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Cyclists in the city.

Manute Bol

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yea so like today, in my car, i swerved onto the sidewalk and almost hit this dude on his bike. he yelled at me to watch where i was going so i pulled over and proceeded to crush his skull in with this emtpy handle of Gentlemen's Jack.


then, i took his bike, chopped it up, and bought some gas with the money i got from his bike.

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having a lock on your bike makes you a hipster?

this makes no sense, the further this thread gets... the more retarded folk prove themselves to be. have you ever hit someone w/ a paint can or a skateboard? yep, you're a faggot too.,..


i have NY chain lock. after losing 2 bikes and various parts i don't fuck around w/ small locks anymore. my old roommate dubbed it the "nigger be good chain"

he called it so in front of my mother once, that was great.

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Guest shai_hulud
I just wanna say something to anyone that has ever threatened anyone with their "U Lock".













Bwahahaha. You fucking hipster faggot.


I find their car door works just fine, thank you.


I'd never hit someone with a lock. That would be assault with a deadly weapon.


But, if I just box the driver, it's my word against his. Most cops aren't going to believe that I physically dragged someone out of a car and started the fight, so I can claim self-defense because he got out of the car in a threatening manner. It's like Colt .45...it works EVERY time.


And, ahhh...the word "Faggot". The last refuge of the sexually insecure.


Do you need a hug, or something? Because I'm not afraid to hug a man. Are YOU afraid to hug a man?

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Can you read?


Threatening someone with a lock does not equal owning one.


Sorry if that was somehow confusing.


I did all I could.


Even wrote it in "English".


This still doesn't make sense.


Do you rent locks to threaten people?


I never heard of renting a lock to lock up your bike either.


This is confusing.

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having a lock on your bike makes you a hipster?

this makes no sense, the further this thread gets... the more retarded folk prove themselves to be. have you ever hit someone w/ a paint can or a skateboard? yep, you're a faggot too.,..


I wasn't saying owning one makes you a faggot, im saying threatening someone with one makes you a pussy.




And no I've never hit anyone with a skateboard or a can of spraypaint. :lol:

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Guest shai_hulud

I've been pimping out my friend's site all day here, so how about another shameless plug?




Or another?




I've got more...










Those are all friends of mine that were killed by cars.


Please, keep talking shit. I can keep this up all night.

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I've been pimping out my friend's site all day here, so how about another shameless plug?




Or another?




I've got more...










Those are all friends of mine that were killed by cars.


Please, keep talking shit. I can keep this up all night.


RIP, but this is useless in this thread


If they were on the sidewalk it wouldn't of happened


Don't get all jerked off either, just sayin

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Guest shai_hulud

AyeBee- Overall I think you're okay, but I gotta tell you that you are way off base here.


And, what about the ones who were on motorcycles? On the freeway? There's no sidewalks on the freeway. And, if you live in a city, you'll know that sidewalks are usually as congested as streets. No joy there, either.


Let's make a deal. Try being a bike messenger for a week. Do it all on the sidewalk. Then get back to me.

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If I remember correctly you're from San Franciso or something close? If that's the case then I can see how we differ on this


I'm from Providence...not only do we have little to no bike messengers of any sort, but our sidewalks are NEVER more packed than the street, save for a few areas downtown


There's absolutely no need for these faggots to be riding dead center of the lane, slowin me the fuck down, crusiin along without a care in the world


And by the way, I agree you're generally an OK dude

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and im sorry they are too poor and gay to drive an suv. oh wait, no im not. get off the fucking road when there is a fucking bike path 12 feet to the side of you in plain view! and you guys make yourselves look like fags with all your spandex and shit. chasing and beating one of those homos running away in their gay little pedal-locking shoes would truly be a treat


hey dumbfuck i happen to drive a car too, and it gets under 20mpg.


and WHAT fucking bike paths? where the fuck do you live? in the city theres no bike paths, and riding on the sidewalk is dangerous because you can hit civilians.



i love driving, i will almost always rather drive than bike. but when im biking in the street and some asshole yells at you from the cozy comfort of his car, i want to kill someone.

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Can you read?


Threatening someone with a lock does not equal owning one.


Sorry if that was somehow confusing.


I did all I could.


Even wrote it in "English".


yes, i can read, quite well actually.


your comment implies a couple things: the person doing the threatening 1. owns a bike 2. owns a bike lock 3. is using said bike lock as a means of self protection and/or assault.


your comment then puts forth the idea that taking advantage of the tools available to you as a weapon makes you gay.


skateboards, paint cans, rocks, your book bag, keys, roll of quarters, boards, whatever...


its not that your comment was confusing in the slightest, rather it seems that you don't even know what you're saying...

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Guest shai_hulud

And how are links to sites where you can see these folks useless?


And, if you want an even better explanation as to why this is a touchy subject for me check out something that happened in 2000.


Here's another friend of mine who died-




He didn't die on the road, he got murdered in a home invasion. I was supposed to go his memorial ride (all messengers get one in SF, I probably will too) to this place in SF called Mission Rock. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about going, so I went home.


I lived with a bunch of messengers at the time in Oakland. I got home, and my roommate Shark was crying, saying that our friend Chris Robertson had been run over by an 18-wheeler on the ride, and that it was really bad. As in, he was in a coma and probably not going to make it bad. I was pretty shook up, because my gut feeling was right, and my friend was hurt real bad. I promised Shark we'd go to the hospital the next day.


The next morning, I started getting calls and pages from people nonstop, because Chris had died. However, everyone thought that it was ME that died, since my name is Chris, I'm blond, and I wear glasses.


You want to talk about a really weird mix of emotions, well...I still get butterflies in my stomach every time I think about that weekend. Imagine having about half your friends calling you to see if YOU'RE still alive. I got pretty shook up by the whole thing.


So, yeah. I know I could be a lot meaner and brutal about this. But, I just figure it's easier to explain where I'm coming from.


I'm not even going to bring up all the messengers I knew who died from heroin OD's and suicide. If you think riding your bike all day for a living is easy, it's not. It takes a pretty serious toll on you, physically, mentally and emotionally.


I don't like hipsters who get a track bike and go out there and make a bad name for people who actually have a clue. They made my job a lot rougher the last three years I was on the road.


But, talking about running people on bikes over is 100% real bitch shit. That's how my friend Chris got killed. Straight up road rage. Against an semi. He never had a chance. If the guy had gotten out and fought him, he might have gotten a black eye and a fat lip.


So, I can get excited about this, i figure. i earned the right. And you guys really don't know what the fuck you're saying, or who you're saying it to.


Well, now you do.

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yes, i can read, quite well actually.


your comment implies a couple things: the person doing the threatening 1. owns a bike 2. owns a bike lock 3. is using said bike lock as a means of self protection and/or assault.


your comment then puts forth the idea that taking advantage of the tools available to you as a weapon makes you gay.


skateboards, paint cans, rocks, your book bag, keys, roll of quarters, boards, whatever...


its not that your comment was confusing in the slightest, rather it seems that you don't even know what you're saying...






It was in response to fists post where immediately after I posted "If you threaten with a lock you are a faggot" he posted "Owning a lock makes you a faggot?"


Then I said "Threatening someone with a lock does not equal owning one" attempting to point out that I said "threaten" not "own".


Are you really this daft?


*Edit and yes, if you use a weapon you are a pussy.

Come at me with a U Lock and I'll smash your face with my fucking fists.

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yea that seems to happen a lot on here.


you'll post something that isnt even threatening, or offending and some idiot always has to misinterpret it and make a big fuckin deal out of it.


and its even funnier when it gets carried out, and the idiot who fucked up in the first place tries to cover his tracks by inserting a bunch of shit thats irrevelvant to what he was arguing about in the first place.


man i love 12oz

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