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I am raised by the old. I think they're pretty funny. They do weird things like take naps at 3:30 and expect the house to be completely silent. They watch wheel of fortune and jeopardy and think everyone excluding themselves are idiots. They tell stories about the good ol' times. My abuelo would go on for hours on how he was raised on a ranch and had to hunt his own food. One of his stories involves almost being killed by a crazy bear inebriated with weed. I cant wait to get to the point were I can bore my grandchildren with my uneventful life and say witty ass-hole like things and get away with it because I am an old hag. Old people are straight good times in my book.

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one of my homies works at a retirement home...

he says the old people are funny..

he has to grind up some of their food in a blender

like grilled cheese, pizza, and other random foods...

last week one of the old people said

"what the fuck is this shit? im not eating this bullshit you little fucker!"

threw his blended grilled cheese and rolled away in his wheel chair...


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old ppl can be pretty cool

i think we often forget about them because of some of their antics (no doubt they are a result of their age) but really, they have a lot to offer to us in terms of knowledge and experience

try to look past the things that suck about them, and realize they are pretty special and unique people


plus we will all be one one day

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old people can be highly amusing, sometimes.

the other day at work i had three real cases.

one lady made me feel really bad because she had a really hard time forming complete sentences and was embarrased by it.

this olod guy i had met on the bus a few months ago kept gesturing towards the meats (i work at a deli and i work the slicer) and showing me and other people a little peice of paper he had written "very high sodium" on, and was adamant about it as if he was making a pointbeyond that... i dunno it was strange.

and the last guy was really polite but kept saying "thank you ma'am"...the first time i just told meself i mistook him and misheard "man", but no, i heard right.

theres also this old dude who i always thought was high but turns out his eyes are just naturally ssquinty as hell.

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My granny died a few months ago.

We were driving to Ft.Worth to visit her.

She died before we got there.

It was fine.

All things happen for a reason.


It would kind of mess me up when we would go visit her.

She raised me when I was young, after my dad deaded himself.

We were close.

She went senile.

And forgot who I was.

It would take her a few days before she would recognize me.

But would know who my brother was immediately.

He and I look pretty much identical.

So I couldn't understand why she didn't know who I was.


She would tell us the same stories over and over.

We could change our reactions.

She would forget as soon as we said what we had to say.

It was sad.


Seeing people I love get old like that is hard.


I like old people.

Real old people.


I don't like their smell.

But I like their knowledge.

Their stories of a different time.

Their attitudes.


Old people are pretty punk rock/rock and roll.

In the sense that they know they could die any day, without warning.

So they live each day as if it was their last.

And say exactly what they are thinking, not worrying about how other people are going to take it.

I like that in people.

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