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I absolutely hate this fucking cunt!




check out these two videos

and you cannot disagree.........




^ one of two




^second of two



.................................................................................and this bitch is front runner?

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I am for Kucinich on principle, Obama is my top leading candidate, but I'd vote for her. She was ahead of the game with nationalized health care, though I disagree with some of her other stances. She centrist so I feel like a lot of people just hate her for irrational reasons. Maybe most people dislike her because she reminds them of a teacher they used to have an dislike.

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Anyone but Clinton...Romney..Giuliani...uh...who else is in the race?...Richardson....


I like Obama...but really we need better representation for OTHER political parties besides the democrats or republicans...

If people knew about green or socialist candidates, I'd vote for them..at least we'd have a chance...Politics is all about the cream..and nothing but

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taken from a friends blog, I agree with what he says 100%


Hillary Clinton. Now this is pure slander no citations or links on this one. I have always wanted to see a woman president elected, but Hillary? I'm not familiar with her voting record as senator and I don't care. My beef with her is not political; it stems from the fact that she comes off as the quintessential strong American woman yet she was repeatedly cheated on by William Jefferson Clinton and didn't do shit about it. She got embarrassed in the public eye for years and did nothing, just to keep her foot in the door for future political clout. That's a great example for all of the females out there that are mistreated. Just ride it out and you will benefit in the end. A woman of integrity would have cut his rod off the first time and bailed.




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I am for Kucinich on principle, Obama is my top leading candidate, but I'd vote for her. She was ahead of the game with nationalized health care, though I disagree with some of her other stances. She centrist so I feel like a lot of people just hate her for irrational reasons.



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well, that's you.

personally, i think that the federal government should be responsible for the health care of it's citizens, especially for that of the indigent. people fail to realize that there is a reason we have a federal government, and some things cannot be handled by individual states, let alone individual citizens. i dont mind paying taxes in the slightest when it goes towards social programs that can help uplift our fellow americans to the point where we are all healthy, educated, and productive.

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well, that's you.

personally, i think that the federal government should be responsible for the health care of it's citizens, especially for that of the indigent. people fail to realize that there is a reason we have a federal government, and some things cannot be handled by individual states, let alone individual citizens. i dont mind paying taxes in the slightest when it goes towards social programs that can help uplift our fellow americans to the point where we are all healthy, educated, and productive.


do you honestly want someone telling you that you ahve to take a poison vaccination for something?

know what thymerosol is? mercury. mercury hurts us. it's in all the childhood vaccinations,

it's in flu shots, etc.

if we ever stop policing the world, and get rid of the federal income tax (which isn't supposed to apply to citizens, only corps making a profit), states and citizens will have extra money to pay for healthcare for themselves. they will be able to choose the doctor they want, not a federally chosen one...which could be a quack and put you on a ton of shit you don't need.


with hillary in the highest office, we will continue to fight an unjust war, continue to dump depleted uranium on the middle east, and continue in the bush and co. idealism that a police state is the only state.


/2 cents

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do you honestly want someone telling you that you ahve to take a poison vaccination for something?

know what thymerosol is? mercury. mercury hurts us. it's in all the childhood vaccinations,

it's in flu shots, etc.

if we ever stop policing the world, and get rid of the federal income tax (which isn't supposed to apply to citizens, only corps making a profit), states and citizens will have extra money to pay for healthcare for themselves. they will be able to choose the doctor they want, not a federally chosen one...which could be a quack and put you on a ton of shit you don't need.


with hillary in the highest office, we will continue to fight an unjust war, continue to dump depleted uranium on the middle east, and continue in the bush and co. idealism that a police state is the only state.


/2 cents


no. what i do want is for poor people to get the health care they are entitled to as american citizens when they get sick.

i'm not going to buy into your insinuation that a candidate who is for national health care is also trying to poison it's people. that's just silly.


seeing that it seems you don't want the federal government to be involved in anything, i'd like to hear your answer to this hypothetical:


suppose our country was hit with some sort of natural disaster several times the magnitude of say, hurricane catrina. suppose hundreds of thousands of american citizens became injured, or ill from it. would you not want the federal government to step in and help ameliorate the situation, or would you feel that should be left up to the individual state and/or the individual citizen?

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theme from the bottom: no. i wouldn't. did you see what they did to katrina victims?

did you not know about all the corps and private businesses donating things and the feds turning it away? did you see all of those trailers that the fed bought and didn't use?

do you really want them stepping in to anything again? fuck that. it was only so FEMA could increase their money, not for the citizens. pocket lining. bullshit.





we can take care of our own.




p.s.: about the thymerosol, you might want to read into that. a few years ago, they said they were going to decrease the levels. what did they do? increased them. so, yeah, i think they are trying to poison us. if you know any "elites" ask them if the vaccinate their children. most will say "no".

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theme from the bottom: no. i wouldn't. did you see what they did to katrina victims?

did you not know about all the corps and private businesses donating things and the feds turning it away? did you see all of those trailers that the fed bought and didn't use?

do you really want them stepping in to anything again? fuck that. it was only so FEMA could increase their money, not for the citizens. pocket lining. bullshit.





we can take care of our own.




p.s.: about the thymerosol, you might want to read into that. a few years ago, they said they were going to decrease the levels. what did they do? increased them. so, yeah, i think they are trying to poison us. if you know any "elites" ask them if the vaccinate their children. most will say "no".


yes i am aware of these things that happened during catrina. i am also aware that it is the direct result of our current corrupt republican administration.


you say "we can take care of our own." i can not agree with that, and i will reiterate "people fail to realize that there is a reason we have a federal government, and some things cannot be handled by individual states, let alone individual citizens."


i'm not going to try and negate what you are saying about this mercury situation, because i don't know enough about it to make a call. i will say that i think you are wrong in saying that the federal government is essentially trying to kill off it's own people. i'm far too skeptical to fall into any sort of conspiracy theorist category.

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yes i am aware of these things that happened during catrina. i am also aware that it is the direct result of our current corrupt republican administration.


you say "we can take care of our own." i can not agree with that, and i will reiterate "people fail to realize that there is a reason we have a federal government, and some things cannot be handled by individual states, let alone individual citizens."


i'm not going to try and negate what you are saying about this mercury situation, because i don't know enough about it to make a call. i will say that i think you are wrong in saying that the federal government is essentially trying to kill off it's own people. i'm far too skeptical to fall into any sort of conspiracy theorist category.




The federal government of the United States is the United States governmental body that carries out the roles assigned to the federation of individual states established by the Constitution. The federal government has three branches: the executive, legislative, and judicial. Through a system of separation of powers or "checks and balances," each of these branches has some authority to act on its own, some authority to regulate the other two branches, and has some of its own authority, in turn, regulated by the other branches. In addition, the powers of the federal government as a whole are limited by the Constitution, which leaves a great deal of authority to the individual states.





as for thymerosol, it's no theory. they know it's bad, and yet they still put it in our vaccines. what does that say to you?

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i am plenty aware of what the federal government is. i also stand behind my statements and i'm not going to sit here and argue in circles with you.


as i'd said, i'll have to look more in to this mercury thing, but again, i do not think the government is trying to kill off it's own people. if that is your reason behind being opposed to national health care, well, that's on you, but i think it's foolish.


gtg...school aka my free education beckons.

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something else i noticed: you are interested in healthcare for our people? you want the govt to take care of its people...and yet you would vote for hillary while she supports a war in the middle east, would keep our troops there....all the while, they are being exposed to the same depleted uranium that we are using in our bullets, shell,s etc....now, these folks are going to come home with cancers, etc....


i don't know you, so i'm not sure if you are old enough to have watched the first gulf war...all those men and women coming home with "gulf war syndrome" and the govt. didn't take care of that. they denied it alltogether. conspiracy theorists is what they called our men and women who were sick....who came home to their husbands, wives, and children, who then got sick from being on contact....


and then there's agent orange in vietnam...how long did it take for the govt to realize they were wrong? my uncle fought with them up until the 90's when they finally did give him the care he needed. and it's still not enough.


now, let me ask you again, do you really want to support this woman?

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i am plenty aware of what the federal government is. i also stand behind my statements and i'm not going to sit here and argue in circles with you.


as i'd said, i'll have to look more in to this mercury thing, but again, i do not think the government is trying to kill off it's own people. if that is your reason behind being opposed to national health care, well, that's on you, but i think it's foolish.


gtg...school aka my free education beckons.


that's fine. we don't have to argue in circles. we're each entitled to our opinion.

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casek do you think the federal government should even exist? at all? if so, for what purposes? if not, why?



absolutely, i think they should exist. i think our founding fathers did well in all of their studies of other systems of govt around the world and in history. i think their melding together of the ideas that worked are brilliant. too bad it's been corrupted.


federal govt is here for national defense. to keep us sovereign. not to milk us of our moneys for personal gain, etc.


federal govt is not here to become part of our schools, churches, daily lives, etc. not what it's meant to function as.


what about you?

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absolutely, i think they should exist. i think our founding fathers did well in all of their studies of other systems of govt around the world and in history. i think their melding together of the ideas that worked are brilliant. too bad it's been corrupted.


federal govt is here for national defense. to keep us sovereign. not to milk us of our moneys for personal gain, etc.


federal govt is not here to become part of our schools, churches, daily lives, etc. not what it's meant to function as.


what about you?


i agree with that completly


all the other stuff is like get rich programs for people from the taxpayers

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"OMG taxes are so illegal and I hate them"

"The Democratic elites are trying to kill our babies through health care"

"I know nothing of her views or her reasons, but she didn't leave Bill and for that I hate her"


The issues you are touching on are real, but your arguments make you sound like children - I have read about thimerosal and it's links to autism and I wonder who profits from it's continued use? Wait, talk about her voting record, rip her apart on that. I want to hear real ideas because while I don't want to deny the possibility of conspiracies, it seems like you guys have a conspiracy theory about everything...except about Ron Paul (aka Republican Jesus).


The voting record (and other info):



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For example?


illegal immigrants, the war, healthcare, taxation, govt in schools, govt in churches, gun control, etc.


take george bush jr's policies and copy them. you got hillary.

one thing that should convince you is the owner of fox corp., rupert murdoch,

backs hillary 110%. no joke. major news coverage on that.




+"rupert murdoch" +"hillary clinton" +lunch


+lunch is for fun, but those are the search terms.

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