high heat with some oil. Not much, just enough to coat the bottom of the pan. When the oil starts to shimmer, crack the egg into the pan. Let it cook for 30-45 seconds- long enough to let the white set and the yolk to skin. Now, take a spatula and gently slide it under the egg. This is the tricky part. It needs to be one easy movement. Then WITHOUT LIFTING THE SPATULA, gently turn the egg horizontal to about 10 or 2 o'clock. It will slide off the spatula in one piece if you do it right. then, let the flip side cook for another 30 seconds for over easy, and 60 seconds for over hard (fried egg sandwich style).


Practice that for a couple of days, then I'll explain poaching so you can make eggs benedict. It's not hard, but it's a little trickier than frying eggs.


Eggs, and not cheese, are the only reason I can't go vegan. I won't lie.

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yeah thats what i saw her do. Ive been trying all these years to scoop the egg completely up and just dump it upside down. It has never worked out too well. Its not like pancakes where i can just flip it in the pan with no spatula. Im gonna test this out and make it happen. I will be interested in making poached eggs soon. I was furious when IHOP stopped serving eggs benedict around here.

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Guest shai_hulud

That's easy, too.


Just crack an egg into a small microwave safe bowl with about two inches of water in it. Put the bowl in the microwave, and cook on high for about 75-90 seconds. 75 is soft, 90 is firm. That's in my microwave, though- you may want to check to see how long your microwave takes. When it's done, scoop it out of the water carefully with a large spoon.


That's it.

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Eggs are awesome. Plus really healthy for you. Once when I was a kid my dad brought home some duck eggs from a local farm. When they would pop in the grease in the pan where my moms was frying them they sort of let out a 'quack' sound. Kinda bugged me out. But they were gooooood.

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crustymike --obviously you've learned how to cook an egg by now. good, because if you can't cook an egg, you're fucked in the culinary department. here's something simple to try. it adds flavor.


heat your pan, put a light layer of olive oil on it, dice up a small amount of garlic (a small pinch), throw it in the oil. let it cook for a couple seconds (not long at all, it will burn quick), drop your egg on that, salt n pepper it, let it cook solid (pick up your pan and swirl the egg if you have to spread around the whites), then flip it and throw a slice of mozerella on there.


goes good by itself, or on an english muffin.

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That's easy, too.


Just crack an egg into a small microwave safe bowl with about two inches of water in it. Put the bowl in the microwave, and cook on high for about 75-90 seconds. 75 is soft, 90 is firm. That's in my microwave, though- you may want to check to see how long your microwave takes. When it's done, scoop it out of the water carefully with a large spoon.


That's it.


my dude? microwave?? you're hurting me , man.


poaching eggs - get a pan/pot whatever with about 2 inches of water and put a tablespoon of vinegar in it. the vinegar helps the whites not go all over the place and the egg hold its shape.


bring the water to a simmer. the water will ripply on top with one or 2 bubbles coming up.

if its boiling any harder than this it will make the while go all over the place and it will look like a jellyfish or something.


slowly put the whole egg into the water. the best way i've found is to crack it into a bowl then put the edge of the bowl into the water and slide the egg in trying to keep its shape. its about 2.5 - 3 min for soft, i think.


that got a bit wordy, but its just, simmer water, slide egg in.

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