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well I never pissed myself...

but one time me n some people were

at my homies crib drinkin Olde English

and a couple bottles of bacardi..

and my one homie was talkin before like

"mn i can out drink all of ya'll"

and around the end of the night he passed out

sitting up in a stool drooling on himself...

then he fell on the floor..

one of my homegirls thought it was funny and drew dicks

all over his face...

then she put a bunch of ice down his pants..

the next mourning we find a big puddle around him

but it reaked like piss..

so in the end dude pissed himself,

and was still drunk in the mourning...

lol good times, good times...

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i never pee'd myself but

me and a few buddies went to visit my friends at another school

might of had a few beers

the night ends with us pass chugging a bottle of Orloff Vodka (the shitty stuff)

we get back to the house and i pass out on the futon

i wake up with my best friend pissing on my back

worst part was after i ninja rolled out the way

i asked him "what the fuck did you just piss on me?"

he replied "haha yea" with a drunken smirk on his face

apperently it wasnt the first time he R-Kelly'd one of his friends

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non drinking pee story:


when i was 7, i got up in the middle of the night and took a piss...

...into my sister's gerbil cage.


non peeing drunk story (compiled by fragments of memory, evidence, and testimonials):


About a year ago, I went to see RJD2 at some college.

The college had a dry campus, so I got drunk before hand, and I figured I'd get a little drunker than normal, so I stayed drunk there.


Well, I ended up drinking a bottle of rum by myself in about 1-2 hours. and I ended up wandering around the campus looking for someplace to piss.


Eventually, I found myself in the back area of an auditorium where all the props and shit are. I pissed on some fake boat or something and found a can of black rusto. I tagged the shit out of everything around me...wack tags too.. like going too big, so i couldn't fit in the last letter.


I found my way back to the show. I ended up sneaking in, or somebody bought me a ticket, I can't remember (I was there alone), but I had the same amount of money in my pocket the next day.


I don't exactly remember any of the show, but apparently I met some freshman there that was hollering hardcore; I think she was japanese. She must have been small, because I found her sweater in my car the next day.


Anywho, we were heading back to her dorm room to party w/ her friends. I think I told them that we weren't going to fuck, and her friends were making fun of me for passing up a sure thing. I must have randomly grabbed some sweatshirt at the concert, because I had some sweatshirt on the next day that wasn't mine, and was kind of small.


Somewhere on the way back to the dorm, I split up w/ the folks. Or maybe they ditched me, who knows.


I go to take a piss in the cut. Next thing I know, I'm freezing my ass off, and some cop is shining a flashlight in my eyes and TALKING REALLY LOUD AND SLOW. Apparently, while taking my piss, I passed out on the sidewalk or something. There was some sort of metal thing next to me that they thought i was using to smoke something, but I honestly have no idea what it was or where it came from.


I also had put the can of rusto in my waistband, that i forgot about, so they thought I was huffing as well. Needless to say, they cuffed me and took me to the campus security office.


While there, I was straight HOLLERING at some chick officer. I was 'interrogated,' i forget what story i gave them about the paint, but it worked. All I remember is some guy saying "If you don't give us a number of somebody to come pick you up, you're going to jail." All I could remember is my parent's number, so they called up my mom at 11 at night.


My sister showed up to pick me up. They let me go. However, I refused to leave until the hot chick kissed me, haha... I ended up settling for a hug and we left.


As soon as we turned the corner, there was a group of girls. I nudged my sis and said, "yo sis, follow my lead," and yelled out to the girlsm "HEY, WE NEED A RIDE. WE'RE WASTED AND IF YOU DON'T GIVE US A RIDE, WE'RE GOING TO DRIVE AND DIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!!!"


They didn't give us a ride and I went to my parent's place and passed out on the floor. I woke up at noon the next day w/ 14 messages from my work asking where the fuck I am.

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once i was in trieste italy with some buddies to see this free mtv concert with snoop and the chemical bros, i remember seeing snoop but after that i only know what happend from witness account. i had downed a 5th of some cheap scotch and i pulled my cock out and pissed facing a large crowd, almost fell in the sea, started banging on a truck full of albanians (who arent so pleasant when angered), and then i got in some random car with two broads i never met and they were like "get the fuck out!" while i said "fuck off fuck off fuck off" and laughed in their faces. so my homies finally get me home and they had to drag me into the building i lived in and left me on the marble entry way, i woke up a couple hours later not knowing what the fuck was going on.

thats just one of a massive archive of drunk retardation stories

also ive pissed in so many places, bedroom floors, the side of refridgerators, closets, myself etc...

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my roomate pissed on my black leather couches some months ago.



alot of the shit i hear on here reminds me of him. he woke up once in SF general hospital once because an ambulance found him sleeping in the middle of market street. he always blacks out and pisses in peoples closets and shit.



i never get close to being that blackout drunk. the last time i blacked out was in santa barbara a couple weeks ago, but that was the first time i blacked out since i was like 19 or something.

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