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Michael Vick Gets Pwned


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hydrogen peroxide, tsk tsk tsk... so have 2 dogs fight and the winner gets to eat a meal? the loser is dead and who the fuck cares? =(



aww cmon, you know me. i'm just saying that if people choose to do this shit they should do it properly. immediately get any injured animal medical attention and if it is injured beyond repair do not let it suffer.

the reason i say this is because dog fighting / cockfighting (again, ||) /any kind of animal fighting WILL happen. i dont like to see any animal suffer any more than anyone else, but i'm just saying that if it happens, any injured animal should not be left to writhe in pain.


you know i love shumai. pig dog was dope too. :)

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Guest shai_hulud

He's lost around 50 million dollars. Not to mention the amount of money he would have earned if this didn't happened, probably close to 75-100 mill. He's going to serve at least 20 months in prison, and have to deal with the fact that he did this all to himself for no reason at all, the rest of his life.


I don't know. Seems pretty REASONABLE to me.


edit* fixed the above, with emphasis.


Foolio was on top of the world. Foolio fucked up his own Golden Ticket. By fighting pit bulls.


The day you see me crying for this douchebag is the same day you see George W. Bush handing out free medical care to crackbabies. Shit ain't gona happen/


It's not about my personal views on the issue (I'd kill him myself if I knew him personally and knew that he did it, BTW). It's that he was handed a free fucking ride and decided to fuck it off by torturing animals. That is the height of arrogance to me.


I hope that I can become a capitalist scumbag someday, for no other reason than to piss in this guy's face when he's sitting in the gutter.


Fuck this fucking piece of overpaid shit. I hope he gets raped by the biggest con in the joint and gets super AIDS.


I hate to say that about another living being, but I'll bet he never thought twice about the dogs he sacrificed. Now, he's got plenty of time to do just that.



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aww cmon, you know me. i'm just saying that if people choose to do this shit they should do it properly. immediately get any injured animal medical attention and if it is injured beyond repair do not let it suffer.

the reason i say this is because dog fighting / cockfighting (again, ||) /any kind of animal fighting WILL happen. i dont like to see any animal suffer any more than anyone else, but i'm just saying that if it happens, any injured animal should not be left to writhe in pain.


you know i love shumai. pig dog was dope too. :)


no, there is no "propper" way of doing this type of shit.


you can't compare slaughter to dog fights. ones for consumption, the other is for selfish asshole reasons. yeah asshole... yeah selfish... fuck.

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I don't really sympathize with him or even give a shit if he gets the chair for it.


What bothers me is people are more concerned with imposing their individual views and morals on others and not things that can make this planet better. Murder is when you kill a person, not an animal. He wasn't hurting your dog or mine. If someone doesn't treat their animal as if it were a human, dress it up in cute little outfits and act like its their little baby, it doesn't fucking affect you or anyone.


Every time you point the finger saying someone else shouldn't do something that doesn't really effect society as a hole it raises the chance of a finger getting pointed at you, and thus you no longer are free to be free. I don't care if someone aborts their kid, burns a flag, a man marries a man, or enjoys a rodeo or fights dogs and chickens. I do care that there are countless people in the prison system that don't really need to be removed from society.




^That's real talk right there.



LOL at a bunch of criminals pointing their fingers on some "lock him up and throw away the key" shit.

I'm sure there's plenty of douchebags out there who would say the same thing about graffiti writers.

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Bieng a shit head isnt part of anyones culture. Dont even listen to that "oh its southern culture, i didnt know" shit.


Abusing animals inst culture.




im on the fence with that one...




cock fights


bull fights



but moreover animal abuse is not acceptable anywhere in the continental US

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Guest shai_hulud
im on the fence with that one...




cock fights


bull fights



but moreover animal abuse is not acceptable anywhere in the continental US


Except rodeos.


And factory farming.


And fur farming.


Sorry, it's institutionalized. I don't see a huge difference there.


Before people start calling me names, think REALLY HARD about where your steak and shoes came from. Think about the conditions the animals that provided those commodities were raised in.


I don't judge others based on their choices, but they really ought to be informed decisions.


If you don't want to think about it, then don't. I will. And I won't tell you you're wrong, as long as you respect my convictions.

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Guest shai_hulud
weak !!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck that maybe give him a month or two fuck all this shit there just dogs ....................


So if I kill your pet, does that apply across the board? I can just say, "Oh, it's okay, it's just a _____. He doesn't mind, give me a month or two....or, better yet, give me probation and that works for me even better. It was just a ____."


It's like they say. It starts being a big deal when it starts being you.

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Seems like they're going extra hard on celebs these days.

Instead of getting off like they used to they're getting slammed even harder than if they were just some random person.


yeah i been noticing that. like they gave paris hilton a couple weeks for what most would only get 2 days max for.


i think they've been mad ever since oj got off


oh yeah, and watch out oj. you're next.

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i'm sickened by how some of you dumbshits think animal abuse is no big deal.


you make me fucking sick. that's all I've got to say; everything else has been said in here.



I don't think anybody's saying it's no big deal.

I think people are just pointing out that it's not a big enough deal to ruin somebody's life over.

And pointing out the hypocricy of shit like Rodeos and Bullfighting and our meat industry being legit, but dogfighting gets you sent to prison.

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